We Ranked the King of the Hill Halloween Episodes
Many shows opt for seasonal, themed episodes and Halloween is one of the best examples of this. King of the Hill is no stranger to seasonal episodes and while the show does not have too many Halloween episodes, they are absolutely gold. With that in mind, we have listed the King of the Hill Halloween episodes alongside some iconic quotes from them.

The Best King of the Hill Halloween Episodes Ranked
There are only really two Halloween episodes of King of the Hill but regardless we have outlined our ranking of them from our least favorite to our favorite.
2. Pigmalion
Year: 2003
Season 7, Episode 9
Pigmalion is definitely one of the most memorable episodes of King of the Hill of all time. The main reason for this is that it is one of the darkest episodes of any animated show and was originally meant to air during season 5 but was deemed to be too violent at the time.
It centers around Luanne dating a pork company executive who interestingly is voiced by Michael Keaton in a cameo appearance. This unhinged character wants Luanne to look exactly like the woman on his company logo and things get pretty dark indeed.
Trip: My great-grandfather started Larsen Pork Products with little more than three pigs and a killing hammer. Today, I’m proud to say, we kill more pigs than pig hepatitis.
Luanne: I might have grown up poor, but I never met anyone who kept a pig in the house.
Trip: That’s because they weren’t equipped for it.
Trip: Trust me, Luanne, this is for the best! We agreed that I would do the thinking for both of us!
Luanne: I never agreed to be a Larsen pork product!
Luanne: At least Trip seemed happy, and now he’s in a better place.
Peggy: Honey, Trip had a mental breakdown and is now a sausage. That’s not a better place.
See Also: The Best King of the Hill Valentine’s Day Episodes
1. Hilloween
Year: 1997
Season 2, Episode 4
Another extremely iconic episode, Hilloween sees Halloween declared as a satanic holiday by church member Junie Harper. This results in Hank’s haunted house getting shut down by the school, leading Luanne and Bobby to suspect that Hank is actually a satanist.
A truly funny episode, watching Hank’s battle with Junie over the future of Halloween for the entire town is very entertaining.
Junie Harper: The complacency of fools will destroy them, Proverbs.
Hank: Get out of my house, Exodus!
Hank: “Eat Wells”. “Sugar-Free Low-Fat Fun Bars”. Peggy, that stuff isn’t for trick-or-treaters, it’s for diabetics.
Peggy Hill: Now you hold it right there, Junie Harper. I go to church too, and I have raffled and bingoed and bake saled my way as close to the good Lord as you. So do not try to one-up me, because I will one-up yours.
Wrapping up our King of the Hill Halloween Rankings
And that is our take on the best and worst King of the Hill Halloween episodes. Agree? Disagree? Agree to disagree? No matter how you feel about our list, leave us a note in the comment section and give us your feedback! We love hearing from our readers.