Mordhau – How to Show FPS Counter
Ready for the newest release in the medieval melee combat genre? Look no further than Mordhau! Your friends at Nerds and Scoundrels are big fans of this title, and for good reason. It has a number of fun modes like battle royale and co-operative play. The game has a ton to offer, but it can be taxing on your computer’s performance. This short guide will explain how to show the FPS counter in Mordhau. This will let you know if things are starting to drag.

How to Show the FPS Counter in Mordhau
For starters, the FPS counter we’re using isn’t built into Mordhau. It is actually a feature that is tied directly to your steam client. To use it, you will need only to open the client and navigate to the settings menu. From there, click “in-game” and navigate to the “in-game FPS counter” section. Steam even gives options on the area of the screen that displays the counter. You can also choose between white or bright green text.
It should be no surprise that, given this is a Steam function; the FPS counter will be visible when you switch to another game. If that isn’t what you’re going for outside of Mordhau, be sure to switch the option off before you start playing something else. This small trick may give you some big insight onto whether or not you are getting the most out of your PC or if you might need a hardware upgrade to game the way you would like.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that concludes our guide on how to show the FPS counter in Mordhau. Did you find this guide helpful? We’re always looking for feedback, so be sure to let us know if we left anything out. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Mordhau content here at Nerds and Scoundrels, including our complete Mordhau Console Commands GuideMordhau Console Commands Guide.