Kalashtar Names Guide | Examples for 5E
Kalashtar are a strange race in Dungeons & Dragons 5E. Introduced in Eberron: Rising from the Last War, these almost celestial beings come with a connection to the realm of dreams. That sounds awesome, and it’s because it is! If you want your Kalashtar to shine as bright as they deserve, brushing up just a bit on the culture of your race will be useful to you. Our Kalashtar Names guide will go over the culture and naming conventions of this strange race, without talking about stats or best classes!

Table of Contents
Kalashtar Names Guide
It’s important to know a thing or two about the Kalashtar before you settle down on a name. While naming generators can do the trick… There’s an important thing you should know when you select a name for your Kalashtar.
How Are Kalashtar Named?
Kalashtar are specifically those whose ancestors made a pact with the spirits of dreams. This causes them to be symmetrical, and slightly angular; almost wispy and spiritual in appearance. Perhaps much more importantly, within each Kalashtar is a Lawful Good Quori, or Dream Spirit. These Quori have a name, and their minor psychic pulses are important to protect the Kalashtar from psychic attacks. The Quori does little for the Kalashtar’s appearance, though in moments of great tension, a Kalashtar’s eyes may start to glow.
A Kalashtar is taught some things about their Quori from birth, and each Quori is somewhat unique from another. They wrestle slightly over control of the Kalashtar’s body. Thus, if a Kalashtar wishes to be evil or cause mischief, they will always have a little Paladin psychically pulling on their ear (just a bit; chaotic or evil Kalashtar do exist, they are just in the distant minority).
With no direct route of communication, one might think the Quori would simply want to go back to the Dream realm. However, in Eberron, the dream realm of Dal Quor is overwhelmed by nightmare spirits. The Dreaming Dark cult is hunting down the Kalashtar race to destroy them and then the Quori afterwards. Kalashtar defend themselves by following the Path of Light. However, more active members of the community become adventurers to hunt down the Dreaming Dark. Still others are isolated from their communities, and thus might be prime targets for the nightmare cult to destroy or even change. These isolated Kalashtar are also the most likely to rebel against their interior Quori, though that is often at the cost of their temporary sanity.
Outside of the Eberron campaign setting, the Kalashtar might not seem like the best pick. And, that’s likely true; it’s important to talk about Kalashtar with your DM to make sure that’s alright. However, the Quori can be implemented into other settings fairly easily; there is no “dream” realm in the Forgotten Realms, so it’s not stepping on toes to give the Quori their own home anywhere else. You could have the Quori be wrapped up in the Astral Planes, if you truly wish, and thus threats to the Astral Plane become threats to the Kalashtar. This is primarily based on the DM’s plans; if you want to be guaranteed to play a Kalashtar, then an Eberron Campaign setting is your best bet by far.
Examples of Kalashtar Names
Kalashtar names are based on their inner Quori. This is typically by adding a prefix or suffix to the Quori name. So, a Kalashtar whose Quori is named “Diss” might be named “Volundiss”. The typical Kalashtar name is between 3-4 syllables, with the Quori being 1-3 of them.
Quori Names
- Ashana
- Ishara
- Hareth
- Kosh
- Melk
- Tana
- Ulad
Kalashtar Names
- Sorashana
- Dolishara
- Lanhareth
- Halakosh
- Verimelk
- Koratana
- Quellulad
Kalashtar are incredibly unique, but their mechanics are hard to understand. Our Kalashtar Race guide can help inspire you to make a great character.