Mordhau Console Commands
Are you ready for a new medieval melee combat game? That makes all of us! Mordhau is live on Steam, and it is the next fun dive into the multiplayer sword-and-shield genre. This is great news, especially if you like games like For Honor. If you want to get the most out of your gameplay, we recommend getting familiar with all of the Mordhau console commands.

Mordhau Console Commands Guide
To access the console commands in Mordhau, you will need to press one of the keyboard hotkeys: “`”, “~”, or “End.” This hotkey will bring up the console where you can enter all the codes. In the console, simply enter one of the codes listed below to enjoy the corresponding effect. You will need to be logged in as an admin to enter codes into a specific server. With these codes, you can do everything from change the size of your character to add bots.
Mordhau Console Commands List
- adminlogin – Gives you Administrator Access to control the server.
- adminlist – Lists current server admins.
- adminadd – Adds a new admin to the admin list.
- removeadmin – Removes specified admin from the admin list.
- changelevel –
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our guide on Mordhau Console Commands. Did we forget anything? If so, let us know in the comment section below. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Mordhau content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.