HOI4 Country Tags
HOI4 County Tags come in handy when you are using console commands in Hearts of Iron 4. But to use these console cheats that affect entire countries, you’ll need to know the country tag. Most of the tags correspond closely to the name of the country. For nations that begin after the start of the game, a new tag is assigned. The tag is D##, with the ## replaced by ascending numbers based on when the nation was created. For example, the first nation created after the game begins will have the tag D01. If you need to know the tag of the country ingame, you can Hit tilde, type the command tdebug, and then mouse over one of the provinces of the target country. That will provide you with the country ID.

HOI4 Country Tags
Below is the complete table of country tags for Hearts of Iron 4.
Country Name | Country Tag |
Albania | ALB |
Algeria | ALG |
Angola | ANG |
Armenia | ARM |
Australia | AST |
Austria | AUS |
Argentina | ARG |
Belgium | BEL |
Niger | NIG |
Bhutan | BHU |
Byelorussia | BLR |
Bolivia | BOL |
Bosnia | BOS |
Botswana | BOT |
Brazil | BRA |
Brunei | BRU |
Bulgaria | BUL |
Burma | BUR |
California | CAL |
Cameroon | CAM |
Canada | CAN |
Guangxi Clique | CGX/GXC |
Communist China | PRC |
Chile | CHL |
Nationalist China | CHI |
Cambodia | CMB |
Colombia | COL |
Congo/Zaire | COG |
Costa Rica | COS |
Croatia | CRO |
Confederate States | CSA |
Shanxi | SHX |
Cuba | CUB |
Xibei San Ma | XSM |
Yunnan | CYN |
Cyprus | CYP |
Czechoslovakia | CZE |
East Germany | DDR |
West Germany | WGR |
Denmark | DEN |
Dominican Republic | DOM |
East African Union | EAF |
Ecuador | ECU |
Egypt | EGY |
United Kingdom | ENG |
Equatorial Africa | EQA |
Estonia | EST |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Spain | FIN |
Flanders | FLA |
France | FRA |
Gabon | GAB |
Georgia | GEO |
Germany | GER |
Gold Coast | GLD |
Greece | GRE |
Guatemala | GUA |
Guinea | GUI |
Guyana | GUY |
Haiti | HAI |
Netherlands | HOL |
Honduras | HON |
Hungary | HUN |
Iceland | ICE |
Indochina | IDC |
India | IND |
Indonesia | INO |
Iran | PER |
Ireland | IRE |
Iraq | IRQ |
Israel | ISR |
Italy | ITA |
Japan | JAP |
Yemen | JEM |
Jordan | JOR |
Kazakhstan | KAZ |
Korea | KOR |
Kurdistan | KUR |
Kyrgyzstan | KYG |
Latvia | LAT |
Laos | LAO |
Libya | LBA |
Lebanon | LEB |
Liberia | LIB |
Lithuania | LIT |
Luxembourg | LUX |
Madagascar | MAD |
Union of Mali | MAL |
Manchukuo | MAN |
Mengkukuo | MEN |
Mexico | MEX |
Malaysia | MAL |
Mongolia | MON |
Morocco | MOR |
Mozambique | MOZ |
Montenegro | MNT |
Namibia | NAM |
Nationalist Spain | DO1 |
Nepal | NEP |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Nigeria | NIG |
Norway | NOR |
New Zealand | NZL |
Oman | OMN |
Pakistan | PAK |
Palestine | PAL |
Panama | PAN |
Paraguay | PAR |
Persia | PER |
Philippines | PHI |
Poland | POL |
Portugal | POR |
Primorsk | PRI |
People’s Republic of China | PRC |
People’s Republic of Korea | PRK |
Peru | PRU |
Quebec | QUE |
British Raj | RAJ |
Rhodesia | RHO |
Romania | ROM |
Italian Social Republic | RSI |
Russia/Soviet Union | RUS/SOV |
South Africa | SAF |
El Salvador | ELS |
Sarawak | SAR |
Saudi Arabia | SAU |
Scandinavia | SCA |
Sinkiang | SIK |
Switzerland | SWI |
Sweden | SWE |
Scotland | SCO |
Serbia | SER |
Siam | SIA |
Siberia | SIB |
Sierra Leone | SIE |
Republican Spain | SPR |
Soviet Union | SOV |
Tannu Tuva | TAN |
Texas | TEX |
Tibet | TIB |
Transural Republic | TRA |
Turkmenistan | TRM |
Tunisia | TUN |
Turkey | TUR |
Ukraine | UKR |
Uruguay | URG |
United States | USA |
Uzbekistan | UZB |
Venezuela | VEN |
Vichy France | VIC |
Vietnam | VIE |
Wallonia | WLL |
Yemen | YEM |
Yugoslavia | YUG |
Yunnan | YUN |
Communist Spain | SPR |
Evil Emo Emu Empire | EMU |
Dutch East Indies | INS |
Dutch Reich | DUT |
All Countries | ALL |
Best Ways to Use These Tags
- tag [country tag] – Alter the country you are playing as
- annex [country tag] – Annex the target country
- White (wp) [country tags] – Impose a White Peace between two countries
- add_opinion [country tag] – Increase the target country’s opinion of you by 100
- event [event ID] [country tag] – Executes an event in the target country. You will need the specific event code for this.
Wrapping Up our HOI4 Country Tag Guide
Was the Nerds and Scoundrels HOI4 Country Tags guide helpful? Let us known in the comments. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our HOI4 content.
See Also: