Greedfall Face to Face with the Demon Quest | Greedfall Drums Puzzle
The new 17th century adventure game published by Focus Home Interactive is full of exciting main and side quests. When you’re not chasing down alchemists with a cure for anything you might find yourself searching for a demon in a dangerous swamp. If you find yourself stumped by this demon hunting adventure, then let’s take a look at how to beat the Face to Face With The Demon quest in GreedFall.

Greedfall Drums Puzzle Guide
After arriving at the swamp, you will meet a hermit that tells you about another group of people that tried to go through the area. Once you talk to the hermit you can head into the swamp toward the mission marker and explore the highlighted areas. Make sure you look around thoroughly so you can find two items in chests at one of the highlighted areas. The items should be a journal entry piece and a demonic potion which are necessary for finishing the quest. Once you’ve found the items head back to the old man who can answer a few questions and tell you to play the drums nearby.
The drums can be found in the center area and each drum can only be played once. If you play them more than once the sequence breaks and you’ll be forced into some fights. The order for the drums is: Yellow Insect, Frog, Red Snake. After completing this puzzle you’ll be taken through the rest of the very interesting quest.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our guide on the Greedfall drums puzzle. If you’re looking for help with more puzzle from GreedFall or other games, check out the rest of the website!