As a gaming blog publisher, I play a lot of video games. Not because I want to, but because the readers of Nerds and Scoundrels demand it! Anyway, the variety is huge, but a common thread that spans through most of these titles is they are intense, loud, and fast-paced.

So when I got a chance to review ETHEREAL, it was a delightful change of pace.
ETHEREAL is a thoughtful, quirky puzzle that relies on simple yet beautiful artwork to craft a complex puzzle. The puzzles are in-depth, and the mechanics change as you progress. One of the great things about the game is that it is untimed. This allows you to relax and think through your options (and there are many).
There are plenty of surprises as the puzzles unfold; doorways open up and pathways close. ETHEREAL has found the sweet spot; it’s a game that requires your full attention yet allows you to relax like an idle clicker.
Audio and Sound
The highlight for me, however, was the audio. From the beginning, the game has a unique tonal soundtrack that fits perfectly with the visual aesthetic of the game. But my favorite part was the surprising sound effects that would pop up while you play. Getting close to certain walls will make them bounce and give off a vibrating tone. Other parts of the puzzle ding or scrape as you make your way through.
All in all, the sound really sets ETHEREAL apart. It’s no wonder, then, that ETHEREAL is a finalist for the 2019 Independent Games Festival’s Excellence in Audio award.
Get Those Plugs In
Want to give ETHEREAL a try? Hit up their steam page and pick it up today! You can also get more information at their official website.
You can also get their social media links here: