The Top 10 Best Revolvers in Red Dead Redemption 2
There are so many options in Red Dead Redemption 2. And while it’s great to have a specific tool for each task in your toolkit, it’s nice to have some basic options that are useful most of the time. The revolver certainly meets those qualifications. Keep in mind these handguns are different than pistols, which we rank here. It might not do face-melting damage up close like a shotgun or snipe from a distance like a rifle. But the revolvers in Red Dead Redemption 2 are competent up close up to medium range. All in all, you’ll want a couple of revolvers ready at all times. There are tons of rare revolvers to discover too! Spoiler Alert: this post covers weapons that you will get as rewards after certain quests, so spoilers are incoming. Keep reading here at Nerds and Scoundrels to discover our Top 10 Best Red Dead Redemption 2 Revolvers.

See Also:
The Red Dead Redemption Best Pistols Ranked
The Red Dead Redemption 2 Best Shotguns Ranked
The Top 10 Best Melee Weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2
The Red Dead Redemption 2 Best Rifles Ranked
Red Dead Redemption 2 Best Revolver List
The interesting thing about Red Dead Redemption 2 rare revolvers is that they aren’t really any better than the three baseline guns they’re modeled after: the Double-Action Revolver, the Cattleman Revolver, and the Schofield Revolver. In fact, each rare gun is just a variation on one of the three basic guns with identical stats. Because of this, here are the criteria we grade our top ten on:
Performance: We consider accuracy, damage, firing rate, reload, and range. As we discussed, however, most guns share the same stats as others.
Ability to Modify: One issue for most rare guns is that they can’t be upgraded.
Ease to Acquire: What use is a gun you can’t get until you’ve almost completed the game?
10. High Roller Double-Action Revolver
Squeaking into our #10 of our Red Dead Redemption 2 Best Revolver list is the High Roller double-Action Revolver. Like all Double-Action Revolvers, this gun has a high rate of fire, quick reload, and low damage. It’s decent up close and gets worse down range. What makes this gun unique is the way you acquire it. Like most rare guns, it can’t be modified. This is the toughest gun to acquire, given you have to buy a different game to get it.
How to Acquire: Find the gun in Grand Theft Auto Online; it will become available to you after the Chapter 1 mission “Eastward Bound.”
Micah’s Revolver
A variant of the Double-Action Revolver, Micah’s Revolver has identical stats to the High Roller Double-Action Revolver. It is also similar in that it cannot be modified. The gun has the same limitations as all double-action revolver variants, but it can useful in certain situations. It is easier to come by than the High Roller version, which lands Micah’s Revolver in the ninth spot on our list.
How to Acquire: After you complete the quest American Venom, return to the location of the final shootout on top of Mt. Hagen. Find the frozen corpse and pick up the gun.
Algernon’s Revolver
Noticing a pattern here? Algernon’s Revolver is another rare double-action revolver variant, and it is also rated lower than the basic model. The gun has its uses but is inherently weaker than most other options. It slides in at #8 of our Red Dead Redemption 2 Best Revolver list since it is slightly easier to acquire than Micah’s Revolver.
How to Acquire: Complete the stranger quest Dutchesses and Other Animals. At the completion of the quest, you will be rewarded with Algernon’s Revolver.
Double-Action Revolver
The top double-action revolver on our list is, surprisingly, the Double-Action Revolver. It has the same benefits and drawbacks of other variants but has the added bonuses of being modifiable and easy to acquire. Modifications are more than just visually pleasing; you can make changes that increase accuracy, range, and more.
How to Acquire: You can buy it from any gunsmith for $65 after you complete the Chapter 2 mission “A Strange Kindness.”
Granger’s Revolver
The first variation of a Cattleman Revolver on our list, Granger’s Revolver is also the first rare gun listed that you will acquire in a duel. It has a high rate of fire and good reload speed, but low damage.
How to Acquire: Pick up the gun from the body of Emmett Granger after you defeat him in a duel in the Gunslinger Mission.
Flaco’s Revolver
Another variation of the Cattleman’s Revolver; Flacco’s Revolver has some sharp looking engraving that makes it stand out. Other than the nice look it is functionally the same as a Cattleman’s Revolver.
How to Acquire: Pick up the gun from the body of Flacco after you defeat him in a duel during the Gunslinger Mission. Be sure to get it right away; if you leave you won’t be able to come back for the gun.
Cattleman Revolver
Much like with previous entries, the Cattleman Revolver in its basic form is a better revolver than any of the special varieties. The only thing that it lacks compared to weapons like Flacco’s Revolver is aesthetics. Other than that, it has the same high rate of fire and reload time that make it one of the better handguns available. It can use all forms of revolver ammo and is great at medium range.
How to Acquire: You begin the game with this weapon and buy additional guns at any gunsmith.
Calloway’s Revolver
The firearm of the late gunslinger Jim Calloway, this is the first entry into our list that is a Schofield Revolver variant. It is silver plated with the inscription “Canis Canem Edit,” which is a nod to the game Bully.
How to Acquire: Complete The Noblest of Men, and a Woman. After your final duel, you can pick up this gun from the body. Be sure to grab it as it’s gone forever if you don’t get it right after the duel.
Otis Miller’s Revolver
Otis Miller’s Revolver is the only rare Schoefield Revolver that doesn’t require you to win a duel first. It has the same benefits of Calloway’s Revolver but has a unique golden engraved exterior.
How to Acquire: You can find Otis Miller’s Revolver hidden in a chest in the Northern part of Cholla Springs.
1. Schofield Revolver
At the top of our list is the classic Schofield Revolver. This gun has a slow firing rate and reload speed, but everything else is good news. The high damage and accuracy it offers makes it the best revolver available, and that’s before any modifications. What’s more, it can use any type of revolver ammo. The good performance and ease to acquire put the Schofield Revolver at the top of our list.
How to Acquire: Available at any gunsmith after Chapter 2 mission Blessed are the Meek.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And those are our picks for the Top 10 Red Dead Redemption 2 best revolver. Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments either way. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Red Dead Redemption 2 content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.