Wizard Feats: Our Top 15 for 5E
The masters of the arcane arts in Dungeons & Dragons 5E, the Wizard are capable of many acts of strength. They can move mountains, create dimensions, and destroy armies with their knowledge. So, if they can do all of that with just their mind, what can they do with feats? The Wizard has the chance to obtain 5 feats over the course of their career, similar to all other non-Fighter classes. Out of the many different options, what feats are best for these magical scholars? Check out our Wizard feats list to see which ones we love the most.

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Top 10 Wizard Feats for 5E
Before you start taking feats, we would recommend that you increase your Intelligence to 20. High Intelligence is critical for Wizards; the better your Intelligence, the stronger your spellcasting and spell damage. If you are set on taking new feats, here are some of the best wizard feats available.
15. Gift of the Metallic Dragon
Gift of the Metallic Dragon gives you two important bonuses. The first is that you can learn the spell cure wounds. You can cast it once without a slot and use your spell slots to cast again after that. This is one of the few ways a wizard can pick up healing magic. You also get a less-useful tool for increasing allies AC temporily.
14. Keen Mind
Keen Mind is the first entry on our list, and some would probably rate it higher. this feat gives you is useful in some campaigns more than others. Having the power to remember everything you have seen or heard varies in usefulness depending on your DM. However, it’s a nice feature – especially coupled with a +1 to intelligence.
13. Strixhaven Initiate
One of the themes you will find on this list is that I favor themes that offer more spell options. The wide range of available spells is a strength of the Wizard class, so it makes sense to pick feats that expand that advantage even further. Strixhaven Initiate does just that.
In fact, this feat offers four different configurations of spells depending on the Strixhaven school you select. I love the spells that come with the Quandrix school, as you gain some cleric or druid spells that offer healing. You can even pick up one of my favorite cantrips: guidance.
12. Telepathic
Telepathic is a fun little thing that a Wizard can do to influence conversations out of combat. It gives +1 Intelligence, which is great for them. It also boosts your utility by allowing you to talk with people in their minds. This can let you research information about a subject, use your high Intelligence to recall knowledge, and then feed that knowledge to your Bard or Rogue so they can talk more effectively. Or, you can use it to creep people out. Whatever works! You also learn Detect Thoughts, a criminally underrated spell that can help out in dungeoneering and interrogation. Great to build utility!
11. Telekinetic
Telekinetic is also pretty cool. You get +1 Intelligence, which is just what the Wizard ordered. Your Mage Hand gets a pretty significant buff, which allows it to be invisible, hard to see, and gives it better range. That can let you get away with some sneaky stuff, without needlessly spending spell slots. Finally, as a bonus action, you can shove someone. This can be used defensively by pushing someone out of your face, offensively if someone’s in a bad position, or even by pushing an ally 5 feet to keep them in range of an enemy.
10. Elemental Adept
If you are a particularly big fan of a specific element, this is the spell for you! It increases your damage fairly significantly, especially as your spells get more and more dice. Situationally, you can remove Resistances. This doubles your damage against specific enemies, and can really mess up specific creatures that rely on that resistance to keep them from dying to Fireballs or Lightning Bolts. You should probably only take this if your specific spell school or archetype likes a specific element… But that can happen! Especially for casters like Evocation.
9. Eldritch Adept
Wizards love versatility, and that silly Sorcerer has a ton of versatility with Metamagic. Well, you can steal a touch of that power. Quickened Spell can increase a Wizard’s damage potential significantly by allowing you to cast a spell and a cantrip. Distant Spell can keep you very safe, Empowered Spell can let you deal… a tiny bit of extra damage… Just make sure that your Metamagic choice doesn’t rely on Charisma. That will likely not be too useful for your poor Wizard!
8. Artificer Initiate
The Wizard is one of the few classes that can consistently take Artificer Initiate, and it’s rewarded for that pretty handsomely. You get a cantrip and 1st level spell from the Artificer spell list. This is one of the easiest ways for a Wizard to get access to Cure Wounds, and they can cast it with 9th level slots… If they really want to. Artificer cantrips aren’t bad either, with a way for the Wizard to do significant bludgeoning damage without spending a spell slot. Good options here! The tool proficiency is a ton of fun, but not great. If your DM likes tool use, have at it!
7. Shadow Touched
+1 to Intelligence, let’s go! Shadow Touched provides the Wizard with Invisibility, which is one of the best defensive options in the game for them. Having it always “active” will usually be helpful, and it is always prepared at the start of the day. The other spell options are a little less impressive, but there are some winners like Color Spray, Sleep, and Command. Nothing bad here!
6. War Caster
War Caster is an aggressive option for Wizards. There’s Advantage to keep concentrating on a spell, which is important for some builds. The Wizard can hold shields and weapons, which usually won’t matter. Still, a Wizard that has a shield on can really benefit from being able to hold, say, a shield and a potion during combat. Finally, the Wizard can make opportunity attacks with magic. Imagine someone stepping away from your Wizard, and instead of slapping them with your staff, you cast Banishment. That’s pretty amazing! Though Wizards shouldn’t be on the frontlines, this can help them out.
5. Resilient
Resilient is stellar, but basically only for Constitution. +1 Constitution might be enough to get you extra health and Constitution saves. Then, you get Constitution save proficiency. That’s up to a +6 to your Concentration saves and saves against deadly spells. For a Wizard, both health and Concentration saves are really, really important!

4. Fey Touched
Fey Touched is like Shadow Touched but with arguably better spells. +1 Intelligence is great. Misty Touch is an absurdly potent spell with the best use of a Bonus Action or 2nd level spell in the game. Finally, your 1st level options are fun. Hex can increase your damage, Command can lock down an enemy briefly, and Tasha’s Hideous Laughter is a great way to spend a 1st level slot. A ton of these are unavailable for the Wizard, so check it out when you have the time!
3. Alert
Alert is a pretty simple choice for a Wizard. If you have the ability to go first, you can easily negate a powerful enemy, or even end the fight immediately. Alert lets you go first much more often; +5 to Initiative is basically adding +10 to your Dexterity in a single feat. You also are less likely to get stabbed to death from the darkness, and less likely to get ambushed. That’s significant, though not nearly as much as the Initiative thing.
2. Metamagic Adept
Metamagic adept – which can be found in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything – lets you have the best of both worlds. One of the major benefits of playing a Wizard over a Sorcerer is the broader range of spells. the downside is that ou don’t get a chance to use metamagic. the highlight of the sorcerer class, metamagic allows you to spend points to alter your spells. You can cast spells meant for one target against multiple creatures, or cast fireball while protecting your allies from the blast. This feat gives you sorcery points and two metamagic options, which opens a lot of possibilities for you.
1. Lucky
Lucky is one of the best feats available regardless of your class. In fact, it is so strong that it is banned at many tables. Lucky requires a reroll of attack rolls, saving throws, or ability checks. You can use it to re-roll a bad outcome or force an opponent to roll again when they roll well. This is a great option for forcing a target to roll again after they have succeeded on a saving throw for one of your highest-level spells.
Conclusions – Best Wizard Feats
How did we do? Did we undervalue Telepathy? Did we overvalue alert? Should we have included cool utility feats like Observant? Tell us in the comments, and tell us about your favorite feat synergies while you’re at it! And don’t forget to check out our Feats 5E Guide.