Understanding the Piety System in Mythic Odysseys of Theros | Piety 5E
The new Mythic Odysseys of Theros expansion to D&D 5E has brought along a bunch of new features and systems for fans to get excited about. One of these features brings an entirely new dimension to the role-playing experience in the form of the Piety system. In this Piety 5E guide, we’ll go through everything you need to know about this new feature.

Piety 5E – How it works
The Piety system is simple and easy to understand. Piety is a measure of your devotion to the god of your choice. This devotion is marked by a score that starts at 1 for any god that you decide to devote yourself to. This score then increases by increments of 1 and can be gained in a couple of different ways. Either by the completion of a significant goal, or a significant sacrifice of your own self-interest. Both are determined by the DM. Each time you have accomplished this, you gain a single point to your Piety score. Though be careful, as Piety can also decrease with acts that are not favorable to your god, which is again determined by the DM.
See Also: Our Mythic Odysseys of Theros ReviewThe Benefits of the Piety System
Piety has quite a few benefits for characters who are inclined to worship the gods. These benefits aren’t given without some effort. Once your piety has reached the thresholds of 3, 10, 25 and 50 you gain rewards depending on the god of your choice. But if you manage to lose some Piety and fall below a given threshold, you will lose the benefit gained from that point. So be careful not to anger the gods if you want to keep your hard earned rewards. Another reason to keep on the straight and narrow is that gaining Piety can also give you a chance to earn some Inspiration (at the DM’s discretion).
Not all characters may look at the gods so favorably. Some might not want to be bound in service to them. If you decide to not devote yourself to a god you won’t gain any Piety or any rewards associated with it. There aren’t any negative consequences. that said, you won’t gain any benefits if playing this way. Though if you choose the Iconoclast Supernatural gift during your character creation, you’ll have an opportunity to gain rewards that are similar to Piety rewards.
Changing your God
The gods all offer different rewards to those who serve them. Some of which you might find less effective than others. If you decide that the god you chose to serve didn’t really turn out to be the right fit for you, don’t worry. You can change the god you serve, though this doesn’t come without a price to pay. If you decide to change your god, you lose all rewards gained with the previous god. Your Piety score also returns to 1. If you feel that this choice was a mistake you can return to the service of your previous god. Not without some act of contrition, however. You also won’t regain any of the rewards you lost. Instead, you will return to 1 Piety.
That’s been our guide for the new Piety system in the Mythic Odysseys of Theros expansion for D&D 5E. Hopefully, it’s helped you out and given you some helpful information for when you jump into this brand new adventure!