NBA 2K20 MyPlayer No Name Glitch | Missing Player Name on MyPlayer Mode
It’s that time again, sports fans! The 21st installment of the popular NBA 2K franchise came out on September 6th, properly titled NBA 2K20. The game is bringing back several popular features, including the ”Myplayer mode”… Along with the popular bug that came with last year’s version.

NBA 2K20 MyPLayer No Name Glitch Guide
One of the coolest parts of the custom character design is to create a player with your likeness and name to play with your favorite stars. With this bug, the game does not display your name on your character! And this is the second installment to have released with this issue. Even worse, 2K Support has given no official diagnosis for why the problem exists. This has caused fans of the game to send 2K several complains via their support system and Reddit. The hashtag #fix2K20 is circulating the twitter-sphere fast.
Last year, players would work around the issue by creating a new player. You would create the new player and bring him into the neighborhood. Once there, you can switch to your original character, and he will have your name attached. This temporary fix does not work for this year’s irradiation of the game.
2K Games did fix last year’s bug with a patch. This year, in response to the #fix2k20 hashtag that has been circulating Reddit, 2K Support has offered a temporary fix. You can swap your first and last name, and that should allow you to see your name running down the court in your favorite jersey. Some players have also found success by deleting their current character and starting all over with a new character that has your name attached, but that would mean you would have to go through the whole story again.
Hopefully, this response means that they are working on a permanent fix.