Flash of Genius 5E: Unwrapping the Artificer Feature
Understanding the Flash of Genius 5e feature is essential for D&D Artificers aiming to tip the scales in their favor. It lets you apply your Intelligence to crucial rolls, enhancing your party’s effectiveness. Read on to learn how to maximize this ability in your adventures.

Table of Contents
Flash of Genius Summary
- The Flash of Genius ability is a key feature for D&D Artificers, allowing them to add their Intelligence modifier to ally or their own d20 rolls; limited use based on their Intelligence modifier and restored after a long rest.
- Artificer gameplay is enhanced by abilities like Infuse Item and Spell-Storing Item, which synergize well with Flash of Genius for greater tactical options and team support during crucial moments or encounters.
- Building an effective Artificer involves focusing on Intelligence for spellcasting and Flash of Genius, strategically selecting infusions and feats, and considering multiclassing to increase versatility and effectiveness in various roles.
Understanding Flash of Genius
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Within the tapestry of abilities at the disposal of the Artificer 5E class disposal, Flash of Genius stands as a testament to their quick wits and ingenuity. This ability, a beacon of hope in the heat of battle or the depths of a dungeon, encapsulates the essence of the Artificer’s role: to turn the tide with a spark of brilliance.
Whether it’s augmenting an ally’s capabilities or snatching victory from the jaws of defeat with a timely saving throw, Flash of Genius serves as a versatile tool in the Artificer’s kit that is great for both self-preservation or also assisting allies.
The Mechanics of Flash of Genius
The Flash of Genius ability can be used on the artificer themselves or on other creatures within a 30-foot range that they can see. An artificer can use Flash of Genius a number of times equal to their Intelligence modifier, with a minimum of once, and all expended uses are restored after a long rest.
Using their reaction, artificers can activate Flash of Genius after a d20 roll but before the outcome is determined and apply their Intelligence modifier, which also serves as their spellcasting ability modifier, to the roll, adding substantial support in pivotal situations. I love flash of genius not just because it’s powerful – because it is – but for its versatility. Trying to unlock the door between you and the McGuffin your party has been after the whole campaign? Have a flat bonus to your skill check. Uh oh, your party member has a fireball coming their way? Let’s tack on your Int modifier to their saving throw. I love it.
See Also: The Best Feats for Artificers
Situational Uses
During combat, Flash of Genius can be applied to saving throws, including death saving throws, helping a character resist effects like spells or traps that require a save. Flash of Genius can be used to assist allies within range by boosting their ability checks or saving throws, fostering teamwork and enhancing group resilience.
Flash of Genius can be used to add a bonus to a character’s ability check, potentially turning a failed attempt into a successful one, such as when picking a lock or recalling important information. In social encounters, Flash of Genius can bolster a character’s persuasion or deception checks, giving them an edge in negotiations or when trying to influence others.
Alchemist artificers can benefit from Flash of Genius when attempting to craft complex alchemical items or when using their Experimental Elixir feature, as it allows them to add their Intelligence modifier to an ability check, potentially enhancing the crafting process or the efficacy of the elixirs.
Enhancing Your Artificer Gameplay
Artificers can provide substantial support through the Infuse Item feature by creating items that enhance party members’ capabilities. The artificer infusion, Spell-Storing Item, allows Artificers to imbue an object with a spell, which can be used by non-magical allies or those with few or expended spell slots, thus extending the party’s magical reach and showcasing impressive artificer spell effects.
Synergy with Other Abilities
Flash of Genius can significantly enhance an Artificer’s performance when used in conjunction with other abilities such as Infuse Item and the Spell-Storing Item feature. When combined with the Infuse Item feature, Flash of Genius can bolster the effectiveness of ability checks or saving throws that benefited from an item’s infused properties. Flash of Genius synergizes dynamically with Spell-Storing Item, allowing not just the Artificer but also allies to cast spells with the added bonus, creating powerful tactical options.
Tactical Decision-Making
Evaluating the potential risks of an encounter and the enemy’s strength helps Artificers decide when to optimally use Flash of Genius, such as saving it for crucial saving throws, including death saving throws. When using Flash of Genius, Artificers should consider if the roll is too low for the ability to turn a failure into a success, and instead save it for more winnable situations. Artificers must be aware of when an ally is likely to fail an important ability check or saving throw, reserving Flash of Genius usage for such critical moments.
Artificers should use Flash of Genius to support checks that are vital to the party’s strategy or to defend against significant enemy abilities. Artificers need to consider their party’s overall abilities and infusions to achieve tactical synergy with Flash of Genius, enhancing the group’s strengths or shoring up weaknesses. Weighing up whether to use Flash of Genius or other reactive actions like opportunity attacks or reaction spells is a crucial strategic decision for an Artificer during combat.
When Does Flash of Genius Apply?
One of the frustrating aspects of this ability is that the language itself is vague. Sure, you can add your modifier to an ability check or saving throw…but when? When you use bardic inspiration, for example, the rules spell out that it can be used after the roll is made but before the outcome is determined by the DM.
Do we assume that the bonus must be added before the roll, then? Not so fast. The divination wizard has a similar ability, and it also spells out that the decision to replace a roll must be made before that roll is ever made. In other words, WOTC left us hanging.
In fact, most of the time these rules are clear, like with the Wild Magic sorcerer’s bend luck ability. Here, we don’t have a firm answer and to date, Mike Mearls has yet to weigh in on Twitter with an official resolution. That means the choice is up to the DM.
Personally, I would rule that bonus must be added after the role but before the outcome is determined. This is thematic, helpful, and still provides some tough decisions and uncertainty. Your DM might disagree!
Building an Effective Artificer
Replicate Magic Item infusion is pertinent for customizing an Artificer’s gear, enabling replication of specific magic items that can enhance utility and defense, important for an Artificer making the most out of Flash of Genius. An Artificer’s ability to infuse a limited number of objects, based on the Infused Items column of the Artificer table, makes strategic selection of infusions key to maximizing Flash of Genius within the constraints of available artificer infusions.
The Repulsion Shield adds a tactical advantage by increasing Armor Class and providing the ability to push attackers away, which can be strategically used to create the optimal scenario for leveraging Flash of Genius.
Ability Score Prioritization
Intelligence is essential for an Artificer’s spellcasting ability intelligence, the use of their Artificer Infusions, and their Flash of Genius ability. After Intelligence, Constitution is a secondary priority for Artificers to support concentration saves and overall durability in combat. Strength and Charisma are often considered the least important scores for Artificer characters and can be designated as dump stats.
For maximum armor effectiveness, Artificers should aim for at least a 14 in Dexterity, while a score of 12 or 13 in Wisdom is recommended for better perception checks and saving throws.
Feats and Multiclassing
The Tough feat provides additional hit points per level, especially beneficial for melee combat-oriented Artificers like Battle Smiths or Armorers. The Lucky feat applies to all Artificers, allowing rerolls on failed attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws, which can significantly enhance success rates in combat encounters.
Elven Accuracy is particularly useful for Artificers who can consistently attack with advantage, improving their attack rolls and also potentially increasing their Intelligence score. Fighting Initiate grants Artificers access to a Fighting Style, allowing them to specialize and enhance their efficiency with certain weapons or combat styles.
Resilient (Wisdom) aids Artificers by granting proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, offering protection from a plethora of mental effects and control spells. Fey Touched provides a beneficial expansion to an Artificer’s spell list, adding a second-level spell and a first-level spell from any class, which can be used to increase both the character’s versatility and magical options.
Magic Initiate (Wizard) extends an Artificer’s repertoire with additional cantrips and a first-level spell, adding to the class’s limited spellcasting choices and enhancing its utility. When considering how many spell slots an Artificer has, this feat can be a valuable addition, especially when taking into account the potential benefits of intelligence modifier ritual casting.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is an artificer 5e?
An artificer in the 5e version of Dungeons and Dragons is a versatile class that can fulfill various roles within a party, such as support, defense, healing, and striking. They have a wide range of tools and abilities to be effective in different situations, making them similar to the Bard in terms of versatility.
What is the best artificer subclass in 5e?
The best artificer subclass in 5e is the Battle Smith, offering profound quality and multiclass opportunities. The Artillerist artificer closely follows but the Battle Smith stands out for its unique inventions.
What is the flash of genius used for in 5e?
The “flash of genius” ability allows you to add your Intelligence modifier to an ability check or saving throw made by you or another creature within 30 feet of you, using your reaction. It can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Concluding our Flash of Genius 5E Guide
That’s it for our guide! Think you have a clear understanding of this one? I love this ability, and it is an underrated reason to play an underrated class. if you are building your artificer for the first time, be sure to check out our Artificer 5e subclasses guide for ideas.