Warframe – Soma Prime Build Guide
In 2014, Warframe launched one of the first Primed weapons, the Soma Prime. It gave such a favorable outcome that it became a definitive factor to succeeding primed weapons made for the game. Even though the developers decided to put it in the Prime Vault two years after it was released, it was reintroduced a year after that through a limited, one-time only promo which also featured the Twitch Prime.

Today, you can get this weapon if other players decide to trade it. Otherwise, you would have to wait for an upcoming opening of the Prime Vault. Either way, it’s best you wait for any chance, and the moment you have one, grab it and get this superb weapon. If you are able to have one, here are tips on the most effective builds you can use.
Soma Prime Guide
The Soma Prime is a good weapon, but with the right build, it can be great. In choosing your items, it is appropriate to know a weapon’s pros and cons.
Here are the advantages you get with Soma Prime
- It gives wonderful damage with its slashing and puncture skill
- Of all the assault rifles available, it has the best critical chance
- It is highest, in terms of critical multiplier
- The rifle was made with two polarities
- Capable of storing a lot of ammo with a huge magazine that also comes with a big magazine reserve
- It has a rapid firing rate.
You should know as well, its shortcomings so you can buy materials to fill-in the gaps:
- Basic attack has low damage.
- Impact damage is below par.
- Reloading takes time.
- It has low ammo performance
- It has a high recoil.
With these in mind, building for a Soma Prime is admittedly, a bit complex. You have to address the fact that it has low total damage. You will want to buy extra damage, and some go for elemental mods, and standard builds. Fortunately, with this prime model for Soma, we have come up with builds to address every need and improve what the weapon is already capable of.
Luckily, if you do have a Riven mod, experiment with it. Roll it up as many times as needed until you find the perfect balance between the +damage, multi-shot, critical chance, and its fire rate. Finding the right combination will strengthen your Soma Prime and will help you take out enemies with a higher level.
Furthermore, make sure you reach the maximum level for your Point Strike, Vital Sense, and Serration mods who are the very foundation of your Soma Prime.
Soma Prime Stats
– Slash 6
– Puncture 4.8
– Impact 1.2
– Automatic
– Status Chance 10%
– Reload Speed 3 seconds
– Noise Alarming
– Magazine 200
– Fire rate 15
– Critical Chance 30%
– Critical Damage Multiplier 3x
– Accuracy 28.6
Standard Build
This isn’t an ordinary “standard build”. This collection of items exploits the superiority of all the advantages of Soma Prime as listed above. The Vile Acceleration increases your already high rapid firing capacity, or use Shred instead for that extra power. Mix it with items that boost your critical chance and damage multiplier, and you upgrade your weapon into an assault rifle that’s really fast. You can also change Critical Delay and go for Fanged Fussilade to increase your slash damage.
On the ammunition side, a fast firing rifle will surely require more ammo. The Soma Prime’s huge magazine and its ability to accommodate reserves will positively come a long way. Augmenting your firing speed will let your Prime blast 600 bullets a minute and still leave enough ammo to get you going. As long as you use the Carrier, you can solve your ammo problems. Just put in mind that faster firing will mean faster reloading. You’re going to have to test drive it a few minutes to ease yourself into the rhythm of reloading, which is any chance you get.
You can use this build for all types of missions without having to worry about any level requirement. You just need to plan ahead if you are looking into killing enemies with a higher level and have good armor and shield qualities.
Aim Build
The first build allows you to go for it, gun them down and hit. This next one focuses more on your aim and needs you to hit the enemy directly. If you are good at this, the Bladed Rounds and Argon Scope will do you wonders. Using Critical Delay without the need to spray bullets unlike the first build, will solve your ammo problems. If you’re thinking about your fire rate, which is basically slower, you can counter it by growing your multi-shot.
This is a winning build, but it does have its weaknesses. First, aiming will limit your scope of view and your movement. With this build, you will be an easy mark. Second, you need to be really excellent at aiming and hitting those headshots with longer distances. Soma Prime has poor accuracy, so you should be great at aiming before you can take advantage of your Argon Scope. This build also does nothing for your damage, so you need to avoid difficult situations, especially with higher-level enemies with superior armor and shield.
Elemental Damage
Most Soma Prime user’s you will meet will have this kind of build, which is actually a better choice. With the items in this build, you construct your weapon to have a perfect balance that improves the damage you inflict, your multi-shot, critical damage, and your fire rate.
The best thing about the Elemental Damage build is its stability. With this, you can face different situations without feeling helpless. You can spray them, hit them straight and true and even take up bosses. It makes Soma Prime your perfect assault rifle. The only thing is, it won’t capitalize on your advantages when it comes to firing speed, huge magazine capacities, and your potential critical damage.
Note: If you feel Argon Scope and Bladed Rounds will be better for you, you can get them instead of the Vigilante Armaments or the Shred.
Soma Prime is definitely a weapon one must have in Warframe. They did first-class work when they designed and released it. Keep an open eye for any opportunity that will afford you this Prime weapon. Once you have it, I’m sure you’ll enjoy using it. You can try out the builds above and see if there’s one for you. You can also figure out your own build. It doesn’t matter which items you buy, as long as you enjoy the game.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our Soma Prime Build Guide. Any questions? We’re down to chat about it in the comment section below. Also, be sure to check out our Warframe Promo Codes List that we update weekly!