Beasts of Bermuda Acrocanthosaurus Guide
If you are a Beasts of Bermuda fan, you likely know about the newest dinosaur added to the game: the Acrocanthosaurus. This dinosaur is fun to play but also extremely powerful. Want some insight into playing this new dino? Nerds and Scoundrels is your hook up! Keep reading for a breakdown of the Acro’s abilities, strengths, weaknesses and talent tree.

Beasts of Bermuda Acrocanthosaurus
The Acro is a theropod, meaning it walks on its back legs. In Beasts of Bermuda, it’s a fun option, especially for new players.
Background and History
In Latin, Acrocanthosaurus means “high-spined lizard.” This dinosaur lived in what is now North America during the early Cretaceous period. Fossils have been found across the United States, including in Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming.
The Acrocanthosaurus was a meat eater that hunted other dinosaurs. Weighing in at a massive 14,000 pounds, it’s no surprise these dinosaurs are a major threat in Beasts of Bermuda.
Talents and Abilities
Active Ability – Intimidating Roar
Intimidating Roar is loud audial attack that lowers an enemy dinosaur’s stamina, ability power, and damage output. Intimidating Roar uses a lot of Ability Points, which makes it better suited for use in packs versus solo.
Passive Ability – Bleed
At the time of writing, Bleed is an ability that is unique to the Acro. Bleed stops all healing, drops comfort severely, and does damage overtime. it is midgitated and depleted by the ability Clotting, and/or sitting down.
Talent Tree
There are a lot of options for an Acro setup, but this is our favorite. You will need 20 ability points for this build.
- Weather Resistance: 3/3
- Water Longevity: 3/3
- Food Longevity: 3/3
- Scavenger: 2/3 OR Intimidation: 2/3
- Stotic: 2/3
- Strong Bones: 2/3
- Serrated Teeth: 2/3
- Swim Speed Increase: 2/3
- Sneaky: 2/3 OR Health Pool Increase: 2/3
You want points in Weather Resistance, Food, and Water Longevity for obvious reasons. Overall, the setup is ideal for Life Cycle. Scavenger is useful if you are desperate for food, while intimidation is better if you prefer to hunt or fight. Strong Bones is to help in fights with a T-Rex, as their powerful bites can wreck you otherwise. Serrated Teeth is especially good for an Acrocanthosaurus, as it will increase your already impressive Bleed damage. Swim speed will help you cross oceans when necessary. Finally, you have a choice between Sneaky or boosting your HP. If you are planning on a lot of fighting, boost your health pool. But if you are hoping to sneak and scavenge, the Sneaky points will help you more.
You have a pretty large selection of potential prey. Keep in mind that some dinosaurs will serve as excellent prey if they are a juvenile, while others are acceptable prey at any size.
Easy Prey
- Tyrannosaurus (Juvenile)
- Parasaurolophus (Juvenile)
- Megalosaurus (Any Size)
- Apatosaurus (Juvenile or Subadult)
- Itchyovenotator (Any Size)
- Velociraptor (Any Size)
- Pteranodon (Any Size)
Medium Prey
- Lurduosaurus (Any Size)
- Tyrannosaurus (Subadult)
- Parasaurolophus (Subadult)
Hard Prey
- Tyrannosaurus (Adult)
- Apatosaurus (Adult)
- Parasaurolophus (Adult)
- Mosasaurus
- Kronosaurus
- Acro Packs
- Tyrannosaurus Pairs
Acrocanthosaurus Combat Guide
Your ability to fight using the Acro begins and ends with the Bleed ability. Your best bet in fighting is to always hunt your prey from behind. Strike when you are assured you will connect, and if you are hit disengage. One dinosaur to watch out for with special care is the Apatosaurus. Chasing it from behind is a risky proposition, given that the Apatosaurus can use the powerful Tail Whip ability. During combat, aim for bites on the side and neck. Avoid damage, as any Apatosaurus is powerful enough to kill you.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our Beasts of Bermuda Acrocanthosaurus Guide. Any questions about the newest dinosaur added to Beasts of Bermuda? Let us hear them in the comment section below. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Beasts of Bermuda content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.