Ace Combat 7 Mission 1 Charge Assault Walkthrough

Just jumping into Ace Combat 7? If so, you’ll know after the opening cutscene you’ll be thrust immediately into your first mission. Nerds and Scoundrels has put together an Ace Combat 7 Mission 1 Walkthrough. The Mission, known as Charge Assault, is one of 20 available on all consoles. There are three additional missions that are only available on VR. Keep reading to get the full rundown on Ace Combat 7 Mission 1 Charge Assault.
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Ace Combat 7 Mission 1 Walkthrough
Your mission opens after the opening cutscene. You are thrust into a briefing for the IUN air defense. Unknown hostile aircraft have shown up out of nowhere, and in the midst of the briefing, your own base is attacked! Your mission is to take to the skies and clear off the hostile bombers striking the base at Fort Grays Island.
This first mission is essentially your tutorial. Your instructions are to get your plane into the sky and meet up with the rest of your mates. Once you do, you’ll immediately encounter two bombers which you will need to dispatch. After that, head directly into the action Take out two more bombers and wait for the prompt to change to alternate weapons systems.
During the course of the mission, you’ll encounter some hostile fighters as well as drones, which really seems to irritate your flying mates. Finally, you will hear on the radio that the hostiles are aiming to empty their payloads on the harbor. You will need to hurry to clear up the remaining 4-5 bombers to save the harbor and complete the mission. When you’re done, don’t forget to jump over to our Mission 2 walkthrough.
Nerds and Scoundrels
At the end of the mission, you will overhear the Princess of Erusia on your radio attempting to address her people. And that concludes our Ace Combat 7 Mission 1 Walkthrough. Did you find it helpful? If so, let us know in the comment section. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Ace Combat 7 content here at Nerds and Scoundrels.