How to Get Double Jump in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown has arrived, and for many people it is a platformer dream come true. Of course, navigating your way through the game isn’t always easy, especially early on when your skills are limited. The good news is that once you learn double jump, you’ll be able to reach some of those frustrating ledges that were previously unavailable. Let’s dive into our Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Double Jump Guide.

Getting Double Jump in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Technically, double jump is the informal (but accurate) name for an ability known as Gravity Wings. So if you’re looking for an in-game reference to double-jumping, you’re going to be searching for a long time.
First of all, this ability is not available immediately. You will first need to defeat the god Azhdaha in the Pit of Eternal Sands before it can be unlocked. This only occurs roughly halfway through the game, so you shouldn’t expect to be double jumping right out of the gate.
There are some informal prerequisites to be aware of, as well. You cannot fight Azhdaha immediately, as you’ll need specific abilities – Dimensional Claw and Clairvoyance – in order to even unlock the door that leads to the fight.
After you defeat Azhdaha, you will be given a Simurgh Feather that contains the Gravity Wings ability. Congrats!
Using Double Jump
Double jump can be game-changing in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. This ability dramatically increases your jumping range – by more than you might realize. You can only double jump once in the air, but that ability recharges every time you make contact with the ground or a wall. That means you can often double jump your way through large spaces with only a few touchpoints.
Double jumping is easy; just hit the jump button, then hit it again in midair. Use the X button on Playstation and the A button on Xbox.
Concluding Our Guide
That’s it for our Guide to getting Double jump in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Gravity Wings isn’t that hard to come by, and the impact it can have on your game is tremendous. Did you get much use out of it? If so, we want to hear about it! Sound off in the comment section below.
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