UBOAT – Console Commands
Do you need an upper hand in submarine combat? If you’re playing UBOAT, that means diving into the available console commands. Nerds and Scoundrels has the full list of available UBOAT Commands below.

Using these cheats is simple. To open the console, just press “~” while in game. After you hit tilde, the console will open up and you are free to enter the codes listed below. You are free to use them to your heart’s content. Just be aware that each code is case sensitive. What’s more, most commands require some sort of variable with them. If you must choose a number or amount of time, that will be reflected in the parenthesis following each command. Enjoy!
Uboat Console Commands and Cheats Guide
- Budget [Any Number] – Add any amount of money.
- Leak – Create a random leak on you U-BOAT.
- Reputation [Any Number] – Increase your reputation to buy upgrades.
- Skip [Any Number and Time Unit] – Skip in-game time w/out using up your resources.
- Teleport [Any Two Numbers] – Teleport you U-boat on entered coordinates, For East long use “-number”.
- Weather [Fog, Calm, Cloudy, Storm] – Change in-game weather.
- XP [Any number] – Add any amount of experience to your crew on board.
- Spawn [Warships, Convoy, Transport, Submarine] – Spawn these ships.
- Torpedo – Launch a torpedo at your selected target.
- Wound – Damage you sailors.
- Bomb – Drop bomb on selected target.
- Detect [Any Number] – Create random group near your position.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our list of the available Uboat Console Commands. Was this guide helpful to you? If so, let us know by leaving a comment below. And be sure to check out the rest of our UBOAT content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.