Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Complete List Items and Equipment
Enjoying Epic Battle Fantasy 5? Here at Nerds and Scoundrels we’re big fans! But it’s a big game, and not always obvious where to get the best items and equipment. That’s where this guide comes in? Keep reading the Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Complete List of Items and Equipment to find all the goodies!

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Complete List Items and Equipment
Key Items (Part #1)
Copper Key:
- Farmer’s market, chest hidden behind food stall
- Iron Fortress, room north of spooky side room, toilet in right cell.
- Wild Tropics, block puzzle in explorer’s hole
- Lost Ruins, behind the temple
Gold Key:
- Hope Harbor, Native Family, behind open tippi
- Mystic Woods, Monolith Room, chest guarded by Big Mud Slime
- Greenwood Village, Ruby of Death basement, chest on upper bridge segment
- Leftmost Poseidon Skull resting area, Hidden path between east trees
- Rapture, Hidden Switch in room east of fourth dungeon entrance
- Glitched area in Frozen Valley (west of Poseidon Boss room), northmost (unguarded, partially hidden) chest
Diamond Key:
- Iron Fortress, spooky side room, framed treasure chest
- Anna’s balcony (rightmost balcony area), in some foliage in the bottom left corner
- Lost Ruins, flower code 1-4-5-7-8-9 (as if it were a dialpad)
- Rainbow treasure from Poseidon skull in blue teleporter area
Topaz Key:
- Iron Fortress, first booster puzzle, storage area
- Redpine Graveyard, hidden grave switch
- Rapture, behind Fire Orb (accessible via torch/The Candle area)
- Rapture, Zombie Hydra chamber, chest from lighting torch for second time (after beating the boss)
Coral Key:
- Second Floor of Hope Harbor food shop (not farmer’s market), just south of middle bed.
- Secret nook (in the right) in Greenwood Armory
- Glitchy room (from area south of Grand Gallery Entrance), chest guarded by coral boulder
- Chest found after north exit of 3-stone-block ice puzzle room in Frozen Valley
- Treasure horde just after Poseidon
- Rapture, cloud path chest (not guarded by toxic squid) in room east of fourth dungeon entrance.
Wooden Key:
- Greenwood barn (Must complete Pablo’s quest)
- Mystic woods, secret area in leftmost balcony area (enter the right tree from behind)
- Sapphire of Dreams basement, chest guarded by Haunted Mirror
- Chest behind Redpine Barn
- Chest accessible via blue teleporters (accessible from Rapture)
- Matt’s House
- Greenwood Village, Grumpy guy’s house, secret in toilet
Left Sock:
- Matt’s House, secret in leftmost cabinet drawer
- Greenwood Village, food/material shop, next to Ronja (right vendor)
- Given to you by Mungus in Rapture (must have completed his quest beforehand)
Right Sock:
- Matt’s House, secret in cabinet drawer next to NES
- Greenwood Village, Grumpy Guy’s house, chest next to bed
- Given to you by Mungus in Rapture (must have completed his quest beforehand)
- Outside old Jerry’s house (left of Matt’s house)
- Right next to boulder encounter in room left of Hope Harbor food shop
- In center of room left of Hope Harbor Monolith
- Next to Hope Harbor Kitchen entrance
- Left of Hope Harbor Equip shop, by cactus patch
- Hope Harbor material shop, behind the counter
- Hope Harbor Kitchen (left of equip shop), behind barrels
- Jerry’s house, secret in drawer below, then to the right of TV
- Greenwood Village, Grumpy Guy’s house, secret in drawer
- Given by Molly in Rapture (must have completed her quest beforehand)
Cool Headband:
- Hope Harbor food shop, first floor, bottom left corner behind some boxes
- Hope Harbor Equip shop, behind counter (can be accessed from another entrance in back)
- Greenwood Village equip shop, secret in Drawer
- Redpine Town Equip Shop, behind right counter
- Given by Aniki in Rapture (must have completed his quest beforehand)
- Hope Harbor Kitchen (left of equip shop), secret in fridge
- Greenwood Village, Grumpy guy’s house, secret in fridge
- Greenwood Village, Randy’s house, secret in fridge (only after completing his quest)
- Greenwood Village, in the barn (must complete Pablo’s quest)
- Redpine Town barn, behind Topaz block
- Chest behind chunk of dirt at farmers market
- Given by Aniki in Rapture (must have completed his quest beforehand)
Star Balls:
- Woehiv’s quest (native family room)
- Maya’s quest (room south of pink slime bunny)
- Gina’s quest (west of westernmost Poseidon Skull resting area)
- Maka’s quest (room right of Zombie Slime Cat
- Canela’s quest (Zombie Slime Cat room, accessible after visiting Rapture)
- Sam’s Quest (Rapture, room right of Slime Cat)
- Wakizashi’s quest (first room of Rapture)
- Ice cave east side entrance, across small bridge
- Where Jorma’s quest is (bridge building NPC), near Jorma
- Room where Lance ambushes you, near red creep
- Left of fortress entrance, near protesters
- Where Aniki is, near Aniki
- Room below protesters, near Coral Boulder
Golden Ticket:
- No Man’s Land, Across Jorma’s bridge
- Chest in Jerry’s house
- Mystic Woods, Teleporting Door in protesters’ camp room, hidden under some foliage
- Iron Fortress, room north of spooky side room, chest reachable with stepladder
- Treasure Horde after Poseidon
- Forgotten Ruins, Flower code room, block puzzle (Cloud Boots required)
- Redpine town, Roku’s house/treasure pile, chest hidden by some trees in the lower right area
- The Rapture, room to south, then left of Slime Cat, chest accessible only with Cloud Boots
- The Rapture, reward for opening shortcut in room right of Slime Cat
- The Rapture, room above Slime Cat, behind Skull gate, guarded by Matt Doll
- Grand Gallery, right hedge maze exit, can be reached after defeating Idols (and Sprites)
- Rainbow River, rightmost Poseidon Skull resting area’s rainbow treasure (only accessible with Mega Hammer)
Music CD:
- Iron Fortress, North of creepy side room, right jail cell
- Iron Fortress, Spooky Side Room
- Iron Fortress, Monolith Room
- Greenwood Village, Grumpy guy’s house
- Greenwood Village, In Randy’s house (only after completing his quest)
- Greenwood Village, Library
- Iron Fortress, spooky side room, secret from cardboard box
- Mystic Woods, Bella’s shop, behind counter
- Rainbow River, Leftmost Poseidon Skull resting place, chest behind tree in upper left corner
- Frozen Valley, King’s tent
- Redpine Town Material Shop, behind counter
- Given by Shione in Rapture (must have completed her quest beforehand)
- Behind bar (food shop) counter in Redpine Town
- Rapture, where the Mega Hammer is, in chest guarded by Omega Dragon
- Jerry’s basement, bottom left corner
Fishing Rod:
- Jerry’s Basement, bottom right corner
Wooden Planks:
- Dropped by Green Bushes around Randy’s house (one of them’s hidden behind the cat statue)
Sapphire of Dreams:
- Hope Harbor Equip Shop, secret back entrance, push fridge aside to reveal secret entrance
- Greenwood Village, Randy’s house, secret in cabinet (only after completing his quest)
- Greenwood Village, equip shop, secret in drawer
- Greenwood Village, Anna’s house, secret in drawer
- Mystic Woods, Bella’s shop, secret in left bed
Holy Water:
- Greenwood Village, item/material shop, next to Ronja
- Forgotten Ruins, First Room, Guarded by Angel Mirror
- Hope Harbor, cavern with torches, reward for lighting torches (The Candle from Rapture required)
- Redpine Town, Mausoleum, chest in lower left corner (only accessible with The Candle, push back the eyes and find a secret passage in the sides)
- Greenwood Village, Anna’s house, second floor
Fairy Bottle:
- Mystic Woods, Room left of Greenwood guards
- Mystic Woods, Room left of Anna’s house
- Mystic Woods, by Chibi Knight encounter
- Mystic Woods, by Lily Boots
Bottled Darkness:
- Mystic Woods, room right of Monolith room
- Mystic Woods, Monolith Room
- Mystic Woods, room north of Monolith room
- Mystic Woods, beyond 5-switch puzzle
- Mystic Woods, leftmost balcony area
Leafy Boots:
- Mystic Woods, rightmost balcony area
- Mystic Woods, protesters’ camp, secret in tent
- Frozen Valley, King’s tent
- Mystic Woods, secret area in leftmost balcony area (enter the right tree from behind)
Empty Bottles:
- You get one for every bottled item you give for a quest (Fairy Bottle, Bottled Darkness, Milk, Holy Water)

Key Items (Part #2)
Ruby of Death:
- Grumpy Guy’s House in Greenwood, push aside the bookcase to reveal secret exit (stepladder required)
Big Batteries:
- Dropped by Metal Idols in room with pink slime bunny (after defeating Laurelin)
- Hippy Island, chest hidden behind tree closest to Monolith
Poseidon Skull:
- Room left of the Rainbow Gate
- Room right of the Rainbow Gate
- Room left of Hippie Island
- Room left of Blue Teleporter room
- Blue Teleporter room
- Room north of Temple of Trials entrance
- Found throughout the Frozen Valley. There are nine total, one per room (except for the Super Chibi Knight encounter, I think).
Spiked Boots:
- Frozen Valley, room left of Poseidon, guarded by Bubbler MX-01
Cloud Boots:
- Forgotten Ruins, Flower code 1-2-3-4-6-7-9 (found in Forgotten Ruins Temple)
Water Orb:
- Room right of Poseidon
Mega Hammer:
- First, upon reaching the Rapture Slime Cat, head south, then continue left until you encounter a boulder enemy blocking the way to a room to the north. Kill it, take the teleporter beyond it, and the chest with the hammer should be right there.
Wind Orb:
- Rapture, complex teleporter room (north, then right of Slime Cat room)
Magma Sample:
- Rapture, room right of Slime Cat, near bottom right corner
- Rapture, room right, then south of Slime Cat near bottom right corner
- Rapture, room in lower left corner of world, near the bottom left corner (only accessible with the Lava Boots)
- Rapture, room south of Fire Orb resting place, near bottom center (only accessible with Lava Boots)
- Rapture, Fire Orb resting place, near bottom right
Snail Mail:
- Sam’s Quest (Rapture, room right of Slime Cat)
Fire Orb:
- Guarded by second Magma Hydra encounter at entrance of Temple of Trials
Acid Boots:
- Akira’s quest (Iron Fortress, Monolith Room, only available after completing Sam’s quest)
The Candle:
- Rapture, north, then right of Slime Cat room, guarded by War Mammoth
Emerald of Life:
- Mausoleum (opened by pushing nearby star-marked grave), push eye-marked walls back, and then one of them to the side to reveal a secret exit (candle required)
Earth Orb:
- Rapture, Guarded by Zombie Hydra in Skull Cave (entrance of Skull Cave is in room north of Slime Cat)
Turd (Premium Only):
- Deathly Hollows, one in each puzzle room adjacent to main room (puzzles don’t have to be solved to obtain items)
- Protect (buff): Matt starts with this skill
- Barrier (buff): NoLegs starts with this skill (room right of Matt’s house)
- Snow Bunnies (special): Mungus (next to kitchen in Hope Harbor)
- Heal/Healmore (special): Natalie starts with this skill (room left of Hope Harbor equip shop, after taking the Shovel)
- Encore (special): Molly (in room north of Jerry’s house)
- Purify (special: Bessie (in room north of Jerry’s house)
- Bind (debuff): Indy (Wild Tropics Monolith Room)
- Ivy/Vines (physical skill): Woehiv (in native family room)
- Sawblade/Shredder (physical skill): Jorma (Room south of Eastern Ice cave exit)
- Gaia Seed/Gaia Bloom/Gaia Blossom (magic skill): Erika (Slime Cat room)
- Dispel (special): Anna starts with this skill (room right of No Man’s Land Slime Bunny)
- Shock/Surge (physical skill): Rebel (first room of Iron Fortress)
- Debilitate (debuff): Lance starts with this skill (obtained after defeating him and the Neon Valkyrie as the Iron Fortress Boss)
- Ion Cannon (limit break): Lance starts with this skill (obtained after defeating him and the Neon Valkyrie as the Iron Fortress Boss)
- Lock On (buff): Jerry (Right outside Jerry’s house, accessible after defeating Lance and Neon Valkyrie)
- Annihilate (limit break): Randy (next to Greenwood equip shop)
- Power Metal (magic skill)(special): Xavi (first room of Iron Fortress)
- Reflex (buff): Pablo (next to Grumpy Guy’s house)
- Air/Airwave/Shockwave (magic skill): Lenk (outside Anna’s house)
- Gale/Tempest (physical skill): Izumi (japanese training area)
- Screamer (debuff): Goth (Below where the stepladder is in Mystic Woods)
- Revive (special): Angela (In first hollowed out tree in Mystic Woods)
- Purging Flame (magic skill)(debuff): Also Angela (In first hollowed out tree in Mystic Woods)
- Bullet Bob/Big Bullet (physical skill): Weeb’s quest (pink slime cat room, after beating Laurelin)
- Giga Drill (physical skill)(special): Aniki’s quest (room south of Iron Fortress Entrance)
- Tsunami (limit break): Maya (room south of pink slime cat)
- Bubble/Bubble Blast (magic skill): Fizz (room south of Greenwood Grumpy Guy’s house)
- Supernova (limit break): Gina (puzzle in room west of westernmost Poseidon Skull resting area)
- Absolute Zero (limit Break): King’s quest (room north of Poseidon)
- Enfeeble (debuff): Maka’s quest (room right of Zombie Slime Cat)
- Energy, Energy Barrage (magic skill): Albrecht’s quest (room south of zombie slime cat)
- Fire Spin (debuff): Shione’s Quest (Redpine Steroid shop)
- Death Metal (limit break): Jessica’s quest (Redpine Steroid shop)
- Heavenly Shield (buff): Canela’s quest (Zombie Slime Cat room, after visiting Rapture)
- Flare (debuff): Wakizashi’s quest (first room of Rapture)
- Black Hole (limit break): Akira’s quest (Iron Fortress Monolith room, must have completed Sam’s quest in The Rapture)
- Hidden Power (limit break): Kiran’s Quest (room north of Redpine Food/Steroid shops)
Equips (Part #1)
Hope Harbor (Note: Desert area where Jotun is fought counts as Hope Harbor):
- Ultra Pro 9000 X (sword): Matt’s default “sword”
- Captain’s Hat (male hat): Matt’s default hat
- Hobo Clothes (male armor): Matt’s default armor
- Bandage (flair): Storage room in Matt’s house
- Lucky Clover (flair): Block puzzle outside Jerry’s House
- Steel Buckler (toys): NoLegs’ default toys
- Knight’s Helmet (male hat: NoLegs’ default hat
- Heroic Armor (male armor): NoLegs’ default armor
- Green Dress (female armor): Right of equip shop, guarded by sand slime
- Sapphire Saint (sword): Native Family, guarded by wooden idol
- Emerald Earrings (flair): Native family, guarded by sandstone boulder
- Fur Hat (female hat): Behind Ice Cave entrance, guarded by sandstone boulder
- Inferno (sword): Treasure horde after Jotun
- Fur Dress (female armor): Treasure horde after Jotun
- Eagle Eye (bow): Jerry’s quest
- Desert Scorpion (gun): Guarded by Camel Mammoth in alcove accessible from Ice Cave after getting Spiked Boots
Wild Tropics (Note: includes Farmer’s market):
- Green Cross (flair): Material Shop, behind the counter
- Battle Paint (flair): Area reachable via behind food shop
- Cardboard Box (male hat): Guarded by rock idol encounter south of farmer’s market
- Bandit Blade (toys): Puzzle south of farmer’s market
- Camo Jacket (male armor): alcove left of monolith room
- Druid Staff (staff): chest in farmer’s market guarded by putrid worm
- Dark Tooth (staff): Natalie’s default staff
- Red Ribbon (female hat): Natalie’s default hat
- Red Dress (female armor): Natalie’s default armor
- Spelunking Hat (male hat): Puzzle in Indy’s cave
- Dragon Helm (male hat): Cave with torches, guarded by Marble Boulder
- Dragon Armor (male armor): Cave with torches, guarded by Gem Idol
- Pixel Popper (toys): Glitch area in room south of Top Hat Slime Cat, chest guarded by “Bone Bat” (Dead Pixel)
Grand Gallery:
- Crimson Razorback (sword): left wing, in the hallway
- Chrome Earrings (flair): left wing, lower Gold Block
- The Chopper (sword): left wing, middle Gold Block
- Flower Bobble (female hat): left wing, upper Gold Block
- Lightning Badge (flair): left hedge maze, chest on far right (45 medals required)
- Small Cloud (flair): Technically in Wild Tropics, but can only be accessed after defeating Slime Bunny in the hedge maze
- Mini Drone (flair): left hedge maze, guarded by Chompers
- Leaf Shield (toys): right wing, lower gold block
- Arctic Trident (staff): right wing, middle gold block
- Casual Skirt (female armor): right wing, upper gold block
- Fake Mustache (flair): right hedge maze, guarded by Creeps
- Hoop Earrings (flair): right hedge maze, also guarded by Creeps
- Big Eyebrows (flair): right hedge maze, guarded by Squids
- Hipster shirt (male armor): 20 medal room, guarded by Dolls
- Drill Bits (female hat): 20 medal room, guarded by Dogs
- Priest’s Tunic (male armor): 30 medal room, guarded by Mirrors
- Berzerker (sword): 30 medal room, guarded by Fallen
- Genji Helm (male hat): 40 medal room, guarded by Poseidon’s ores (Quartz, Peridot, Zircon and Sapphire) and Boulders
- Obsidian Armor (female armor): 40 medal room, guarded by not-Poseidon’s Ores (Topaz, Ruby, Amethyst) and Golems
- Biohazard Blaster (gun): 50 medal room, guarded by Bats
- Black Widow (bow): 50 medal room, guarded by Dragons (except Omega)
- Royal Crown (female hat): 55 medal room, tile puzzle
- Soul Pistol (gun): 55 medal room, guarded by Blue and Yellow Flybots and Defenders
- Pope Hat (female hat): 60 medal room, inaccessible until Mammoths have been defeated
- Crystal Wing (gun): 60 medal room, inaccessible until Mammoths have been defeated
Ice Cave:
- Snowflake Badge (flair): chest guarded by Zircon Ore, room right of family
- Ice needle (sword): chest guarded by Viking Monolith, North of No Man’s Land entrance
No Man’s Land:
- Riot Shield (toys): Where Jorma’s quest is (bridge building NPC), chest guarded by Cat Sniper
- Pearl Necklace (flair): Across Jorma’s bridge
- Lightning Shard (sword): Where Lance ambushes you, chest guarded by Blue Creep
- Amber Bauble (female hat): Anna’s default hat
- Ranger Skirt (female armor): Anna’s default armor
- Fairly Bow (bow): Anna’s default bow
- Camo Skirt (female armor): left of main entrance, guarded by blue flybot, behind dirt
- Aquamarine (bow): South of protesters, chest gotten from pushing block by rainbow river
- Nitro Bomber XL (gun): Treasure corde in cemetary
- Basket Hat (male hat): Treasure horde in cemetary
- Ninja Gear (male armor): Treasurer horde in cemetary
- Heavy Claw (gun): Glitch Area in room right of TNT Slime Cat, chest guarded by cat
Iron Fortress:
- Wrath of Zeus (staff): Abdul’s jail cell
- Sol Spear (Staff): First chest in second booster puzzle (only reachable with Magnet Boots)
- Crossbone Pin (flair): hidden Storage Area by first booster puzzle (only reachable with magnet boots)
- Space Helmet (male hat): Large Light Switch Puzzle reward
- Space Ace (male armor): Large Light Switch room, guarded by Metal Idol (or Gold Fish. One of those two, for sure)
- Surgical Mask (flair): Room with two jail cells, bottom left corner chest
- Juggernaut (bow): Secret exit, chest gotten via magnet boots
- Iron Cross (flair): Small light switch puzzle by spooky side room
- Neon Lightbulb (toys): Spooky side room, guarded by Wise Mirror
- Gas Mask (male hat): Monolith room, guarded by Metal Idol
- Officer’s Hat (male hat): Lance’s default hat
- Officer’s coat (male armor): Lance’s default armor
- Shadow Blaster (gun): Lance’s default gun
- Dark Bobble (female hat): Monolith Room, secret in monolith (interact with both xboxes, then use Stepladder to cross
Rainbow River:
- Fairy (flair): Alcove accessible from cemetary
- Captain’s Coat (male armor): chest by Rainbow Gate (guarded by Hermit Creep)
- Magical Skirt (female armor): Fizz’ room, chest behind Coral Block on leftmost island
- Amethyst Earrings (flair): Fizz’ room, blocked by coral block right by Fizz
- Cat Tail (flair): Fizz’ room, chest in upper right corner, guarded by obscenely overleveled Slime Bunny (and Scaly Worms)
- Rubber Duck (female hat): Rightmost Poseidon Skull resting area, chest in upper right corner, blocked by Coral Block (only accessible with Mega Hammer)
- Thunder Core (gun): Hippy Island, chest guarded by red bush, both hidden behind some trees.
- Thor’s Hammer (bow): Rainbow Gate, Chest from arranging the skulls into the points of a triangle (top, bottom left, and bottom right positions)
- Turtle Shell (toys): Rainbow Treasure in room left of Rainbow Gate (accessible after reaching Redpine Town)
Greenwood Village:
- Hellfire Shotgun (gun): Behind Randy’s house, accessible after completing his quest
- Target Badge (flair): By Anna’s house, secret in blue target
- Paper Fan (staff): Anna’s house, bottom left copper block
- Leafy Hairclip (female hat): Anna’s house, top left copper block
- The Departed (bow): Anna’s house, bottom right copper block
- Silver Cross (flair): South of training area, block puzzle
- Golden Pendant (flair): Behind Item/Material shop
- Heaven’s Gate (sword): Block puzzle next to Item/Material Shop
- Celtic Cross (staff): Guarded by cat in bottom left corner of japanese training area
- Cow Costume (female armor): In the Barn (must complete Pablo’s quest)
- Curly Horns (female hat): Outdoor Barn Area (accessible from outside library)
- Ninja Skirt (female armor): Izumi’s quest (right, then north of Anna’s house)
- Dark Stalker (sword): Ruby of Death basement, chest on left side (accessible via stepladder)
- The Tr*force (flair): Place all four orbs from The Rapture into the pedestals by Izumi
Equips (Part #2)
Mystic Woods:
- Coconut Shooter (gun): Room left of Greenwood guards, guarded by Green Bush in top right corner
- Ninja Chopsticks (female hat): Room left of Anna’s house, Hidden chest directly north of red X marker
- Fat Fly (flair): Alcove accessible from behind left tree in Madness Kombat “puzzle” room
- Angry Faic (flair): Shortcut from Madness Kombat “puzzle” room to room on right
- Summer Kimono (female armor): right of monolith room, guarded by Purple Squid
- Angel wing (bow): alcove accessible from top left corner of monolith room
- Kaladana (staff): chest from inputting the markings from Indy’s puzzle into the 5-switch puzzle.
- Chieftain’s Horns (bow): chest from completing 5-switch puzzle
- Blood Bank (toys): chest from completing Madness Kombat “puzzle”
- Dog Sausage (toys): Protesters’ camp, chest guarded by Slime Bunny
- Human Skull (toys): Stepladder Area, chest in upper right corner hidden under foliage
- Beholding Eye (staff): In tree north of Goth, must be reached by going around with Stepladder (hint: Witch’s shop)
- Cold Steel (bow): chest just above raft maker
- Wizard Robe (male armor): treasure horde after Laurelin
- Wizard Hat (male hat): treasure horde after Laurelin
- Honjo Masamune (toys): Glitch area in Slime Cat room, chest guarded by Muddy Bush
Forgotten Ruins:
- Tentacle (flair): Flower code 2-4-5-6-7-9 (found in Sapphire of Dreams basement)
- Sub-Zero (gun): Flower code 3-5-7-9
- Gaia’s Gift (bow): Temple Entrance, guarded by Crucified Fallen in top left corner of room
- Soul Eater (sword): Temple, lower left chest
- Spine Snapper (gun): Temple, upper left chest
- Necromancer’s Helmet (male hat): Temple, upper right chest
- Obsidian Staff (staff): Temple, lower right chest
- Pope Dress (female armor): Through the temple portal, guarded by Snowflake (three gems required)
- Power Paw (toys): Through the temple portal, guarded by Snowflake (three gems required)
Frozen Valley:
- Ice Shards (female Hat): Chest reachable via side entrance to Frozen Valley (or if you have the spiked boots)
- Sharanga (bow): King’s room, chest behind temple mural
- Wrecking Rod (staff): Snow Slime Cat room, chest in northernmost area
- Horned Helmet (male hat): Snow Slime Cat room, block puzzle reward
- Angel Pin (flair): puzzle in room north of Snow Slime Cat room
- Crimson Dragon (bow): puzzle in room west of westernmost Poseidon Skull resting area
- Chainsaw Gun (gun): room south of Super Chibi Knight encounter, chest guarded by Quartz Ore
- Elder’s Wisdom (staff): room with Napstablook + Boo sculpture, chest guarded by Woolly Mammoth
- Explorer’s Jacket (male armor): Treasure horde after Poseidon
- Blue Elephant (female hat): Treasure horde after Poseidon
- Godly Book (toys): Glitch area south of Snow Slime Cat, chest guarded by Brown Dragon
Redpine Town:
- Peace Sticker (flair): Complete floor switch puzzle in Weed Farm
- Super Snipe ZX (gun): behind left counter in Equip Shop
- Alchemy Set (staff): Mausoleum, chest in lower right corner (push back the eyes and find a secret passage in the sides)
- The Knife (staff): Glitch area (accessible after finding all other glitched areas), guarded by the [REDACTED] boss.
- Club of Withering (sword): Glitch area (accessible after finding all other glitched areas), guarded by the [REDACTED] boss.
The Rapture:
- Hyper Drill (sword): Room left of Slime Cat, guarded by Ruby Ore
- Deep Blue (gun): Room south of Slime Cat, guarded by Blue Creep
- Dark Gown (female armor): Wind Orb Resting Place, center of room (be sure to trigger north switch, first)
- Heat Badge (flair): Room right, then south of Slime Cat, reward for solving tile puzzle
- Balance Badge (flair): Room south of Fire Orb resting place, guarded by Magma Hand, thermal boots required
Available in equip shops (prices are listed):
- Army Helmet (male hat): 300
- Nurse Hat (female hat): 300
- Genji Armor (male armor): 600
- Nurse Uniform (female armor): 600
- Pocket Watch (flair): 1000
- Black Fang (sword): 1000
- Icecream Sandwich (toys): 1000
- Vortex Cannon (gun): 8000
- Fenrir’s Jaw (bow): 8000
- Nimbus Rod (staff): 8000
- Viking Fur (male armor): 20,000
- Bubble Dress (female armor): 20,000
- Giant Slayer (sword): 60,000
- Alchemist’s bow (bow): 60,000
- Viking Buckler (toys): 60,000
Holiday Events (all quests are in the Warp Zone)
- Coat of Teeth (male armor): Jack’s quest, available in October
- Spider Gown (female armor): Jack’s quest, available in October
- Pumpkin Head (male hat): available in equip shops in October (300)
- Spider Bobble (female hat): available in equip shops in october (300)
- Santa Suit (male armor): Noel’s quest, available in December
- Santa Skirt (female armor): Noel’s quest, available in December
- Santa Hat (male hat): available in equip shops in December (300)
- Holly Hairpin (female hat): available in equip shops in December (300)
- Love Blade (sword): Amy’s Quest, available in February
- Heart Pendant (flair): available in equip shops in February (3000)
- Heaven’s Voice (bow): Bunni’s quest, available in April
- Slime Staff (staff): available in equip shops in April (60,000)
Premuim Exclusive Equips
Freezeflame Dungeon
- Slime Bunny (female hat): first room, guarded by Frozen Creep
- School Uniform (female armor): first room, guarded by Obsidian Boulder
- Gigavolt (staff): room left of entrance, Ice block puzzle reward
- Flame Titan (gun): room right of entrance, block puzzle reward
- Book of Spells (toys): room north of Ice block puzzle room, lower chest
- Devil’s Fork (sword): room north of block puzzle, guarded by Lava Slime
- Cat Ears (female hat): Guarded by Skadi (and Sol)
- Scottish Kilt (male armor): Guarded by Sol (and Skadi)
- Iron Tusk (bow): Guarded by Sol (and Skadi)
- Scottish Cap (male hat): Guarded by Sol (and Skadi)
Abandoned Mineshaft
- Earth’s Whisper (bow): From entrance: left twice, up, left, down twice, right twice, down.
- Shooting Star (staff): From entrance: down twice, right, down, left.
- Gungir (gun): Blue Tile & Booster puzzle reward (to get to puzzle room from entrance: down, right thrice, down, right)
- Fusion Blade (sword): Blue Tile & Booster puzzle reward
- Robot Ears (female hat): Green Tile & Booster puzzle reward (to get to puzzle room: right, up, right, up)
- Mecha Suit (female armor): Green Tile & Booster puzzle reward
- Headband (male armor): Guarded by Neon Valhalla (to get to boss room from entrance: left twice, up, left, down twice, right, down twice, right, down)
- Flame Suit (male armor): Guarded by Neon Valhalla
- Green Goliath (gun): Guarded by Neon Valhalla
Deathly Hollows
- The Stinger (bow): secret alcove in first room – (you’ll see as rock in there), reachable from behind central rock structure
- Puppy Hat (male armor): Reward for Tile Puzzle north of main room
- Golden Axe (sword): Reward for block puzzle west of main room
- Dragon’s Feather (sword): Reward for block & tile puzzle south of main room
- Elven Shield (toys): Switch Puzzle (both diamond switches, left skull door)
- King’s Guard (toys): Switch Puzzle (follow the “line” symbols – use the mouse to find the hidden switch in the top right, right skull door)
- Maid Outfit (female armor): Chest obscured by wall in Telperion’s room
- Shell Armor (male armor): Guarded by Telperion
- Soul Crusher (staff): Guarded by Telperion
- Death Mask (male hat): Guarded by Telperion
Crystal Caverns
- Bunny Ears (female hat): First Chest
- The Accelerator (gun): First Ice puzzle
- Emerald Cyclone (bow): Middle chest in second ice puzzle
- Turtle Gi (male armor): Guarded by Crystal Hydra
- Sami Dress (female armor): Guarded by Crystal Hydra
- Devil’s Sunrise (toys): Behind Crystal Hydra, hidden behind the Northernmost Wall
- Oak Staff (staff): Sliding Green Block puzzle
- Emerald Smasher (sword): Reward for green block and big block puzzle
- Regal Turtle (bow): Hidden area in bottom left corner of green block and big block puzzle
- Dragon Wings (staff): West of big block and green block puzzle, Secret Second exit in alcove.
- Spartan Helmet (male hat): Guarded by Vulcan
- Spartan Cuirass (male armor): Guarded by Vulcan
- Heartstopper (gun):Guarded by Vulcan
Temple of Trials
- Sword Badge (flair): Reward for beating Matteus
- Gold Star (flair): Reward for beating Natalia
- Shield Badge (flair): Reward for beating Lancelot
- Platinum Star (flair): Reward for beating Annabelle
- Buster Sword (toys): Reward for beating God
- Star Hammer (toys): Reward for beating God