Red Dead Redemption 2 Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?
Still plugging away through Chapter 1 of Red Dead Redemption 2? Fantastic. Nerds and Scoundrels is here to help with the 5th main story mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall? The mission follows Old Friends and picks up as the cold weather finally starts to break. Want to get the scoop on this main story quest? Read on below!

I was hopin’ I would have seen a corpse.
You’ll see plenty of those soon enough.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall Walkthrough
The story picks up with the reverend praying over John. After some interaction between John and his boy, Dutch bursts in with big plans to rob a train now that the snow is starting to melt. Hosea is less than thrilled, wanting to just head west like they had originally planned. But Dutch reminds him that all of their money is tied up elsewhere and this is their only shot. Hosea airs his concerns about trifling with the wealthy and powerful shipping magnate Leviticus Cornwall, but Dutch isn’t worried. He’s off to rob a train, and all of you are coming with him.
The Train Tracks
Following a cutscene where Dutch waxes on how great his crew is, you’ll arrive at the site of the train ambush. The plan is straightforward. Bill will blow up the tracks and the rest of the crew will rush the train and rob it before they know what hit them. As soon as you arrive, Dutch will have you head down to help Bill with the explosives. Bill will have you run the cable from the explosive and attach it to the detonator. Once the detonator is hooked up, Bill will send you back up the hill to wait with the others.
The Heist
Unfortunately for you, the explosives don’t blow and the train rolls right on by. You and the rest of the crew take off after on foot in an attempt to jump onto the roof of the train as it passes by, but only you and young Lenny actually make it aboard. Once inside the train Lenny takes out the first two guards in the first two cars without needing your help. Starting with the third car you’ll take the lead. The next two cars each have two men in them; shoot them both and exit the fourth car. The fifth car won’t have a door so you’ll need to climb to the roof. You’ll find another guard there. From here you can see the engine. When you get to the engine car Lenny will take the lead again, only to be ambushed. aim carefully and you
Once you save Lenny the two of you can take control of the train and stop it. As soon as you do you’ll jump off as more guards start pouring out of the train. Work your way back to the end of the train, shooting the guards as you go. Eventually you Dutch and crew will catch up with you. The remaining guards will lock themselves away in the train with the money. The men are reluctant to come out until you blow the doors off. Once inside you will discover the opulent private car of Leviticus Cornwall. Search the car and take anything of value. When you’re done, Dutch gives you the choice of what to do with the remaining guards. Your better nature prevails and you load them on the train and send it on its way before riding off. This the end of the mission. Next up: Eastward Bound.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that’s how you complete the Red Dead Redemption 2 Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall mission. Questions or comments? Let us know below in the comments section. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Red Dead Redemption 2 content here at Nerds and Scoundrels. Want to see the mission in action? The entirety of Chapter 1 is available in the video below.