Far Cry New Dawn To Love a Boar Walkthrough
One of our favorite things about Far Cry New Dawn is unlocking new companions, and this mission lets you do just that. Need a hand with the Far Cry New Dawn side mission To Love a Boar? Nerds and Scoundrels can help with that! Keep reading for our Far Cry New Dawn to Love a Boar Walkthrough.

Far Cry New Dawn to Love a Boar
Area: Elsinore Farm, Northeast of Pantry
Quest Giver: Nobody, quest starts automatically when entering Elsinore Farm
Requirement: None, available from the start
Reward: Horatio joins the roster as a Fang for Hire and Save your Bacon trophy
To begin this mission, head Northeast from The Pantry outpost. When you encounter Elsinore Farm you will discover a pig that needs help. The mission will trigger as soon as you reach the farm.
When you reach the farm you will encounter several bandits. Survey the area carefully, as most of them will be on the exterior of the house. However, please note there are typically one or two highwaymen inside the structure as well.
On the western side of the compound is a shed. The shed has an American flag star on the side as well as a yellow lock on the door. If you shoot the lock, Horatio the Pig will burst out of the shed. If there are still hostiles around, Horatio will set upon them and take them out. If everyone is already dead, then it’s time to make a new friend. Just pet the pig and you will have a new companion to join your roster.
This mission is easy. If you want to do the heavy lifting, be my guest. But if you want to do this the easy way just shoot the lock off from a distance and let Horatio do the work.
Horatio is a nice addition to the team thanks to his tank. He can soak up a lot of damage as well as knock the shields off of an enemy. At higher levels he has the ability to not only revive himself but also go on a rampage. I dig this pig.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our Far Cry New Dawn To Love a Boar Walkthrough. Did you find this helpful? We hope so. Let us know what you think in the comment section below, and don’t forget to check out the rest of our Far Cry New Dawn content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.