mAIn COMPetition Preview
The Polish independent game development studio Lunar Shuriken is on the verge of their first release, an old-school point and click science fiction mystery called mAIn COMPetition. Keep reading this Nerds and Scoundrels preview to get the scoop!

Something happened at the Laboratory. The communication has been cut off. No-one leaves the building and all signs of life inside disappeared. You have been sent inside to investigate the situation. Can you *save* the scientists?
mAIn COMPetition Preview
The game is a classic adventure game set in a futuristic building. It is entirely mouse-based, with the ability to play with a single mouse button only. There is no keyboard required. The game was designed and created by Gregg Bonikowski, and is a remake of Gregg’s previous game COMPetition. While COMPetition was made in under 30 hours during a game jam, mAIn COMPetition is a labor of love that has been under development for some time. It also has an original soundtrack from Liz Katrin; you can find her Youtube channel here.
The Premise
In mAIn COMPetition, you have been sent to a deserted scientific research facility. What happened to the scientists begins as a mystery. You have been sent to investigate the facility and determine the whereabouts of the scientists.
To do so, you will explore your way through the different levels of the laboratory. You will pick up clues as you search rooms and discover important items. Ultimately, the decisions you make will shine a light on the truth about the laboratory – and you.
mAIn COMPetition is set to be released on May 5, 2019. Initially, the game will be available on at the price of $4.50.
Want to know more about the game? The developer posts regular updates on their indieDB page. You can also follow along with the blog at Lunar Shuriken’s website. Social media fans can also stay up on the development of the game by following Lunar Shuriken on Facebook or Twitter. And check back with Nerds and Scoundrels as we intend to come back to the game once it launches.