Dwarf Names Guide | Examples and Naming Conventions for 5E
Dwarves are the stout, stoic, stocky mountaineers of Dungeons & Dragons 5E. Introduced in the Player’s Handbook, dwarves are skilled in almost every physical profession. Despite being less than 5 feet tall, a dwarf’s huge build makes them comparable (weight-wise) to a normal human. Since they live in mountains and underground, they normally have light brown or deep tan skin; symbols of their connection to the earth that surrounds them. Male dwarves grow huge beards and groom them with the passion and care of an artist. As such, you should take similar care when naming one! Our Dwarf Names Guide will help you out there.

Table of Contents
Dwarf Names 5E Guide
Dwarven names are complex and deep. Their names are given to them by an elder, and their name is what they hinge their pride on. A dwarf with no name is one that committed the most heinous of crimes. Thus, take some time to figure out what kind of name works well for your dwarf. Even an exiled dwarf knows the importance of their name, and likely clings to it… whether with pride or ire, that is up to them.
See Our Guide to Playing Dwarves in D&D
How Do You Name a Dwarf?
Dwarves are long-living people; half the age of elves! That means they have nearly half a century under their belt before they fall to old age. They have longevity of memory that is rarely seen in the Forgotten Realms… and unlike elves, the grudges they hold stay strong.
Dwarves are a very traditional people; sometimes, because the dwarf lived long enough to see the tradition come to pass. Worshipping the gods of the dwarves is an important part of their lives, and many dwarves become clerics. All dwarves are stubborn, determined and loyal. They have a strong sense of justice, and their clan is so tight-packed that wronging a dwarf will insult their clan.
Dwarven Kingdoms are essential to their world identity. Dwarves adore minerals and jewels, and thus they mine and trade to their heart’s content. In order to gain access to a kingdom, an outsider needs to earn a dwarves’ trust, a long and painful process at times.
Clans are essentially social classes, and even dwarves out in the world care about their clan affiliation immensely. These outsiders tend to become artisans or bodyguards; great options, thanks to their dedication and loyalty.
Dwarven adventurers are typically after gold or their quest to prove themselves. Gold is obvious, but a dwarf might have a hundred different reasons that they’re on a quest, centered around their clan. Perhaps the clan was destroyed, or humiliated. Or, the dwarf was exiled, and is looking for a new home.
See Also: Centaur Names Guide
Examples of Dwarf Names
Dwarf names are given to them by the clan’s elders. This name has been reused over the generations, and likely comes from a place of legend. A dwarf that humiliates their clan loses the chance to use any dwarven names.
Male Dwarf Names
- Adrik
- Barn
- Dain
- Einkil
- Fargrim
- Harbek
- Horbir
- Kildrak
- Orsik
- Rurik
- Thoradin
- Traubon
- Tugnuth
- Ulfgar
- Vondal
- Wenmead
Female Dwarf Names
- Amber
- Dagnal
- Eldeth
- Gunnloda
- Gurdis
- Harra
- Kathra
- Ilde
- Ismel
- Lodra
- Mardred
- Sannl
- Tharfani
- Tobera
- Vistra
Clan Names
- Anvilclasm
- Balderk
- Battlehammer
- Clawhelm
- Dankil
- Dragonbreaker
- Fireforge
- Holderhek
- Loderr
- Rocksmelter
- Rumnahein
- Stonesmoke
- Torunn
- Ungart
- Ulmbrewer
And that concludes our Dwarf guide! If you need help deciding on what your Dwarf can do… Dwarves can do a lot. Dwarves make great Clerics, Fighters, Rangers, and the list goes on! I personally love to take a swing at the Paladin class for 5E with my dwarven characters. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below!