Just Cause 4 Meeting Lanza Morales Walkthrough
After rescuing Lanza Morales from prison, it’s time to head back to is cell to learn what he knows about Zona Uno. The Just Cause 4 Meeting Lanza Morales mission is brief, and almost entirely of cutscenes. But read through this walkthrough to get an understanding of where the missions will take you next! Don’t forget, Nerds and Scoundrels is your home for Just Cause 4 content!

Just Cause 4 Meeting Lanza Morales Walkthrough
As you move around the cell with Lanza, he tells you about the backstory between he and your father. During storytime, Lanza is moving furniture and bringing in blacklights. It all makes sense with Mira shows up and turns off the power: Lanza has schematics drawn on all the walls that were only visible under blacklight.
Lanza explains that when he was forced to build Zona Uno from his cell, he built in a flaw that would allow them to strike. But to make the most of this flaw, you will have to get inside Zona Uno.
Lanza explains that Zona Uno is protected by human-controlled sandstorms. The train tracks that brought Lanzi into Zona Uno each day during construction are still there, and you will be able to access Zona Uno with a modified train car despite the raging sandstorms.
So the plan is in motion. First, you will need a standard train chassis that can be modified to survive in the sandstorms. Second, you will need a facility where you can make those modifications. And to top it off, your train’s gonna need a giant gun. Things are about to get busy!
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that’s how you complete the Just Cause 4 Meeting Lanza Morales mission. Did you find this Nerds and Scoundrels walkthrough helpful? If so, let us know in the comment section. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Just Cause 4 content!