Palworld: Can You Catch Zoe?
While you can catch the vast majority of pals and bosses you come across in Palworld, that does not appear to be the case with Zoe, the partner of the electric type pal Grizzbolt. However, additional changes are coming to the early access version of Palwolrd, and anything is possible in the future.

You Cannot Currently Catch Zoe
As things stand right now, you cannot catch Zoe in Palworld. the mechanics of attempting to catch her after a battle are the same as any other boss. However, no matter your strength after this fight, the game will always give you a zero percent chance to catch Zoe. All of our efforts to do so have been unsuccessful.
If that wasn’t enough, the game also spells out that Zoe and Grizzbolt cannot be caught. If you try, will get the message “Zoe and Grizzbolt seem to be immune to spheres.” That does not foreclose on the possibility of catching them in the future, however.
Things Could Change on Full Release
Keep in mind, we’re only playing the prelaunch version of the game. There is very little in the way of story so far, and the chances are good that we will learn more about Zoe and Grizzbolt along the way. As we learn more about them, we might some insight into how to capture Zoe.
However, there is also the chance that this option is never added to the game. While capturing humans in Palworld is already possible, some might find it strange or uncomfortable to do so with named NPCs. More likely, future story hooks likely make catching Zoe a problem.
How to Defeat Zoe and Grizzbolt
Regardless of whether you can capture Zoe, the tactics for beating her and Grizzbolt are the same. Grizzbolt is an Electric-type, so you will want to rely on Pals that are the perfect counter. In this case, that means using Pals and abilities that are Ground-type. Since this encounter happens early on, you might not have a lot of options to choose from. We recommend a Gumoss if you can find one.
While you ultimately want to do battle with a ground type that has ground attacks, it is not strictly necessary. Other types of Pals are viable so long as they have a ground-type move they can rely on.
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