Making Corrections
Our primary objective is to ensure the accuracy of information at all times while also maintaining transparency in our corrections. In the event of an error in a post (such as including the wrong producer or voice actor in a game’s cast list, or providing an incorrect date), we make sure to add a clearly marked correction line in the article. This not only demonstrates our commitment to being responsible for our content, but also aligns with the trusted standards of journalism. We firmly believe that along with great power comes great responsibility, and aspire to be accountable, accurate, and respected as an authority in our field.
Updating Posts
In addition to making corrections, we place emphasis on updating our content whenever possible, both in relation to current events and evergreen topics, as new information becomes available. Whenever we publish news or a feature, we take care to update all previous stories and features on the same subject, ensuring that readers are provided with a comprehensive understanding regardless of which article they encounter. By linking the new post to the existing content, we enable our readers to navigate seamlessly through our articles and access the complete picture on the subject matter.
For correction requests, don’t hesitate to contact us.