Assassins Creed Valhalla The Prodigal Prince Walkthrough
After getting yelled at by Styrbjorn for five minutes, it’s time to get through your next quest! If you’re worried about missing anything in The Prodigal Prince, worry no longer! Nerds and Scoundrels has your back, and we looked through this quest to make sure there were no stones unturned! So, party like a viking, and witness the stories of far away lands in our Assassins Creed Valhalla The Prodigal Prince walkthrough!

The Prodigal Prince
Your sibling has come back from traveling the world, with a crew of men, and is thus celebrated! You are brought to a massive feast thrown in his honor, and must do the simple task of following him about and talking to him.
Dialogue in the Party
There are no intrinsic benefits that we can find for talking to everyone in the party. If you’re interested in the lore of this world, be sure to chat with whomever you can find! Ubisoft did a good job with dialogue and research of Norse Mythology.
You can play a game of Orlog if you want some extra cash! This is hardly necessary this early on, but it can be nice if you want any advantage heading into the early game of this massive RPG.
The Hidden Blade
Your sibling then provides you with a wristblade, unlocking some more stealth-exclusive options. Thanks Basim! This will bring you through your Hidden Blade tutorial. Assassination damage is fairly high in this game, so it’s a good idea to get used to this as a mechanic, and all of your options that you have in stealth.
There doesn’t seem to be any benefit to humoring their requests while you train with the weapon. Don’t worry too much about trying to do exactly what they say.
Then, just follow your sibling out of the party! There aren’t too many secrets here (other than a game of Orlog), so it might be better to blast through this quest so you can unlock more of the world!
See Also: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Family Matters Guide
Nerds and Scoundrels
That wraps up our Assassins Creed Valhalla The Prodigal Prince Guide. Interested in more Valhalla content? Nerds and Scoundrels is going on a raiding spree themselves! Check out our website for more Valhalla, if you’re getting stuck on any given mission!