Firbolg Names Guide | Examples and Naming Conventions for 5E
These fey druids are the strong backbone of nature. Introduced in Volo’s Guide to Monsters, Firbolg are tall, gray, somewhat bulky individuals. They isolate themselves in forest fortresses, rarely meeting other non-fey outside of rare and dangerous circumstances. When they become adventurers, it’s normally due to getting outcast or ostracized by their community. Strangely enough, within their tight-knit groups, Firbolgs don’t consider names important at all. So what do you call them? Our Firbolg Names Guide will help you out!

Firbolg Names 5E Guide
Firbolgs don’t have names. At all. Their culture holds no domain on names, and they find the specific act of naming extremely odd. Thankfully, you don’t have to leave the “names” section empty. They do have backups to ensure other people can contact them somehow.
how Do You Name a Firbolg?
Firbolgs are peaceful creatures, similar to Halflings. They are completely content with farming and gathering, holding out during winter, and even helping creatures survive the seasons using nature’s bounty. Caring for others is essential for Firbolg culture; each creature deserves a chance to live, and objects that don’t directly affect survival are useless for most of them.
Despite their large size and caring nature, Firbolgs prefer to stay out of sight. They ensure nature’s survival from the shadows, trying to direct creatures and humanoids alike without actually being seen. They despise conflict, and even during invasions, the gentle approach is the firbolg approach. If a forest is empty and quiet, it may be the influence of a nearby Firbolg.
That shouldn’t mean Firbolgs are only pacifists. If travelers have legitimate want to cause harm to a forest, a Firbolg may try diplomacy or intimidation. They will help those who need it, if that aid would cause them to pass. Friendship with a Firbolg is difficult, but if there’s a legitimate attempt to respect nature and take only what is needed, a Firbolg may become friends.
Those who clearly have hostile intentions will receive the magical and martial wrath of the Firbolgs. And these gentle giants know how to use their weapons to brutal efficiency.
Firbolgs rarely leave their homes willingly. Much more likely for an adventuring Firbolg is violating a rule, or losing their clan. If outcast, Firbolgs are never allowed back home. They must find a new one. Firbolgs are outcast for horrid deeds, such as murder (of any living creature) or arson.
Orphaned Firbolgs tend to be vengeful or protectors, since their forest home is now in shambles. In a few rare cases, a Firbolg might be sent out for a holy cause. They wish to return home as soon as possible.
Examples of Firbolg Names
Firbolgs don’t have names, because they are in tune with all natural beings. Their fellow Firbolgs are known by deeds, rank in a clan, or current tasks. Natural beings are known by habits, personality, or strength. They don’t find names necessary, for they have an ancestral memory unheard of by other races.
If a Firbolg is asked for a name by outsiders, they may find Elven names the most pleasant. Elven names are relatively natural and fey, so they find the sounds pleasant.
Firbolg homes are another problematically vague occasion. Firbolgs refer to their home as “home,” but can adopt the name that surrounding folk use. This means an isolated Firbolg may struggle to direct outsiders to a dying clan or a nearby cave.
Firbolgs are also extremely willing to follow basic conventions, such as titles or nicknames. This is just part of their natural want to fit into a community, though they don’t usually understand why that matters. Firbolgs given names by Goliaths might find their nickname making sense.Firbolgs are, unsurprisingly, fantastic Druids and Clerics. While you may not value gold, it’s still a good idea to know how gold much you have to start!