Stardew Valley Hay Guide | How to Make Hay in Stardew Valley
As the winter months start to creep up on you in Stardew Valley, there is one VERY important problem you will have to resolve right away – how do you feed your animals when you are growing no grass? Just like in real life, grass does not grow during the coldest months of the year. Considering that most of your livestock rely on Hay as their main source of sustenance, this can quickly become a catastrophe. That is why you need to acquire a Silo as soon as possible.

Stardew Valley Hay Guide
A Silo is designed to hold 240 units of Hay, which should be enough to last eight animals through the winter months. For every eight animals that you have, you will need to obtain and fill one Silo with Hay. Needless to say, your wallet’s well being will depend on this, as Hay costs 50 gold per bundle at Marnie’s Ranch. Yikes!
You can acquire a Silo in two ways – you can hire Robin to build you one in two days for 100 gold, or you can build one yourself. To build a Silo, you will need the following items.
- 100 Stone
- 10 Clay
- 5 Copper Bar
No matter how you go about it, it will take two days for this 3×3 building to be put together.
After your Silo is built, you can now cut down some grass with the Scythe your character starts the game with. Once cut, the grass will be stored in the Silo; openly available for your animals to graze on.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that is how your acquire Hay in Stardew Valley. Do you have any questions? Please feel free to ask in the comments. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Stardew Valley content. Need a suggestion? Hit up our Stardew Valley Grandpa Guide.