Gravity Sinkhole 5E Guide | Wildemount Dunamancy Spell
The secrets of the Kryn Dynasty has now been unleashed on the 5th edition Dungeon and Dragon’s world, and now it is up to us to figure out the best way to capitalize on these new resources. Typically, only Wizards that specialize in the Graviturgy and the Chronurgy schools can learn the spells printed in the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, but you can convince your Dungeon Master to let your character learn these awesome spells somewhere in the middle of your campaign. It will be at their discretion on how you can learn these spells, but I am sure that you are not worried about that. You just want the chance to use these new tools that are presented in this book. You can find them in our Gravity Sinkhole 5E Guide!
Once you gain access to a spell like Gravity Sinkhole, you will need to know how to use it. That is where we come in! We are going to review the pros, cons, and situational uses for Gravity Sinkhole. So let’s Sink into that chair of yours, and start to understand the Gravity of the situations this spell will put your targets in with our Gravity Sinkhole 5E guide.

Gravity Sinkhole 5E Guide
- School: Evocation
- Level: 4th
- Casting Time: 1 Action
- Range: 120 Feet
- Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a black marble)
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Class: Graviturgy Wizard
You create a twenty-foot-radius sphere at a targeted space that tugs at whoever is stuck in it. Each character that is in the sphere has to make a successful Constitution Saving Throw. This is the formula that your opponent needs to use to determine their Constitution Saving Throw:
1d20 + Their Constitution Modifier
They will take 5d10 Force Damage and their character gets pulled towards the center of the sphere. In order for them to make a successful Constitution Saving Throw, they will need to roll higher than your Spell Save DC. Use this formula to determine what your Spell Save DC is:
8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Spellcasting Modifier
This chart will tell you which stat your character will need to use for their Spellcasting Modifier:
Class | Spellcasting Modifier |
Bard | Charisma |
Cleric | Wisdom |
Druid | Wisdom |
Paladin | Charisma |
Ranger | Wisdom |
Sorcerer | Charisma |
Warlock | Charisma |
Wizard | Intelligence |
If the character succeeds in making their Constitution Saving Throw, they will only take half of the damage that you rolled and they will not be pulled to the center of the sphere. The damage this spell deals increases when you cast this spell at a higher-level spell slot by 1d10 per level above the fourth that you cast Gravity Sinkhole at. For example, if you cast this spell at level six, you will roll 7d10 to deal your damage.
Gravity Sinkhole has the potential to deal A LOT of damage! Without casting this spell at a higher level, Gravity Sinkhole has the potential to deal fifty damage! Leveling up increases the potential by ten hit points each time!
Just looking through the base game and all spells available at that point for a Wizard, only Phantasmal Killer has the potential to come close to the damage potential to deal more damage, but it’s first hit will deal zero damage to the target. A successful Phantasmal Killer gets the chance to deal 4d10 of Psychic damage every turn… That is if the target fails a Wisdom Saving Throw.
With Gravity Sinkhole, even if all of your targets succeed in their Constitution Saving Throw, you will still get to deal half of your damage! The lowest potential amount you can deal is two damage in this case, but two damage is better than no damage. Besides, the percentage of rolling four ones are extremely low.
When Gravity Sinkhole deals its damage, all of your targets will be taking Force damage. There are no creatures in the game that has resistance to Force and only one creature that is immune to Force damage. Unless you run into that one creature, the odds of Gravity Sinkhole dealing a lot of damage is very good.
And while I would look at requiring any type of material to be a con for the spell, the item that you need to cast is such an easy item to stock and acquire, I feel like it should be mentioned as a positive. All you need to cast Gravity Sinkhole is one marble. Marbles do not weigh a lot and they can be found easily at a town market. Sure, if you run out while adventuring, it will be a huge pain to find a marble. But you would have to be incredibly irresponsible or your Dungeon Master would have to purposely deplete the supple of marbles in a town in order for this to be a potential situation.
There is only one creature that is immune to Force damage, and that is the Helmed Horror. The Helmed Horror is a Construct creature belonging to the Medium-sized weight class that is designed to protect a specific location. Typically, you will find them stationed outside of a King’s lair or at the entrance of a tomb. They have a lot of resistances because they are technically an enchanted creature. Helmed Horrors are also capable of making gigantic swings; giving two hits per action that they take! To avoid a situation like this, I recommend diversifying the type of spells that you cast.
And finally, Gravity Sinkhole is a fourth level spell, so you will need to exhaust a spell slot in order to cast it. In order to cast a fourth level spell as a Wizard, you will need to be at level seven. The rest of the classes will have a different requirement, so I recommend consulting your Player’s Handbook to obtain that information.
When Should You Use
You should only use Gravity Sinkhole when you are prepared for combat or in the middle of combat with a lot of enemies that are in the same space. If you see a group of enemies storming at you, this would be the most optimal time to cast Gravity Sinkhole as you can use the spell to pull most of these enemies away from you and your team while dealing a lot ton of damage.
When Better Options Are Available
There are a lot of targeted spells at the cantrip level that will suffice when you are facing a smaller group of enemies, such as Fire Bolt and Ray of Frost. This way, you do not exhaust a spell slot and still remain productive in combat.
That wraps up our Gravity Sinkhole 5E Guide. Want to learn more about some of the artifacts found in Wildemount? Check out our rundown of the Arms of the Betrayers.