Atlas Vitamins Guide
If you have played Ark: Evolved, you are likely familiar with the vitamins system in Atlas. But if you are new to the game series, the introduction of vitamins might be confusing. It’s an interesting addition that adds depth beyond just eating whatever food you have laying around, and there are real consequences if you fail to regulate your vitamin intake. To get the rundown on the Atlas vitamins system, keep reading our Atlas Vitamins Guide here at Nerds and Scoundrels.

All Atlas Vitamins Guide
Not sure what to do with those little colored bars? This guide will help you straighten it out. To begin, it’s important that you carefully manage your food intake in Atlas. In fact, it’s more important than it was in Ark: Evolved.
Eating too much of one type of food can lead to an imbalance in vitamins. If your vitamins are unbalanced, it can be just as deadly as any creature on an island. And who wants to die to vitamins, anyway?
Your goal is to keep your vitamin levels as even as possible. If you focus on just one type of food you’ll end up with a vitamin imbalance that will eventually begin costing you health. If that happens, you won’t be able to heal just through eating the right types of food.
The vitamins include:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is the yellow bar on the far left of the screen. You can increase Vitamin A with herbs that include Mint and Oregano. You can also increase your Vitamin A by eating eggs.
It’s important to note that many recipes include herbs, so it’s fairly easy to craft meals that target other vitamins in addition to Vitamin A.
Prepared drinks that give Vitamin A:
- Ale
- Berry Tea
Prepared foods that give Vitamin A:
- Alex’s Rosemary Chicken
- Amy’s Bubble n’ Squeak
- Hardtack
- Iso’s Spicy Roll
- Jac’s Beef Buns
- Jat’s Creme Brulee
- Navin’s Shrunken Head Stew
- Pork Pie
Vitamin B
Vitamin B is the pink bar that is to the right of the yellow bar. You get Vitamin B from animal meat or prime meat. This does not include fish. Prime meat has a large amount of Vitamin B, so proceed with caution.
Prepared drinks that give Vitamin B:
- Drake’s Dark Draught
- Hot Cocoa
- Robert’s Spiced Rum
Prepared foods that give Vitamin B:
- Colton’s Celery Soup
- Jac’s Beef Buns
- Navin’s Shrunken Head Stew
- Pork Pie
- Steven’s Stuffed & Baked Fish
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the orange bar to the right of the pink Vitamin B bar. The primary source of Vitamin C are berries, including blackberries.
Prepared drinks that give Vitamin C:
- Drake’s Dark Draught
- Robert’s Spiced Rum
Prepared foods that give Vitamin C:
- Amy’s Bubble n’ Squeak
- Colton’s Celery Soup
- Debby’s Pudding
- Lucy’s Fish ‘n Chips
- Monarch’s Cake
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is the blue bar on the far right. You obtain this Vitamin by eating fish.
Prepared drinks that give Vitamin D:
- Hot Cocoa
Prepared foods that give Vitamin D:
- Alex’s Rosemary Chicken
- Debby’s Pudding
- Iso’s Spicy Roll
- Jat’s Creme Brulee
- Lucy’s Fish ‘n Chips
- Monarch’s Cake
- Steven’s Stuffed & Baked Fish
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our Atlas Vitamins Guide. Did we leave anything out? Leave us a comment if you found this guide helpful. And be sure to check out the rest of our Atlas content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.