Forge Cleric 5E Guide | Rules, Tips, Builds, and More
The newest cleric subclass is known as Forge Cleric. Along with the grave domain cleric, this domain was first released in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, this unique class offers tons of options for both frontline combat or spellcasting. There is a lot of fun to be had, and a well-built character can fit a number of roles in a party. For example, it is possible to sling a battleax and forgo magic entirely. You could also dedicate your character to magic while still being able to tank substantial damage. If we’ve piqued your interest, strap in and check out our Forge Cleric 5e Guide.

Table of Contents
How Good is Forge Cleric in 5E?
The forge cleric is very popular, and for a good reason. So why is a forge cleric good? There is a lot to like about the Forge Domain. If you dream of romping through battle swinging a giant ax, that is certainly possible. There are several Forge Cleric builds that can soak up damage, and damage output is solid even if you don’t use magic. The Forge Cleric is still a full caster, however, giving you plenty of options for a magic-centric build. As another bonus, the domain spells are both powerful and typically unavailable for clerics.
Forge Domain Spells
As we mentioned above, we are a big fan of the Forge Cleric domain spells. There are 10 spells in total. There are many options outside of the standard Cleric Spells in 5E; some are available at level one and all available by level 9.
- 1st Level – identify, searing smite
- 3rd Level – heat metal, magic weapon
- 5th Level – elemental weapon, protection from energy
- 7th Level – fabricate, wall of fire
- 9th Level – animate objects, creation
The good stuff starts at level one with Searing Smite. This is a strong option for increasing your weapon damage, and it remains valuable at higher levels. At level five, both spells are game-changers. Elemental weapon offers a cool alternative to combat while protection from energy is a critical defensive spell.
The spells only get better at higher levels. Fabricate and Wall of Fire are both useful, but fairly situational. At the top of the list are Animate Objects and Creation. Neither of these spells is naturally available for a cleric, and both of them are excellent. All told, the Forge Cleric could have my favorite set of domain spells.
Bonus Proficiencies
There are two important bonus proficiencies that come with the Forge Domain: heavy armor and smith’s tools. The heavy armor proficiency is especially important for combat, as it allows for a powerful tank even without a shield or magic. Adding in magical items could build a substantial AC. There are a lot of offensive options for a Forge Cleric, but heavy armor is usually a part of the equation for these characters.
Smithing tool proficiency might not mean anything in combat, but they add a lot of flavor to a character. While there is obviously value for roleplaying purposes, forging tool proficiency could play a practical role as well. In fact, there are countless directions a quest could go regarding crafting weapons or other important items.
Blessing of the Forge
Available starting at level 1, Blessing of the Forge is one of the mainstay features of the Forge Cleric. According to the Xanathar’s Guide:
At 1st level, you gain the ability to imbue magic into a weapon or armor. At the end of a long rest, you can touch one nonmagical object that is a suit of armor or a simple or martial weapon. Until the end of your next long rest or until you die, the object becomes a magic item, granting a +1 bonus to AC if it’s armor or a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls if it’s a weapon. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
In words, you have the power to buff a suit of armor or basic weapon. This +1 buff to AC or damage remains with the weapon for as long as you like, or until your character dies. It goes without saying that this feature is useful. It is especially powerful in the early game, as a +1 weapon or armor can go a long way for a level 1 character. What’s more, you need a long rest to use this ability.
While many will use this weapon or armor for their own character, anyone in your party may use it. Technically, the item remains enchanted even if your party manages to lose it, at least until your character uses Blessing of the Forge again. This is helpful if you manage to acquire +1 armor and weapons through other means and can use your bonus on another party member’s item.
The book is very specific on what Blessing of the Forge applies to. Some of the items that may not receive the bonus include:
- Shields
- Magical weapons
- Weapons other than simple or martial
Channel Divinity: Artisan’s Blessing
The second unique ability held by Force Clerics is Artisan’s Blessing. Available at Level 2, Artisan’s Blessing offers some tremendous creativity – even if Wizards of the Coast quickly shot down many attempts to break this feature.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to create simple items. You conduct an hour-long ritual that crafts a nonmagical item that must include some metal: a simple or martial weapon, a suit of armor, ten pieces of ammunition, a set of tools, or another metal object. The creation is completed at the end of the hour, coalescing in an unoccupied space of your choice on a surface within 5 feet of you. The thing you create can be something that is worth no more than 100 GP.
As part of this ritual, you must layout metal, which can include coins, with a value equal to the creation. The metal irretrievably coalesces and transforms into the creation at the ritual’s end, magically forming even nonmetal parts of the creation. The ritual can create a duplicate of a nonmagical item that contains metal, such as a key if you possess the original during the ritual.
For many players, the first response to this Channel Divinity was to abuse it. Many hoped to manufacture high-priced items using inexpensive metal objects. However, you should probably avoid getting cute. Most DMs are unlikely to allow you to craft some costly item one piece at a time to avoid what would normally take months to forge.
Uses for Artisan’s Blessing
That does not mean Artisan’s Blessing is not useful. When you are in a pinch for a weapon or armor but have gold to spare, you only need an hour to create something useful out of thin air. Where Artisan’s Blessing gets really useful is when your creative juices get flowing. Trapped in a pit? create a ladder. Locked in a dungeon? Craft a key. Want to check out that gold vein in the side of a mountain? Here’s a pickax! What you make of this Channel Divinity is up to you.
Soul of the Forge
Soul of the Forge is one of the highlights of playing a Forge Cleric, which is one of our favorite parts of our Forge Cleric 5E Guide. Using Soul of the Forge is straightforward:
Starting at 6th level, your mastery of the forge grants you special abilities:
• You gain resistance to fire damage.
• While wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
So, two important special abilities that help you tank: fire resistance and a +1 AC bonus to heavy armor. The resistance bonus is excellent. After all, fire is the type of elemental damage you are most likely to face in many instances. When a dragon comes calling, you might be able to soak up a lot of damage for your party.
I find the +1 bonus interesting, as this flat bonus is pretty rare in 5E. It is useful on its own, but potentially nasty when stacked with heavy armor already bonused with Blessing of the Forge. By level six, your Forge Cleric could hit 20 AC easily without even using a shield.
Divine Strike
Another straightforward feature covered by our Forge Cleric 5E Guide is Divine Strike. This provides a free damage bonus with no additional action necessary.
At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with the fiery power of the forge. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 fire damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Short and to the point: Divine Strike is a nice damage boost that costs you nothing. 1d8 of fire damage is nothing to turn your nose up at, but at level 14 that bonus increases to 2d8. Not bad for doing literally nothing in exchange.
Divine Strike is powerful on its own, but stacks well with a number of other spells as well. Few pair as well as Divine Strike and Searing Smite. By casting Searing Smite and relying on Divine Strike, you enjoy two separate flame damage bonuses. If you load Searing Smite in a higher spell slot, you could also get an additional d6 per level. At high levels, the amount of damage is insane.
How useful Divine Strike is to you will depend on how you build your character. If you lean into the spellcasting abilities of a Forge Cleric, this may not mean much to you. If you plan on swinging steel on the front lines, however, you’ll have a lot of fun with this one.
Saint of Forge and Fire
Saint of Forge and Fire is amazing. It’s powerful. For some, it’s too powerful. If you have read this guide through its entirety, you know that a powerful tank is a reoccurring theme for the Forge Cleric. Saint of Forge and Fire takes that to a whole new level. To wit:
At 17th level, your blessed affinity with fire and metal becomes more powerful:
-You gain immunity to fire damage
-While wearing heavy armor, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.
The description is short, so read it again: i’ll wait. That’s right, those two sentences are short but they pack a lot of power. For starters, your character is entirely immune to fire damage. There is no item to use or ritual spell to wait on. Your days of suffering fire damage are effectively over. This type of immunity is rare, with only the Storm Sorcerer providing something similar. Outside of the Yuan-Ti racial bonus or some rare magical items, fire immunity is hard to come by.
But that’s not all! You get additional resistance buffs any time you wear heavy armor. (Another theme across the subclass). The resistance to nonmagical attacks from bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage adds even more tank to an already sturdy subclass.
See Also: How Much Starting Gold do I get in D&D 5E?
Best Race for Forge Cleric 5E
A common question is “what is the best race for Forge Cleric in 5E?” While it is impossible to pick a “best” race, some races are a better fit than others. The consensus favorite for many players is hill dwarf. Below, we consider some of the best options available.
Hill Dwarf
Dwarves make a lot of sense here. The quintessential craftsmen, Dwarves are a natural fit to the forging element of this domain. What’s more, Hill Dwarves are also not slowed down by heavy armor. Given the multiple heavy armor bonuses that come with this domain, Hill Dwarf is a good fit. It also opens up warhammers to your cleric build.
Wood Elf
Arguably not as strong as the Hill Dwarf due to being slowed by heavy armor, a Wood Elf provides the bonused Wisdom helpful for any cleric. This race could be especially strong for characters built around spellcasting or bonuses weapons as opposed to tanking with heavy armor.
When it comes to stylistic choices, it is hard to beat a Warforged Forge Cleric. After all, the race has “forge” in the name! In seriousness, Warforged are heavy-tanked monsters that have built-in defenses. When wearing heavy armor, you got a salty +2 bonus to your AC thanks to subclass and racial bonuses. .
Example Forge Domain Gods
Forge Clerics tend to worship gods of the Forge. Legendary blacksmiths, world crafters, and similar gods will beckon to the hearts of those who work metal. However, the type of Forge Cleric you create may change slightly based on who they worship. Growing up with a specific god will slightly alter your personality, after all!
Here are some example gods from several Dungeons & Dragons properties and some from real life. While your game’s universe might not have these gods, similar gods work just fine.
Gond (Forgotten Realms)
In the Forgotten Realms, Gond serves as the Lord of All Smiths. He inspires free crafting in all disciplines, and pushes innovation to its limit. His desire to create permeates through his clergy, whose passion for smithing can sometimes push them to exhaustion. The Wonderbringer has many names, and almost every single race recognizes his influence.
A Forge Cleric of Gond sees their armor as so much more than just a protective barrier. It is a canvas. It should be improved and used as a blueprint for future designs. Every weapon and tool they come across are simply examples to be expanded upon later. If armor cracks or breaks, a Forge Cleric of Gond should repair it, but should also try and see ways to prevent it from breaking in the future. A weapon which cannot kill an enemy should be tested and expanded upon, even if such inventiveness risks breaking the weapon.
Forge Clerics of Gond should always be practicing their craft. They might prefer weapons or armor, but they should never be without their Smith Tools.
While these Clerics should be fierce warriors, their devotion to crafting and improvement should be a core part of their belief. Where other gods would ask for an hour of daily prayer, a Gond Cleric should absentmindedly craft and plan blueprints for the future.
Gods who are devoted to smithing are perfect choices for Forge Clerics.
Reorx (Dragonlance)
The Supreme god of the Dwarves, Reorx acts as a world-builder. His followers believe that Reorx forged the world, the stars, and the souls of mortals into existence, using pure Chaos. Because of this, many Dwarves and Gnomes revere Reorx as a creative mind, but understand his importance to world-crafting.
Followers of Reorx are reverent of their god and will create items in his honor. However, as the god of Dwarves, he is not single-mindedly devoted to crafting. His love of gambling is noted, and his followers should be willing to risk wealth or their own material belongings for the pursuit of new wealth or knowledge. He is also a brew-crafter.
While Forge Clerics of Reorx do not need to craft brew, they should be reverent to their god. They are pulling from the power of the one who crafted the world, and thus should understand their smithing power is beyond a mere gift of the Gods. When they craft, they are pulling from the essence of Chaos to create life of their own – perhaps life more humble than Reorx created, but life nonetheless.
These clerics are more likely to gamble, due to their connection to their God.
Gods like Reorx – worldcrafters – are very good options for Forge Clerics.
Onatar (Eberron)
The Sovereign of Fire and Forge is revered by man in the land of Eberron. He introduced tools and weapons to the mortal races, and thus evolved man far beyond the Stone Age. For this, many races pay tribute. And for this, many races mourn the many who have died to technological advancements and enslavement of the crafted races.
Followers of Onatar are those who embrace progress. The tools that Onatar gave them are emblazoned on clothing and holy symbols. They represent why Onatar is important – the god who created civilization at large. Their presence usually means the government will be asked to embrace new styles of architecture, weapon building, crafting, and even magical production… Potentially at any cost.
Forge Clerics of Onatar revere their Smith Tools as holy symbols themselves. These were given to humanity personally by Onatar himself. To not use them would be sin! These clerics should embrace progress while offering their aid via their creations. A lit forge can help a cold family through a hard winter, for instance.
Forge Clerics flock to gods of progress like Onatar, who can allow them to experiment with armor and crafting recipes that they’ve never even dreamed of.
Moradin (Forgotten Realms)
This is the All-Father. The leader of all Dwarves in the Forgotten Realms. Harsh but fair, Moradin calls for all craftsmen of the Dwarven people to follow his lead. His inspiration to dwarven lifestyles have led them to create massive steel fortresses. His drive to create has led the Dwarves to become much larger than their stature would have otherwise allowed it. He is the Creator. And he commands respect.
Like many Forge gods, Moradin requires his followers to continue inventing and improving. However, these followers should be dwarves. Moradin’s clergy tend to pull from family lines, and thus it is quite difficult for outsiders to earn the mantle. Only the most tolerant of dwarven clans would even consider an outside for the Clergy. However, great friends of dwarves and those who have invented great things for a given stronghold may find their way into Moradin’s good graces.
Dwarven followers of Moradin are under strict codes. They are directly under the All-Father, and thus must represent him well on and off of the field of combat. Forge Clerics of Moradin are on the frontlines of any Stronghold warfare. They are also the lead craftsman for war equipment and gear. Their battle prowess will be scrutinized, much like anything they produce.
Dwarves tend to be excellent forge clerics, as many of their gods have to do with shaping metal. In most fantasy settings, Dwarven gods are safe bets for anyone looking to make a Forge Cleric. Just, talk with your DM if you want to make a worshiper of a Dwarven God as deeply embedded in their culture as Moradin.
Real Life Examples
The following examples are not quite as applicable for in-game gods. However, they may be good examples for other fantasy settings.
Hephaestus is the Greek God of the Forge. Similar to the fantasy gods, he is a creator of many great things. He also has a long and storied history. A crippled boy, thrown off of a great mountain. But, by pulling himself up and working hard, he was able to become one of the most crowned and celebrated gods of the Greek Pantheon.
A Forge Cleric of Hephaestus would likely be familiar with his more famous creations, such as Apollo’s Chariot, the Shield of Achilles, or Athena’s Spear. They would also be likely to create their own things, rather than emulate their gods’, because their god is focused on progression from the past. They may make ceremonial versions of the Shield of Achilles, but for actual combat, they would make something with their own touch.
Goibhniu is the Celtic Blacksmith of the Gods. His creations were powerful, and he took great pride in the care and usage of these items. He was also depicted as an architect, and was responsible for the construction of many incredible buildings.
A Forge Cleric of Goibhniu would craft the best weapons they could. They would make them with a specific purpose; a battleax for the Barbarian, a bow for the Ranger, etc. They would feel cheated if these weapons or armor were ever sold, and hold a grudge against the traitor forever. Improving the weapons and armor could be done, however, though the Forge Cleric would likely prefer to do it themselves.
They may also stick to some of the architecture elements of Goibhniu. These Forge Clerics might be successful builders and planners, critical for the construction of buildings, churches, and more. These Forge Clerics are highly coveted, and the blessing of their god will be a critical aspect of their community.
Best Feats for Forge Clerics
Switching from flavor to mechanics! The Forge Cleric is a frontline bruiser who should take feats to make them more threatening in melee. They should also take feats to help them survive when they get up close and personal.
Crusher is in the same category as Slasher. You get to boost Strength or Constitution by 1, so you’re not losing the full Ability Score boost. You’re allowed to move a target 5 feet wherever you choose, allowing you to set things up for your other melee fighters. Finally, on a crit, you get to aid all of your allies with advantage! That’s a pretty good toolkit, as long as you use bludgeoning weapons. Slasher can work instead, though you cannot choose Constitution as your boost there.
Fey Touched
Fey Touched is great for Forge Clerics who look to improve their Wisdom. They get +1 to it, and then they get to learn Misty Step, one of the best 2nd level spells. They can even cast it for free once per day! That’s a great use of your Bonus Action. Then, you can learn Silvery Barbs! That’s one of the strongest 1st level spells in the game! What a feat!
Alternatively, you can choose to learn an aggressive spell like Hex or Hunter’s Mark. This feat is very flexible like that! Getting this early might be useful, but we still recommend only taking it once your stats are at a comfortable point.
Resilient is exceptionally simple. Put a +1 into Constitution or Dexterity, then you can get proficiency in that saving throw. Considering how crucial it is for a Forge Cleric to stay alive, getting a Constitution boost and a much better chance to make Constitution saves is a really good combo!
Improving Dexterity is fine, but Dexterity saves tend to just deal damage to you. Taking less damage is great, of course, but the Heal spell can easily take care of that. Heal does very little if you are already Petrified!
We do not recommend using this on Strength. Strength saves are relatively rare and don’t do as much as Dexterity or Constitution. And you’re already proficient in Wisdom saves.
Sentinel is an area-denial feat. Whenever you make an opportunity attack, you stop a target from moving entirely. You can also make attacks against targets within your range that attack someone other than you. Considering how high your AC will be, this can be a pretty solid deterrent for enemies. You also ignore the Disengage action, making you nigh impossible to get away from. Combo this with Mage Slayer if you want to prevent teleports!
However, this feat does not offer any Ability Score improvements. Take it only once you are very comfortable with your build! We recommend getting to 20 Strength or Dexterity before even considering this feat. And even then, Constitution or Wisdom might be a better choice.
Tough is a pretty standard feat for frontliners. You increase your health by 2 every level. If you think about it, that’s like getting +4 Constitution on a level up! This can vastly improve your chances to stay alive in a late-game fight – 40 extra health is nothing to sneeze at! However, you don’t get any bonuses to your Constitution save. It might not be the best idea right away; consider it later, where the extra health can save you from a big hit.
War Caster
War Caster allows you to cast a spell as an opportunity attack. This is a good replacement for Sentinel, since you can cast Hold Person as an opponent tries to get away from you. It also makes casting significantly easier, so you’ll be a better threat with your Concentration spells like Haste or Shield of Faith. A pretty fantastic feat for anyone wanting to be a good, frontline threat!
Like Sentinel, this will still require you to be threatening with spells or weapons to be viable. Wait until you have 20 Wisdom before taking this, so that your spells will consistently mess with enemies that move through your threaten range.
Multiclassing for Forge Clerics
Forge Clerics are brutal frontline warriors, but can use a bit of weapon expertise to be a big threat. We’ll talk about some of our favorite options here!
Fighter is an incredibly impactful choice for a Forge Cleric Multiclass. With Fighter levels, the Forge Cleric gains access to a Fighting Style, which can be +1 to AC or a more effective weapon. Second Wind isn’t half-bad, either! At level 2, you gain Action Surge, one of the strongest abilities in the entire game.
At level 3, you can choose from some Fighter archetypes. We recommend archetypes that allow you to move the fight around you, such as Battlemaster, Eldritch Knight, or Rune Knight. Further investment is not recommended, though you can get Extra Attack and 2 Ability Score improvements by level 6.
Paladins are hard to make work for a Cleric, but well worth the rewards! If you invest 13 Charisma into your Cleric, then this multiclass is basically required. Lay on Hands is a fantastic tool, even with very low Paladin levels. Spending an action to heal someone for 1 health can save them from a Death Save.
Otherwise, we’re getting to level 2. At level 2, you gain Divine Smite. For a Cleric, Divine Smite is insane. By level 10, your weapon attack can deal an additional 6d8 damage for the low cost of a 5th level spell slot. If you can afford to take this multiclass, this alone is well-worth it!
Also at level 2, you can get Defense for another +1 to AC, Great Weapon Fighting for more damage, or Dueling/Protection for damage or defense while wielding a shield. Paladins do gain access to Spellcasting as well, so you’re not losing as much magic as you would be for Fighter… Though, Action Surge is definitely worth a level of spellcasting.
After level 2, Paladin doesn’t do too much for a Cleric. You can invest in the Sacred Oaths of Crown, Redemption, or Watchers if you want to lean into the Paladin side of your build. These are good supportive Oaths that aid your allies in melee. Working your way to Aura of Protection gets you an Ability Score Improvement and Extra Attack, and Aura of Protection is fantastic.
Ranger is the other significant choice, besides Fighter, that doesn’t require massive Ability Score investment. Ranger offers similar results to Fighter, with two major differences. Ranger requires 2 levels to be good, while Fighter only needs 1. However, Ranger naturally has Spellcasting – with some very good spells, too! You’ll be sacrificing less of your casting levels with Ranger, which is great when your casting list is as good as a Cleric’s.
I would not pick Ranger unless your DM allows you to choose Favored Foe and Deft Explorer. These two options are more versatile and aggressive, which is great for combat. However, it is not a useless multiclass otherwise. Going beyond level 2 is not recommended, but you can get archetypes like Fey Wanderer or Hunter to boost your casting and melee abilities, respectively.
How to Play a Forge Cleric
Forge Clerics are extremely powerful frontline characters. We’ll give some advice on how to play it there, but it’ll be up to you to figure out your particular role in a given party!
Out of Combat
- Cast Magic. Clerics have a really versatile spell list. Be sure to use some of them as you explore environments! Spells like Detect Magic can find secrets, while Clairvoyance can allow you to see threats further into the dungeon. Find out what spells you like to use during a day, and use them to give your party a sizable advantage.
- Remember: Clerics may change spells every day! If you’re going to a dance, feel free to lose a combat-focused spell or two to gain something like Fast Friends or Borrowed Knowledge.
- Forge. Your Smith’s Tools are some of the most versatile tools in the game. Feel free to use them to repair weapons and armor, sharpen dull blades, or even make basic chains or tools! Talk to your DM about what things you might be able to make over the course of an afternoon. Artisan’s Blessing will help you quite a lot with this. Always keep in mind what metal objects, like chains or ladders or keys, that you can make with your Channel Divinity.
- Blessing of the Forge. Use Blessing of the Forge to enchant weapons or armor that you think will be handy. Even at high levels, having a backup magic weapon will always come in handy!
In Combat
- Fight Up Front. Forge Clerics are incredibly tanky! You should stay in front of enemies where you are most effective. Use weapons like Maces or any racial weapons to deal damage to enemies. Your magic can be used to lock down foes and buff your allies – we suggest spells like Bless, Blindness/Deafness, Hold Person, and Shield of Faith. At level 6, you are especially effective when fighting enemies that deal Fire Damage, though you don’t have the most health in the world.
- Use Melee Weapons. At level 8, you’ll gain additional damage with weapon attacks. Make sure you have the Strength or Dexterity to consistently hit enemies! Don’t forget that your magic exists, but use melee weapons to deal damage every turn.
Forge Cleric 5E FAQ
Here you can get all the answers to your burning questions about forge clerics.
What can a Forge Cleric Do?
Forge clerics can do a little bit of everything. Remember, clerics are arguably the most well-rounded class in the entire game. Each time subclasses add something useful, it only makes them better. The forge cleric has a nice array of spells, a strong tank, and immediate access to magical weapons. It can do a lot.
Is Blessing of the Forge Permanent?
Blessing of the Forge is not permanent. According to the text of the ability, it lasts until your next long rest or you die – whatever comes first. Of course, you can use this ability perpetually for as long as you live. That means with only minor upkeep in a matter of seconds each day, you can use Blessing of the Forge for as long as you adventure.
Does Blessing of the Forge Stack?
No, Blessing of the Forge does not stack. You cannot stack the same effect using Blessing of the Forge, as it only works on non-magical items. For another item to already have a +1 bonus, it must be magical and therefore an ineligible target for Blessing of the Forge.
Does Divine Strike Work with Ranged Attacks?
Divine Strike works on ranged weapon attacks. the only specification the feature gives is that it can only be used on a successful weapon attack. It does not specify particular weapons, which means ranged and melee attacks alike are an option.
What Book is Forge Cleric?
You can find the Forge Domain Cleric in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
Conclusion – Our Take on the DND Forge Cleric
That wraps up our Forge Cleric 5E Guide. All in all, this is a very powerful subclass. If you build your character with tank in mind, it can become nearly impossible to kill over time. Thanks to Blessing of the Forge, this domain is useful from Level 1. Starting at Level 6, your options are especially powerful. If you have not tried playing a Forge Cleric now, I highly recommend it!
Want to see your other Cleric options or how to optimize your character in general? Check out our Comprehensive Cleric 5E Guide!