Fortnite – Fortbyte Challenge 36 (Season 9)
Ready for another Fortbyte challenge? Season 9 of Fortnite won’t disappoint, as Fortbyte Challenge #36 is here! Nerds and Scoundrels is here to give you a hand on tackling Fortbyte Challenge 36, so strap in and let’s do this!

Fortnite – Fortbyte Challenge #36 (Season 9)
In total, season 9 includes 100 different Fortbyte challenges. This quick guide will give you the skinny on quickly wrapping up the 36th installment, referred to as “Accessibe by Sentinel on a Frozen Island.”
To grab this Fortbyte, you must wear the sentinel skin to claim the 36th Fortbyte for this season from the frozen island.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our guide on how to get Fortbyte #36 from Season 9 of Fortnite Battle Royal. Any questions? Leave them in the comments section below and we will get back to you. And don’t forget to check back for all of our Fortnite content. Want to see this achievement live? Check out the video below!