Red Dead Redemption 2 Iniquities of History Walkthrough
Looking for a hand with the Red Dead Redemption 2 Iniquities of History stranger mission? Nerds and Scoundrels is here to help. In this mission you find yourself sharing a bench with a down on his luck drunk. Feel like helping your new friend out? Keep reading to discover the fastest way to complete the Red Dead Redemption 2 Iniquities of History mission.

They took everything from me. My whole life. A whole way of living. Career. Everything. I was supposed to live a different life.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Iniquities of History Walkthrough
The mission starts as you come across a scruffy looking stranger on a bench outside of the train station. As you sit down with him he tells you his troubles. Despite once owning the family business, Compson Stead, the man has lost everything. The bank even repossessed his grandfather’s house. After being quiet for a moment, he suggests he would feel better if he could just get some personal keepsakes out of the old home: his revolver, his ledger, and his watch. You helpfully offer to check it out if you ever pass by.
Compsons Stead
The man, Jeremiah Compson, tells you his grandfather’s house can be found north of Scarlet Meadows. The bank says he’s not welcome to come anywhere near it, but they didn’t say anything about you. When you arrive at the house it is in sorry shape. Enter the home and start searching for the watch, ledger, and the revolver.
The Watch
When you enter through the front door of the home, you’ll be heading straight into what was once the kitchen. to your left is a large living room. You will just be able to see the old fireplace. Head into the living room and move over to the fireplace. On top of the mantle you will discover the watch. On the mantle you will also notice an old picture of the house in better times. In it you’ll notice a trap door you haven’t found yet. You’ll also discover you aren’t the only one interested in this house.
The Revolver
You will discover the old revolver when two squatters saunter into the house and one of them points the gun at you. Luckily for you the gun jams when they try to shoot you. From there you will need to deal with the two squatters, who draw knives on you.
The Ledger
From there, open the trap door and head into the basement. You will find a desk at the far end of the basement. Walk over to it and you will discover the ledger sitting on top of the desk. Grab the ledger and head on out. There are a few things left in the house you can grab if you’re not in a hurry, like canned food. Return the items to Compson to complete the mission.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that’s how you complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Iniquities of History. Did you find this walkthrough helpful? If so, let us know in the comments. And don’t forget to check the rest of our Red Dead Redemption 2 content out at Nerds and Scoundrels.