Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Wizard Guide | New 5E Wizard Options
There is a lot to be excited about in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything: new subclasses, DM tools, and a variety of other player options. While every class gets some love, the wizard hasn’t picked up as much hype as other classes. Fear not, though. There are plenty of interesting new tidbits for your wizard, including a new school. Learn more with our Tashas Cauldron of Everything Wizard Guide.
Table of Contents
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Wizard Guide
As with all classes, Tasha’s Cauldron offers multiple odds and ends for the wizard class. Remember that all of these features are optional: your campaign will run just fine if you ignore them completely. Within the book, WOTC provided some optional features for all wizards as well as a new arcane tradition.

Optional Features
The wizard gains several new spell options and some optional features that increase customization.
More Wizard Spells
like all casting classes, the wizard gains more spells in it’s spell list. These spells include:
- Booming Blade
- Green-flame blade
- Lightning lure
- Mind sliver
- Sword burst
- Tasha’s Causting Brew
- Augury
- Enhance ability
- Tasha’s mind whip
- Intellect fortress
- Speak with dead
- Summon fey
- Spirit shroud
- Summon shadowspawn
- Summon undead
- Divination
- Summon aberattion
- Summon construct
- Elemental fiend
- Summon elemental
- Tasha’s otherworldly guise
- Dream of the blue veil
- Blade of disaster
Cantrip Formulas
At level three, you can change out your known cantrips following a long rest.
You have scribed a set of arcane formulas in your spellbook that you can use to formulate a cantrip in your mind. Whenever you finish a long rest and consult those formulas in your spellbook, you can replace one wizard cantrip you know with another cantrip from the wizard spell list.
New Arcane Traditions
While many of the classes within Tasha’s Cauldron got two new archetypes, the wizard only lands one. However, the book does reprint the Bladesinger for those two do not have it.
Order of Scribes
See Our Order of Scribes 5E Guide
Every arcane tradition involves drawing magical power by gaining knowledge from scrolls and spellbook. This specific aspect of the wizard is the focus of the newest subclass, the Order of Scribes.
The Order of Scribes centers heavily on the wizard’s magical quill and spell book. With the quill, the wizard can speed up spell copy time, write without ink, and erase text written with the quill within a five foot radius.
Additionally, the scribe also enjoys an awakened spellbook. This spellbook can be used as an arcane focus, allows you to alter the type of damage your spell does, and shortens the time limit on ritual casting. This is important, because ritual spells using the book now only require the spell’s normal casting time. In other words, certain ritual spells could be used in combat. Choose wisely; this is only available once per long rest.
At higher levels, you can conjure the spectral form of your awakened spellbook. You can use this spectral figure as a scout, as it can communicate telepathically and has darkvision. Eventually, the spellbook gives you advantage of Arcana checks and a host of additional benefits.
Wrapping Up Our Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Wizard Guide
That concludes our Tasha’s Caludron of Everything Wizard Guide. There’s a lot to unpack here. While most of the wizard changes are focused on customization and convenience, the new subclass has some interesting quirks. Let us know what you think in the comment section below.