Just Cause 4 Windwalker: The Stormchaser Walkthrough
Available upon completion of Cesar’s Theory, Windwalker: The Stormchaser is the first mission of Operation Windwalker. This mission is designed to obtain a vehicle that can withstand the manmade tornados and get you close enough to jump into the eye of the storm. Sounds easy right? Luckily, Nerds and Scoundrels is here to help. Keep reading this guide for all the answers you need to complete Just Cause 4 Windwalker the Stormchaser mission!

Just Cause 4 Windwalker the Stormchaser Walkthrough
The mission opens with a cutscene between you and Mira. Mira is having stormchasing equipment loaded into a helicopter with the intention of capturing the mobile core that is controlling these manmade tornados. To take control of the tornado weapon you’ll need to implant a device into the drone that controls the manmade tornados. To do that, you’ll need to build a stormchaser van. Luckily, you’ve got Cesar here to help with that. The mission kicks off with you escorting Cesar to the Prisa Factory.
While traveling down the river you can’t help but notice the large amounts of blockades and patrols from the Black Hand. You will drive as Cesar slowly flies the helicopter. Before long you’ll it a Black Hand installation blocking your way. You’ll need to clear out the three batteries of surface-to-air missiles to allow Cesar to pass. From there, it’s a simple jaunt to the factory. There, you will be able to upgrade the storm chaser and get it ready for the big takedown of Zona Tres’ defenses.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that is how you complete the Just Cause 4 Windwalker the Stormchaser mission. Was this walkthrough useful? If so, let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Just Cause 4 content here at Nerds and Scoundrels. Want to see the mission unfold in front of you? Check out the video below.