Ghost of Tsushima Cheats and Hacks | Are any available?
After years of waiting, gamer nerds across the world have finally gotten their Cheeto-dust covered hands on Ghost of Tsushima. The game is a masterpiece, but it certainly is not easy. Looking for a leg up? The sad news is there are technically no cheats or hacks for this game. The good news is you can adjust the difficultly as you see fit! Learn more with our Ghost of Tsushima Cheats Guide.

Ghost of Tsushima Cheats
Unfortunately, there are no cheats in Ghost of Tsushima. Like many modern console games, there is no option to enter cheat codes or gift yourself overpowered items.
Thankfully, you do have options if you find the game too challenging. There are a series of difficulty levels to choose from, the lowest of each is quite easy. By selecting the lowest difficulty available, you won’t need access to cheats anyway, right?
Nerds and Scoundrels
That wraps up our Ghost of Tsushima Cheats Guide. Sure, old-school cheat codes were a lot of fun. But by now, you should probably be used to the fact that these console games don’t offer them as options anymore. If you want to alter every aspect of a game, maybe stick with Crusader Kings or something?
And if you need more Ghost of Tsushima content, don’t forget to check out our guide on Is Ghost of Tsushima like Dark Souls?“