High On Life Mods Please Ban Achievement | How to Get It
In High on Life, there are countless achievements to pick up. You can earn the aptly-named “Mods Please Ban” achievement by unlocking every Bounty Hunter forum post. The achievement references popular and meme culture, with some references being more recognizable than others. This achievement is worth 60 Gamerscore and may require a significant amount of time and effort to complete. To earn this achievement, players will need to be prepared and ready to put in the work as a bounty hunter.

How to Get the Mods Please Ban Achievement

To earn this achievement in High on Life, you must complete all of the Bounty Hunter posts in the forums. These challenges involve battling enemies and completing bounties, and progress is tracked through various statistics. To complete the achievement, players must work through the forums by copleting each of the Bounty Hunter posts. It may take some time and effort to complete all of these challenges, but perseverance will ultimately lead to obtaining the achievement.
The forums in the game function as message boards where players can have conversations with other aliens as they progress through the game. These forums often present challenges for players to complete, such as accumulating a certain number of enemy kills. You can use your Gatlians to complete these challenges as you visit different forums. Keep in mind that some forums may not be accessible until you have progressed further in the game.
To see the challenges available to you, go to the Forums menu. There, you will find four sections with different tasks, such as defeating enemies and collecting items. The comments in the forums are there to add to the conversation, but you can see which tasks you need to complete by looking next to them.
As you play, you will receive notifications when you complete a challenge, along with some in-game currency as a reward. Some challenges may be completed simply by playing the game and engaging with the alien activities. Keep an eye out for opportunities to complete these challenges as you play.
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