Ghost of Tsushima Platforms Guide | Is it Coming to PC / XB1
Are you looking to dig into Ghost of Tsushima? I can’t blame you. this incredible game is deep in character options, adventure, and meaningful choices. Released in July 17 for the Playstation 4, many gamers are wondering when it might come to XBOX or PC. Read on with our Ghost of Tsushima Platforms Guide to learn why you probably shouldn’t hold your breath.

Ghost of Tsushima Platform Guide
At the time of release, Ghost of Tsushima is a Playstation 4 exclusive. While there is a strong possibility that the game will be ported over to Playstation 5, the odds other platforms ever get their hands on this one are low.
Remember, Sucker Punch Productions is owned by Sony. With that in mind, it should be no surprise that the game will remain exclusive to the PS4. Why hand their competitors such a fantastic title, right?
Like most things in the gaming world, we give the odds of platform expansion the “never say never” treatment. This one looks pretty close to never, though.
Is Ghost of Tsushima PS4 Exclusive?
For now, yes. And like we discussed above, you can expect that to remain the case given Sony’s involvement with Sucker Punch. However, it also means a port to PS5 is possible in the near future!
Is Ghost of Tsushima Cross Platform?
Nope. Of course, since Ghost of Tsushima is currently only available on Playstation there are no other platforms that even offer the game. Should this change, we’ll be the first to let you know!
Nerds and Scoundrels
That concludes our Ghost of Tsushima Platforms Guide. For now, you can expect the game to remain with PS4 exclusively. While odds are good it makes its way to PS5, I wouldn’t count on PC or XBOX players ever getting their hands on this one.
Need a little more Ghost of Tsushima in your life? Check out our Guide to Picking a Horse in Ghost of Tsushima.