The Top 10 Best Two Point Hospital Items
There are some mandatory Two Point Hospital items that you can’t live without. Your pharmacy won’t get far without a Drug Mixer. Your Cardiology room isn’t worth much without a Heart Racer. And your De-Lux Clinic isn’t going to cure many people without a De-Lux-O-Luxe. But what about the optional items that can be added to any room? There are over 100 items that can be unlocked with Kudosh, and some are more useful than others. Check out the Nerds and Scoundrels Top Ten Two Point Hospital Best Items to find out what you’re missing!

Top Ten Two Point Hospital Best Items
10. Bin
Cost $50
First Seen: Hogsport
Sure, it’s just a trash can. But having a bin around can save you hassle and money! If you don’t have enough janitors, a bin will help you keep litter to a minimum. Keeping your litter problem in check will help the attractiveness of your hotel as well as the hygiene.
9. Fire Extinguisher
Cost $50
First Seen: Hogsport
Another basic item, the fire extinguisher is available at the beginning of the game. While fires are rare, they can devastate your hospital if you don’t keep them under control. It is recommended to keep a fire extinguisher in every room that has a larger piece of equipment. You’ll also need a janitor on staff, as they are the only ones capable of using it.
8. Chair
Unlock for 5 Kudosh
Cost: $25
First Seen: Hogsport
One of the cheapest items to unlock, the chair is a basic item that packs a lot of value! You should keep a chair in every room that has a large piece of equipment. Nurses stationed in rooms like a Pharmacy will have downtime; giving them a chair to sit in will increase comfort and greatly extend the amount of time they can work without a break. While any type of chair is fine, this basic option will meet your needs.
7. Anatomy Poster
Unlock for 45 Kudosh
Cost: $50
First Seen: Hogsport
The Anatomy Poster makes it to number 7 on our list for a few reasons. First, it offers a variety of useful buffs. The increases to hospital attractiveness and Room Prestige is noticeable. It also provides a +1% increase in Training Speed. This makes the Anatomy Poster a fantastic addition to any training room. While +1% isn’t much, these can be added en masse to give your training speed a major boost. And given that you don’t need to use any wall space for the lecterns and desks within the training room, you can spam these posters as you see fit.
6. Large Radiator
Unlocks for 75 Kudosh
Cost $300
Available at Start Level 2 in Tumble
It should come as no surprise that the Large Radiator is just a much bigger version of the standard radiator that is available at the start of the game. While the standard radiator and the small radiator have their uses, the large radiator is often the best choice given that it has the largest heat radius. For many rooms, a single large radiator is enough to heat an entire room. Standard radiators in the same room would leave cold spots.
5. Wall Monitor
Cost $500
First Seen: Hogsport
The Wall Monitor is a fantastic item that offers bonuses useful for diagnosing and treating illnesses. The Wall Monitor not only adds +1% Treatment Power and Diagnostic Power, it also increases Room Prestige as well. These items are especially useful in Wards where floor space is tight but wall space is often available. The bonuses for these stack, so fitting as many wall monitors into your ward as possible is your best bet.
4. Coffee Maker
Unlocks for 200 Kudosh
Cost: $300
First Seen: Hogsport
Just like in real hospitals, the coffee maker is responsible for powering exhausted doctors and nurses through the end of their rounds. The coffee maker reduces thirst, which is especially useful since it is more compact than any drink machines. It also gives employees a caffeine buzz which keeps them working without the need for a break. It’s always a good idea to have a coffee machine in each break room. However, it’s a good addition to any staffed room that has some extra floor space
3. Rosebush
Unlocks for 500 Kudosh
Cost: $300
Plants are, for the most part, the best way to increase attractiveness in your hospital. And out of all the plants, the Rosebush offers the largest area of effect for increasing happiness. The tradeoff is that it requires the most water and is the most expensive. Despite those drawbacks, the Rosebush is a significant improvement over the other plants available. Their small footprint will also allow for them to be placed in rooms as well as hallways.
2. Gold Star Award
Unlocks for 200 Kudosh
Cost: $50
Indicative of “The first highest level of Goodness,” the Gold Star Award is borderline overpowered for a wall hanging. It increases hospital attractiveness by a decent amount, but the real benefit is the large boost to room prestige. Adding one or two Gold Star Awards can raise a room prestige on its own. The award has a tiny footprint and can hang on the wall behind many floor items. Spamming these Gold Star Awards can make leveling up a room prestige easy.
1. Medicine Cabinet
Unlocks for 45 Kudosh
Cost $500
First Seen: Hogsport
Our favorite Two Point Hospital item is the Medicine Cabinet. The cabinet gives both a +1% boost to Diagnosis Power and Treatment Power. The cabinet is so useful give the small footprint it takes up. You can set up extremely OP diagnosis rooms by shoving dozens of these into one long room. With the cumulative bonuses, your GP can diagnose almost anything.
Nerds and Scoundrels
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