Yuan-Ti Names Guide | Examples and Naming Conventions for 5E
Yuan-Ti are the shapeshifting snake people introduced in Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Once members of a proud human empire, the Yuan-Ti were taught how to mix their blood with that of snakes. Because of that, a new society was created – snakelike Yuan-Ti are the rulers, humanlike ones are the spies and agents. As such, a Yuan-Ti’s appearance varies. One may simply have snakelike eyes, hidden behind glasses. Others may be completely scaled, with frills and a forked tongue. In all cases, Yuan-Ti are inherently cunning and corrupt. Our Yuan-Ti Names guide will tell you how to make one with a name worthy of a fallen empire.

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Yuan-Ti Names 5E Guide
Yuan-Ti names are passed down from generation to generation. Don’t forsake the yuan-ti’s family line with a random generator without at least thinking about their culture! They’re a vengeful race with a lot of chips on their shoulders. It’s a good idea to figure out what gripes this specific yuan-ti shares with their people.
How Are Yuan-Ti Named?
Yuan-ti have stern history lessons about their fallen kingdom. It’s important for them to teach their children to despise the “others” that wander the world. They are emotionless and as cold-blooded as their body implies, and treat any non-serpentine humanoids as trash. The only thing that matters is the preservation of the secret society of the yuan-ti.
The Yuan-ti are quite significantly ahead of other nations in terms of magic and technology, but their progression was stunted by attacks from other kingdoms. Now, yuan-ti know that their numbers and technology are not quite as significant as they once were. They must allow themselves to take over nations through subterfuge and mind control.
The yuan-ti follow a pantheon of serpent demons. Among a plethora of other creatures, the yuan-ti pay specific attention to three teachers: Dendar, the night serpent who feasts on nightmares; Merrshaulk, the master of the pit and the one to bring Yuan-Ti to their rightful place on top; and Sseth, the yuan-ti god of subterfuge. These gods drive a lot of their decisions and personalities.
The yuan-ti create other, stronger beings who lead or protect their slave population. Players may only select the yuan-ti pureblood, who prioritize survival and, perhaps, climbing the social ladder. These societies quickly become cults, and yuan-ti are talented at keeping cults intact and secretive.
Do Yuan-Ti Have Last Names?
Yuan-Ti do not take last names, surnames, or any sort of epithet. They each take a singular name derived from an ancestor of the past.
See Also: Triton Names Guide
Examples of Yuan-Ti Names
Yuan-ti have distinct memories of the past, and share a lot of grievances with their ancestors. Thus, yuan-ti accept the names of the past to hopefully bring the power of the ancestors to the present. Occasionally, a Yuan-Ti will add syllables to a name in order to more easily pronounce it. The letter s is exceedingly common in a Yuan-Ti name.
Yuan-Ti Names
- Asutali
- Eztli
- Hessatal
- Hitotee
- lssahu
- ltstli
- Izsashi
- Manuya
- Meztli
- Nesalli
- Otleh
- Shalkashlah
- Sisava
- Sitlali
- Soakosh
- Shossuzill
- orshuss
- Ssimalli
- Suisatal
- Talash
- Uhu
- Ushrashi
- Teoshi
- Yaotal
- Yasstuss
- Zihu
- Zhehshu
In conclusion, that’s it for the Yuan-ti! These are rather specific characters, as there’s some rather rough history that a player must overcome. While Yuan-ti don’t need to be evil, they don’t have many reasons to be good! In short, if your yuan-ti has empathized with others, or this is an evil campaign, yuan-ti are a great fit for the sorcerer class in 5E.