Ten Naomi Hyland Facts Every Blacklist Fan Should Know
One of the key storylines in The Blacklist is Raymond Reddington’s history, and how it intertwines with Elizabeth Keen’s origins. In Season 2, we got an early look at Red’s ex-wife, Naomi Hyland. Hyland has a limited role in the series, but her character is pivotal in Keen’s search for her real parents. That’s why Nerds and Scoundrels put together our Top 10 Naomi Hyland fact list! But fair warning: there are spoilers ahead!

The Top 10 Naomi Hyland Blacklist Facts You Should Know
10. The Role of Naomi Hyland is played by Mary-Louise Parker
Born in Fort Jackson, South Carolina in 1964, Mary-Louise Parker has made a name for herself in Hollywood since the 1980’s. Before her role on The Blacklist, she appeared in a number of TV shows including Billions and When We Rise. Her first big break on television was on The West Wing, where she spent 23 episodes as political operative Amy Gardner. She is probably best known for her starring role in the Showtime dark comedy Weeds. She has also been in a number of films including Fried Green Tomatoes, The Client, and Red Dragon.
9. Naomi is Red’s Ex-Wife
Before she was Naomi, she was Red’s wife Carla Reddington. Carla and Raymond were married before Red began his life of crime. She had a daughter with Red, but was forced into hiding when Red’s criminal enterprise caught up with them both. After she has her marriage to Reddington annulled, Naomi starts a new life in Philadelphia with her daughter.
8. Hyland is the Mother of Jennifer Reddington
During their marriage, Naomi and Reddington had one child – a daughter named Jennifer. But as we’ll discuss further below, her status as the daughter of Red is complicated. Regardless, she is the half-sister of Elizabeth Keen due to sharing a father. Later in life, Reddington’s nemesis Ian Garvey became a surrogate father to Jennifer.
7. After the Annulment, Naomi Married Frank Hyland
When Naomi fled Reddington and began a new life in Philadelphia with Jennifer, she had her marriage to Reddington annulled. And while living in Philly, she eventually met and married a man named Frank Hyland. While not a lot is known about Hyland, we do know that he had two children prior to his marriage to Naomi. Frank and Naomi remained married throughout the series, which put pressure on the relationship between Naomi and her daughter.
6. Naomi and Jennifer Lost Contact
Although Naomi raised Jennifer Reddington, the sad reality is that the two lost contact after Naomi’s marriage to Frank Hyland. While speaking to Liz, Jennifer mentioned that the split was related to Naomi’s relationship with Frank. However, Naomi eventually revealed, however, that she pushed Jennifer out of her life because she knew Red would eventually come looking for her.
5. She was Kidnapped to Get to Reddington
In the Episode “Lord Baltimore,” Naomi Hyland was kidnapped by Milos Kirchoff in an attempt to get at Reddington. She was held for several days by Kirchoff, eventually having her finger cut off as proof to Red that Kirchoff had her. Ultimately, Kirchoff agrees to set her free in exchange for bank accounts that were stolen by Raymond.
4. Red Threatened Frank and his Lover to Keep Naomi Happy
After Red frees Naomi from Kirchoff, he offers to help her and Frank start a new life somewhere else. Naomi is interested, but Frank doesn’t want to leave Philadelphia. We learn later that Frank’s motives aren’t so pure; he was having an affair and didn’t want to leave his mistress behind. Concerned for Naomi, Red had Frank’s mistress threatened and let Frank think he had her killed for a moment. Despite letting Frank know the woman was still alive, Red made it clear if he didn’t keep Naomi happy he was a dead man.
3. She Appears or is Mentioned in Six Episodes
While the Naomi Hyland character is pivotal in the story of The Blacklist, she doesn’t appear often in the show. In fact, the show to date has only notched six episodes that include an appearance or major mention of Naomi.
2. She Knew Red is an Imposter
There are only a handful of people that knew all along the Raymond Reddington we know and love is not the real Reddington. Naomi is one of them. Because as we ultimately learned, Raymond Reddington is the father of Liz and Jennifer. However, the character portrayed by James Spader is NOT Raymond Reddington. But did that knowledge lead to her death?
1. Naomi Hyland is Dead (Probably)
That’s right; Naomi is dead. Well, at least that’s what we’re told. Her death doesn’t occur on screen. In fact, we go nearly three full seasons without so much as a mention of her. After her story arc in season 2, we only learn in season five after the debut of Jennifer Reddington that Naomi has been dead for quite some time. Hyland was murdered; shot twice coming out of her apartment at some point after her last run-in with Red. Jennifer, unsurprisingly, blames Reddington but he seemed genuinely shocked to learn she was even dead. Naomi and Jennifer’s strained relationship couldn’t be any clearer than it is here; Naomi was dead for a year before Jennifer found out she had died from her stepfather.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our top 10 Naomi Hyland Blacklist Facts you should know. Did we leave out anything important? If so, be sure to tell us in the comment section. And while you’re here, don’t forget to check out all of our Blacklist coverage.