What does “Inting” mean in League of Legends?
If you have spent any time with League of Legends players, you have probably encountered the term “Inting.” But what does inting mean? This Nerds and Scoundrels investigative report gets to the bottom of this commonly used term and explains the mysterious inting meaning.

What is Inting?
Inting is an abbreviation for “INTentional feeding.” It is common in a variety of video games, but is most frequently used in League of Legends. Inting involves dying on purpose to spite the other players on your side.
A player’s purpose for inting can vary. For some players, the opportunity to troll or be toxic is enough to lose on purpose. For others, it is a way to get back another player they don’t like.
The Origins
Most League of Legends players attribute the rise of Inting in LoL to one player: Tyler1. Nicknamed “THe Most Toxic Player in North America” for his antics in the game, Tyler1 has been on the receiving end of multiple bans for harassment and Inting. Despite that, he has since returned to the game and is one of the most popular LoL streamers around.
Tyler1 was originally best known for his “INT List,” a list of players he disliked. While some of these players had personal issues with Tyler1, many made the list simply because Tyler1 thought they were bad at the game. When he would encounter someone on his list, he would intentionally feed repeatedly in order by charging headfirst into a multiple enemies. This process came to be known as “Running it down mid.”
Is This Different From “Feeding?”

Inting has become a hot topic in LoL, with many players citing it as a reason they have left the game. In fact, inting frequently leads to temporary and permanent bans in LoL. On the other side of the coin, many players have complained of getting banned for Inting simply for having a bad game or having a run of bad luck. These players are quick to point out that while Inting is punishable, “feeding” should not be.
The difference between Inting and feeding is important, because Inting can lead to a ban while feeding is just a part of the game. Feeding is dying in LoL more often than you kill. It happens when you fall behind, play a champ you aren’t familiar with, or simply screw up. Feeding puts your opponents at a big advantage, but is just part of the game.
The difference between Inting and feeding is all about intent. Feeding because you screwed up or are bad in general is just part of the game. But doing so on purpose to troll or harass is how you can get into trouble. Unfortunately, it appears Riot can’t always tell the two apart.
What is Soft Inting?
League of Legends has been around for years now, and the strategies have changed over the years. Unfortunately, toxic players have also become more sophisticated. Inting has long been synonomous with obvious trolling tactics like running it down mid. Now that these tactics result in bans more frequently, trolls have turned to “soft inting,” which is losing intentionally but doing it in a way where Riot has a difficult time recognizing it. Soft Inting is more of an issue at higher levels of the game, as expert players will troll each other by making obvious mistakes that normally only occur at lower levels. This is particularly irritating to experienced players who can see that a someone is feeding on purpose, but can’t prove it.
The Answer: What Does Int mean in Video Games?
There you have it. Int – short for inting – means intentionally losing in a game to irritate your co-players. That concludes our hard-hitting investigative report on Inting in LOL. Did we leave anything out? Probably. Did we waste our time devoting effort? Also probably. But we live to serve, and we hope you found this helpful! Either way, give us a shout in the comment section and tell us what you think. And check out the video below of inting that led to a ban.