Ranking the 10 Best Artificer’s Spells in 5E | Artificer Spells 5E Guide
Welcome to our Artificer’s Top 10 Spell List! The Artificer is the most recent class added to 5E by way of Eberron: Rising from the Last War. They might not cast these the same way as every other spellcasting class, but that does not change the fact that this list of abilities is awesome to perform. So let’s dive right into our Artificer Spells 5E Guide.
10. Greater Restoration
- School: Abjuration
- Level: 5th
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: Touch
- Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (100 gold worth of diamond dust)
- Duration: Instantaneous
Number ten on our Top 10 Artificer’s Spell List is Greater Restoration. Your character imbues a character of your choice with positive energy, undoing one of the following debilitating effects:

- Reduce the target’s exhaustion level by one.
- One effect that charmed or petrified the target.
- One curse, including effects from their own cursed items.
- Any reduction to one of their ability scores.
- One effect that is reducing the target’s hit point maximum.
As an emergency measure, Greater Restoration can turn an encounter from a disaster into survivable. That’s because it’s capable of removing extremely dangerous status effects, such as the petrified condition or curses.
9. Create Food and Water
- School: Conjuration
- Level: 3rd
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 30 Feet
- Components: Verbal, Somatic
- Duration: Instantaneous
45 pounds of food and 30 gallons of water appear on the ground or in several containers within range. This sustenance, while bland, is enough to appease fifteen humanoids or five steeds for twenty-four hours. All food that is not consumed in twenty-four hours will spoil. This is a massive bookkeeping reduction, and can even help players or NPCs survive in inhospitable situations. Considering your 3rd level spells aren’t great for damage at this point, you should be spending your time on utility!
8. Fabricate
- School: Transmutation
- Level: 4th
- Casting Time: 10 minutes
- Range: 120 feet
- Components: Verbal, Somatic
- Duration: Instantaneous
Your character magically turns a pile of raw materials into a product of any size made from the same materials. The quality and quantity of the materials will dictate how strong the product you Fabricate is. You cannot create a creature or a magical item with this spell, nor can you create an item that requires a high degree of craftsmanship or proficiency. With a creative mind, Fabricate will be the only spell you need for problem solving.
7. Feather Fall
- School: Transmutation
- Level: 1st
- Casting Time: 1 reaction
- Range: 60 Feet
- Components: Verbal, Material (feather)
- Duration: 1 minute
Up to five falling characters within range slows their descent to 60 feet per round until the spell ends. If the character lands before the spell ends, that character will take no falling damage. Great emergency spell, and can be a very helpful solution if your party needs to glide to the other side of a ravine.
6. Revivify
- School: Necromancy
- Level: 3rd
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: Touch
- Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (diamonds worth 300 gp)
- Duration: Instantaneous
A character that has died within the last minute miraculous comes back to life with one hit point by the touch of your item. This spell cannot revive a character that has died of old age, and it cannot replace any missing limbs. While you aren’t the best reviver in the party, your 3rd level spell slots tend to be less important than the Cleric’s. Bring your friend back to life and your Cleric gets to keep their slots for emergencies!
5. Fly
- School: Transmutation
- Level: 3rd
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: Touch
- Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (feather from any bird)
- Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
A willing character that you touch gains Flying with a base speed of 60 feet for the duration. When the spell ends, if the character is still in the air, they will make a full stop and collapse. You can target multiple characters if you cast this spell at a spell slot above the third level. For example, if you cast Fly at the fifth level, you will give up to three characters the ability to Fly. Flight is critical for characters who want to engage in melee combat. The Artificer is solid at that, but an allied Fighter or Barbarian might need it even more! Great compliment to your Infusions!
4. Animate Objects
- School: Transmutation
- Leve: 5th
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 120 Feet
- Components: Verbal, Somatic
- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Up to ten points worth of nonmagical objects that are not worn or carried within range will come to life, and will obey your command as a bonus action for you as long as they are within 500 feet of you. If you give the character no action, it will simply defend itself from any aggressive characters. Based on the size of the objects will depend on how many points you will need to spend to give life to the object. Use the following chart to determine those points:
Object Size | Points |
Tiny | 1 |
Small | 1 |
Medium | 2 |
Large | 4 |
Huge | 8 |
You cannot target any objects that are larger than Huge in size. Each Object will have a different set of stats based off of the following table:
Size | HP | AC | Strength | Dexterity | Attack |
Tiny Damage | 20 | 18 | 4 | 18 | +8 to hit, 1d4 + 4 |
Small Damage | 25 | 16 | 6 | 14 | +6 to hit, 1d8 + 2 |
Medium Damage | 40 | 13 | 10 | 12 | +5 to hit, 2d6 + 1 |
Large Damage | 50 | 10 | 14 | 10 | +6 to hit, 2d10 + 2 |
Huge Damage | 80 | 10 | 18 | 6 | +8 to hit, 2d12 + 4 |
All objects animated by this spell is considered a Construct that will the following stats to go along with what is mention in the chart above:
Stat | Number |
Constitution | 10 |
Intelligence | 3 |
Wisdom | 3 |
Charisma | 1 |
Speed | 30 Feet |
Any object that does not have legs or wheels will have Flying and any object that is chained or locked on a wall will have a speed of 0. All objects will have blindsight with a 30-foot radius. When an object hits zero hit points, it will revert back to its original form. All objects that attack will make a single slam attack against a character within a 5-foot range.
If you cast this spell using a higher-level spell slot, you can animate an additional two points of objects per level above the fifth.
This spell combines the power of summoning spells with the annoyance of object stats! By sending 10 small objects at an enemy, you can easily barricade a caster in the corner, or keep a melee combatant from getting close to you. Great defensive spell, and does shockingly good damage.
3. Invisibility
- School: Illusion
- Level: 2nd
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: Touch
- Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (an eyelash in gum arabic)
- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
A character of your choice and anything that they are wearing becomes invisible until the spell ends. If you cast this spell at a spell slot above the second, you can target one additional character per level. Simple! You don’t get seen for scouting missions, and you get the jump on combatants. It’s an all-rounder that’s stood the test of time.
2. Cure Wounds
- School: Evocation
- Level: 1st
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: Touch
- Components: Verbal, Somatic
- Duration: Instantaneous
A character you touch will regain 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier worth of hit points. If you cast this spell at a spell slot above the first, the character you touch will heal an additional 1d8 of hit points. This spell has no effect on Undead or Constructed characters. It’s important that as many characters as possible stay in combat. The Artificer has a consistent way to bring a character out of unconsciousness… albeit, an action-heavy way.
1. Haste
- School: Transmutation
- Level: 3rd
- Casting Time: 1 action
- Range: 30 Feet
- Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (shaving of licorice root)
- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Number one on our Top ten Artificer Spells 5E list is Haste! Target willing character within range gains the following benefits:
- Double speed
- +2 bonus to AC
- Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws
- 1 Additional Regular Action that can be used to Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object.
When this spell ends, the target character experiences a wave of lethargy, leaving them incapable of moving or taking actions until the end of their next turn. Still, this allows a character to get absolutely ridiculous damage and distance. Place this on a melee combatant and watch them sprint into combat, bring extremely difficult to hit, and decimating your enemies!
So that wraps up our Artificer Spells 5E Rankings. Want more Artificer content? Check out our rundown of the Best Artificer Cantrips here at Nerds and Scoundrels! But don’t forget to drop a comment below!