Theros Gods 5E | Getting to Know the Full Pantheon
With the Mythic Odysseys of Theros releasing for D&D 5E, there are a lot of reasons to be excited. it is not only a brand new world for you and your party to explore. It also brings in a lot of new systems to enjoy. With one of the most interesting and important systems to learn involving the new Gods and Piety mechanics. Giving you more of a reason to dig into the lore of Theros and discover which god you want to serve. In this Theros Gods 5E guide, we’ll be going through all 15 of the Gods of Theros and delve into who they are. We’ll also take a look at how they can serve you in return. So let’s jump right into it and check out these gods!

We begin our Theros Gods 5E Guie with the God of Passage. He ferries the dead across the Tartyx river and into the Underworld. This god is surrounded in mystery. He is the one that greets souls when it is their time to move on. Athreos does not bargain with those who use his ferryboat and does not listen to their pleas.
His alignment usually falls into Lawful Evil as he does what he feels needs to be done. His goal is to maintain the balance between the Underworld and the land of the living, acting as a medium between the two. This is a god that desires balance over anything else and suits those who believe in the same ideals. He also does not care for fame or any form of renown of any kind, seeking only to perform his duties. If you devote yourself to Athreos you must share his view of the world and his goal of balance. Characters that do not respect the traditions of death and defile the dead will not gain favor with Athreos.
Earning Piety:
- Providing coins and performing burial rites for the dead.
- Making sure that the knowledge and acts of the deceased are not forgotten.
- Defeating a Returned and its associated eidolon.
Losing Piety:
- Denying someone their final rites.
- Looting a corpse or defiling tombs.
- Helping someone escape from the Underworld.
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Gentle Repose.
- 10+ = You can cast Speak with Dead.
- 25+ = You can cast False Life.
- 50+ = Increase your INT or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Hermit
- Sage
- Sailor
- Urchin
Suggested Domains:
- Death
- Grave
Ephara is the God of the Polis and sees herself as the one who founded civilization. She watches over the cities and protects them, upholding a code of law that she is believed to have started. Ephara allows these cities to be places where Scholarship, Industry and Art are celebrated. She tends to align with those who are Lawful Neutral, those who seek justice and the pursuit of knowledge.
Ephara firmly believes that Art and Science is important in the development of the citizenry and the cities that she presides over. Her gaze is fixed upon her people in these cities, where she makes them fully commit to the pursuit of the Arts, in the hopes that the people grow and better themselves. During this she ensures that the laws and judicial systems she enforces are both fair and work to serve the people. This is a god who is willing to work with several of the other gods that benefit her goals in bettering her cities. For those devoted to Ephara, you have to make sure that you uphold her values and refrain from causing chaos in civilised lands.
Earning Piety:
- Defend a city from a threat.
- Defeat a Tyrant.
- Create a Masterwork.
Losing Piety:
- Performing acts of corruption of tyranny.
- Sowing chaos in a city.
- Breaking the law for personal gain.
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Comprehend Languages.
- 10+ = Advantage on CHR checks when in a city.
- 25+ = You can cast Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum.
- 50+ = Increase your INT or CHR score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Acolyte
- Athlete
- Guild Artisan
- Noble
- Sage
- Sailor
- Soldier
- Urchin
Suggested Domains:
- Knowledge
- Light
Erebos is the God of the Dead and is in charge of the Underworld. He is the embodiment of bitterness, envy, and misfortune and hoards the souls of the dead. Erebos is worshipped by those who seek wealth and collections due to this. He tends to align with those who are Neutral Evil and believes that almost everything already belongs to him. His main goal is to maintain authority and power over the Underworld.
Whenever anyone escapes from the Underworld, Erebos stops at nothing to make them an example. He firmly believes that he is in control and whenever someone tries to prove him wrong, he seeks revenge. Though patience is one of his strong suits and he can wait a long time before deciding to enact his plans. To those who worship him, they offer him gold and material wealth, forgetting that it is the God of the Dead they are praying to. The trade of gold is in the hopes that Erebos will give them strength in life until the time comes when they must part for the underworld.
Earning Piety:
- Convince people to accept misfortune.
- Easing someone’s death or assisting with their funeral arrangements.
- Retrieving someone’s Eidolon or Returned Form.
- Stopping Heliod’s Schemes.
Losing Piety:
- Saving a life without gaining compensation or Erebos in return.
- Ignoring your duty for personal gain.
- Allowing someone to escape the Underworld.
Piety Rewards
- 3+ = You can cast Bane.
- 10+ = You can cast Vampiric Touch.
- 25+ = If a creature dies within 10ft, you may use your reaction to gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
- 50+ = Increase your CON or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Acolyte
- Charlatan
- Criminal
- Noble
- Urchin
Suggested Domains:
- Death
- Trickery
Heliod is the God of the Sun and is the force that makes sure the sun rises every day on Theros. Providing light and warmth to the world, making him a dominant presence among the gods. Nearly everyone at least acknowledges his acts and there are many that support and worship him. Heliod tends to align with Lawful Good characters, those who believe in order and bring light to the world. He has a hatred for Erebos, whose goals and ideals are almost in direct contrast to Heliod’s.
In Heliod’s point of view, he is the ruler of the gods. He seeks for his rightful place to be recognized. He thinks of himself as a kind and just ruler, far from being a tyrant. Though he believes that he is always correct and that every action he makes is the correct one. If people would simply listen to him, he believes that all of the problems in the world would go away. For those who are devoted to serving Heliod, you have to make sure that all of your actions are just and you must not possess an ounce of deceit.
Earning Piety:
- Punish a fugitive evading justice
- Exact vengeance for a wrong done to you
- Defend a Polis from monsters
- Build or restore a temple Heliod
Losing Piety:
- Break a promise or oath
- Violating a just law
- Putting others at risk by being a coward
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Bless
- 10+ = You can cast Daylight
- 25+ = Advantage on saving throws against being blinded and a resistance to fire damage
- 50+ = Increase your STR or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Acolyte
- Athlete
- Noble
- Soldier
Suggested Domains:
- Light
Iroas is the God of Honour and Victory in war. As such, he has many followers who are soldiers themselves and those who devote themselves to battle should see what Iroas has to offer. Warriors from all over pray to Iroas for luck in the battle ahead and to gain strength to succeed. He tends to align with characters who are Chaotic Good, characters that have courage and strength. But also those who are not afraid to go to battle at a moment’s notice. This means that many of Iroas’s followers have very strong personal codes of honor.
His main goal is to win every battle both he and his followers take part in. In the process of this he never lets his guard down and strongly encourages his followers to do the same. Those who decide to devote themselves to Iroas must be ready to accept any challenge they come across, no matter how daunting it may seem. Any cowardly acts or dishonorable displays are sure to anger this god and lead to your piety suffering.
Earning Piety:
- Achieve a great victory
- Overcome long odds honorably
- Defeat a skilled foe in single combat
- Winning a great feat of strength and/or skill
Losing Piety:
- Being a coward in battle
- Defeating an honorable foe through deceit
- Harming Innocents
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Compelled Duel
- 10+ = You can cast Crusader’s Mantle
- 25+ = Call on Iroas’s blessing and creatures within 30ft can’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you for 1 minute or until you’re incapacitated.
- 50+ = Increase your STR or CHR score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Athlete
- Folk hero
- Soldier
Suggested Domains:
- War
Karametra is the God of Harvests and oversees the agriculture of the land. She is worshipped by a large number of human settlements due to how important her work is to the survival of each village. Karametra is also the god of maternity, family, orphans, and domestication. She usually aligns with those who are Neutral Good, characters that perform good deeds with no inclination towards a higher goal.
Her main goal is quite different from the other gods since she doesn’t have any real interest in gaining power or thwarting the plans of the other deities. Instead, she focuses almost entirely on the mortals that she presides over. Making sure to look after them and provide them with everything that they need. Characters who want to devote themselves to Karametra need to share a love of the land and its people. They shouldn’t feel the need to partake in destructive acts against communities or harm settlements. Directly attacking farms and villages will have a negative impact on your relations with her.
Earning Piety:
- Turn a field into fertile cropland
- Feeding someone who is starving
- Defend a farm from monsters
- Build or restore a temple to Karametra
Losing Piety:
- Destroy the food source of a settlement
- Release and scatter domestic animals
- Divert a water source needed for irrigation
- Start a fire that threatens a settlement
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = Invoke Karametra’s protection, spectral plants cover you and you gain a +1 bonus to AC for 1 minute.
- 10+ = You can cast Create Food and Water
- 25+ = Perform an hour long ritual to fill 3 vials of Wine. Acting as positions of healing.
- 50+ = Increase your CON or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Acolyte
- Folk hero
- Guild artisan
- Soldier
- Urchin
Suggested Domains:
- Life
- Nature
Keranos is the God of Storms and Wisdom. He is as patient as his title describes, willing to mercilessly strike out at his foes with a bolt of lightning. This makes him a fairly unpredictable god, but a powerful one nonetheless. He usually aligns himself with those who are Chaotic Neutral, with characters who seek to further their own self-interest through knowledge and strength.
He cannot abide by those whose actions are seen as foolish or unwise. His main goal is hard to discern exactly due to how disruptive he is and also due to his disliking of the rest of the gods. He seeks mortals that are cunning and knowledgeable enough to deal with most situations swiftly. Though the vision that he has for the world is his and his alone. Meaning that if you do decide to devote yourself to him, you will act purely at his mercy. For those that do decide to devote themselves to Keranos, remember to approach every situation with attention and plan accordingly.
Earning Piety:
- Solve a riddle or a puzzle
- Defeat an unwise or foolish person in the name of Keranos
- Help a Polis plan for or adapt to a threat successfully
- Build or restore a temple to Keranos
Losing Piety:
- Jeopardizing others through rash or foolish actions
- Subvert or impede a wise course of action willingly
- Fail to plan appropriately for a challenge
- Give in to fury and destruction
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = Once on each of your turns when you land an attack with your weapon, you can deal an extra 1d6 of lightning damage. This trait is limited equal to your intelligence modifier
- 10+ = Reroll the die on a failed Intelligence or Wisdom saving roll and use the outcome of that reroll
- 25+ = Gain advantage on initiative rolls
- 50+ = Increase your INT or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Acolyte
- Entertainer
- Guild artisan
- Noble
- Sage
- Soldier
Suggested Domains:
- Knowledge
- Tempest
Klothys is the God of Destiny and is believed to be one of the oldest of the gods. She oversees the order of the universe and makes sure that things remain as they should be. As such this is a god that believes wholeheartedly in balance. Aligning with those who are purely Neutral, characters who have no biases and see the world for what it is. Her goal is to undo the damage caused by her fellow gods and return balance to the cosmos. Though this balance will cost the lives of several mortals and societal institutions. But that doesn’t matter to her as it will pave the way for balance to return to everything.
Characters who believe in fate and destiny would do well serving this god, those who want to preserve balance and teach people about these things. Characters who lean on the side of either good or evil may not belong with this god as these alignments are biased. If you do decide to devote yourself to her, you mustn’t allow future events to be tampered with or purposefully avoid destiny.
Earning Piety:
- Defeat a creature that has stepped out if it’s place
- Repair a wound dealt to destiny by the god’s ambitions
- Teach people about Klothys, her nature and her return
Losing Piety:
- Undo a deserved punishment or curse suffered by another creature
- Destroying a natural wonder willfully
- Assist a creature in undermining the natural order or exploiting destiny
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Command
- 10+ = You can cast Clairvoyance
- 25+ = Develop a second sense, meaning you can’t be surprised anymore unless you’re incapacitated
- 50+ = Increase your STR or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Folk hero
- Hermit
- Outlander
- Sage
Suggested Domains:
- Knowledge
- War
Kruphix is the God of Horizons, Mysteries and Time. He possesses almost all knowledge of the world that currently exists. Kruphix also very rarely shows himself to mortals or his fellow gods, communicating in whispers or sparingly warning the gods when an incident arises. He usually aligns himself with those who are Neutral, characters that seek knowledge but know that some things are better left secret.
This god believes in balance and is willing to use his subjects as means of ensuring this. His followers discover the world and learn its dangers to protect them from those who would abuse them. He has a distaste for power and so dislikes many of the other gods who seem to have a craving for it. Though he is seen as impartial and this is something that characters devoted to him must also display. You need to be able to make choices that are logical and not driven purely by emotion. You also need to weigh the pros and cons of sharing knowledge with others, particularly if the knowledge could be seen as harmful. Though when it is needed you are able to reveal crucial information when the time is right.
Earning Piety:
- Keep a dangerous secret despite personal cost
- Reveal a critical truth at an important moment
- Mediate a major dispute or conflict
- Aid the weak or impede the strong
Losing Piety:
- Reveal a secret that should remain unknown
- Refusing to share information selfishly
- Show favouritism toward another god or group
- Further the aims of another god against Kruphix’s will
Piety Rewards
- 3+ = You can cast Detect Magic
- 10+ = You can cast Detect Thoughts
- 25+ = Use your Mage Hand cantrip to protect yourself. When the spectral hand is 5ft in front of you, you gain +2 bonus AC against ranged attacks
- 50+ = Increase your CON or INT score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Hermit
- Outlander
- Sage
- Sailor
Suggested Domains:
- Knowledge
- Trickery
Mogis is the God of Slaughter, Violence and War. He is an entity that values hatred and has no empathy. As long as he gains vengeance and the blood of his enemies, no matter the cost, he is satisfied. He usually aligns with those who are Chaotic Evil, characters that do what they want and who rarely take the time to think about their actions. Mogis despises those who show mercy or those who show fear in the face of the enemy. Instead, he wants his followers to be as merciless as he is and defeat every foe in their way.
His goals are to crush the mortal world and everything that mortals have created. Leaving only him and his followers behind while the world is in ruin. He also intends to defeat his fellow gods that don’t share his chaotic mindset, truly believing that those who don’t follow in his footsteps need to die. For characters that want to devote themselves to Mogis, they must truly want to see the world burn. Though you probably don’t have the means to do that single-handedly. So instead you have to crush every obstacle in your way and never show weakness or compassion.
Earning Piety:
- Defeat a champion of Iroas
- Take vengeance against a powerful foe
- Burn a Polis or settlement to the ground
- Desecrate a temple to Iroas
Losing Piety:
- Fail to carry out a vendetta
- Publicly display weakness or compassion
- Reject a duel or challenge due to fear
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Wrathful Smite
- 10+ = You can cast Blinding Smite
- 25+ = You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened
- 50+ = Increase your STR or CON score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Athlete
- Criminal
- Outlander
- Soldier
Suggested Domains:
- War
Nylea is God of the Hunt and has power over the whole of the natural world. She is considered to be one of the most carefree of the gods, since she spends much of her time in nature. Though this quickly changes when she begins a hunt, during which she is extremely focused and serious. She is also quick to exact vengeance on any who harm nature when not out of necessity. She usually aligns herself with those who are Neutral Good, characters that believe in balance, but lean more towards good.
Her goals are mainly to maintain the life and beauty of nature and defend it from destruction. Though she sometimes sees civilization as the cause of this destruction and sometimes has thoughts about wiping out developed communities. If you’re a character that truly loves nature and wants to defend it from those that would harm it, devoting yourself to Nylea wouldn’t be a bad choice at all. If you want to stay on her good side, you’ll need to put nature first and refrain from damaging the land without good reason.
Earning Piety:
- Heal a sick or injured animal
- Stop those who hunt for sport or profit
- Prove your worth in an archery contest
- Slay an Aberration, a Fiend or an Undead
Losing Piety:
- Kill an animal for any reason other than necessity
- Dedicate a building or make a sacrifice to any god, including Nylea
- Protect a city or farm from natural dangers
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Hunter’s Mark
- 10+ = You can cast Speak with Animals
- 25+ = If a creature is about to attack you, it has to make a DC 15 WIS saving throw. On a failed save it must choose a different target or the attack misses you. On a successful saving throw the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
- 50+ = Increase your DEX or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Folk hero
- Hermit
- Outlander
Suggested Domains:
- Nature
Pharika is the God of Affliction, Medicine, Alchemy and Aging. She constantly performs experiments on the land and the mortals that live in it, purely to see how it all works. Resembling a woman that’s half-human and half-snake, her motives are suitably multi-faceted. Since she is able to heal and mend, as well as poison and cause disease. She aligns with characters who tend to be Neutral, those who don’t really care about morals and only want to further their knowledge over science. Pharika’s goals are mainly fixated on learning more about the world.
By both pursuing this knowledge herself and watching mortals decipher the mysteries of the world. She is willing to turn her less committed followers into experiments on a whim in order to discover more about the world. If you decide to devote yourself to Pharika, you need to have a great interest in science. As well as a sense of discovery for exploring the world. Any disrespect shown to the sciences and their instruments will not make Pharika happy.
Earning Piety:
- Create a cure for a dangerous affliction
- Defeat a powerful foe with poison
- Build or restore a temple to Pharika, or a site that glorifies serpentine creatures
Losing Piety:
- Destroy alchemical, medial, pathological or similar research
- Perform a notable act of healing without exacting a significant price
- Slay a Medusa or Serpent
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Ray of Sickness.
- 10+ = You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and you are immune to disease .
- 25+ = You can use Pharika’s Balm. Allowing you to either Cure or Enfeeble a target upon touch.
- 50+ = Increase your DEX or WIS score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Criminal
- Guild artisan
- Hermit
- Outlander
- Sage
Suggested Domains:
- Death
- Knowledge
- Life
Phenax is the God of Deception and governs gambling, deception and betrayal. He is able to adapt to almost any situation through lies and deceit, performing the role of a brilliant actor. He’s always scheming and mapping out his next plan. He usually aligns with those who are Chaotic Neutral, characters that desire to further their own self interests through any means necessary. Due to his personality, his goals are pretty difficult to ascertain. He doesn’t want to rule the kingdom of the gods, he simply loves to create havoc.
Phenax sends out his followers to disrupt the mortal world in similar ways and provides the support for them to do just that. He has a distaste for any kind of law or justice and seeks to only work in nefarious ways. If you want to devote yourself to Phenax, you’ll need to be someone who is as deceitful as he is. Able to plan out heists or robberies and execute them perfectly. Any kind of justice or honesty is going to upset Phenax and lower your relations with him.
Earning Piety:
- Help a fugitive escape justice
- Pull off a daring robbery
- Build or restore a temple to Phenax
Losing Piety:
- Assist Lawgivers in their duty
- Swearing and then honouring an oath
- Bringing order in times of chaos
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Disguise Self
- 10+ = You have advantage on Charisma (deception) checks
- 25+ = If you are hidden and decide to attack a creature, missing will not reveal yourself to them.
- 50+ = Increase your DEX or CHR score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Charlatan
- Criminal
- Entertainer
- Sailor (Pirate)
- Urchin
Suggested Domains:
- Trickery
Purphoros is the God of the Forge and Fire. He also supports artisans, obsession as well as creation and destruction. This is a god that believes in the beauty of craft and the fire that fuels its passions. He could be seen as a perfectionist but that would be discrediting his craving for creation. He usually aligns with those who are Chaotic Neutral, characters that want to fuel their passions without worrying about the cost. His goals are fairly simple, but may never be achieved.
His only desire is to fuel his creativity and if that is ever accomplished, he only desires to be left alone. Though ultimately this may cause more problems than it solves. If he is left alone there won’t be anyone to stop him from potentially destroying the mortal world to fuel his endeavors. If you want to devote yourself to Purphoros, you need to share his creative passions. You must also not perform any actions that you are uncomfortable with or show cowardice.
Earning Piety:
- Fight against those who would rule over others
- Take decisive action on impulse
- Destroy something that has outlived its usefulness
- Create something wondrous in Purphoros’s name
Losing Piety:
- Follow an unjust law despite your misgivings
- Create something shoddy or flawed
- Back down from a fight or a contest
Piety Rewards:
- 3+ = You can cast Shield of Faith
- 10+ = You can cast Heat Metal
- 25+ = If standing and an effect would push 1 foot or more, you can use your reaction to not be moved
- 50+ = Increase your STR or INT score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Acolyte
- Entertainer
- Guild Artisan
Suggested Domains:
- Forge
- Knowledge
Thassa is the God of the Sea and it’s Aquatic Creatures. This god is a fairly calm god, due to the fact that she believes there are few who can match her power. Once she is angered and seeking vengeance, she becomes almost unstoppable. Using power that resembles the raw strength of the ocean. She usually aligns herself with those who are Neutral, characters who are willing to act in favour of nature and don’t resist change.
Thassa’s goals are to constantly transform the physical world into something that is close to perfect. Though this goal is difficult for her to accomplish so she supports almost any form of change. She isn’t too concerned with what is happening in the present since her mind is constantly looking forward to the future. If you decide to devote yourself to Thassa, you need to be willing to seek change in the world. Whether that be in the form of causing that change or by letting devastating events occur. Characters who lean in the direction of good or evil will find it difficult to work for a god that doesn’t believe in either.
Earning Piety:
- Support those would reform or overturn an institution
- Prevent cataclysmic change
- Offer a treasure to the sea
- Defend or maintain a temple to Thassa
Losing Piety:
- Try to keep a secret from Thassa
- Use magic to calm the sea’s fury
- Uphold an institution not devoted to Thassa
- Bow to the desires or demands of another god
Piety Rewards
- 3+ = You can cast Fog Cloud
- 10+ = You can cast Blink
- 25+ = You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or Restrained
- 50+ = Increase your DEX or INT score by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2.
Suggested Backgrounds:
- Acolyte
- Outlander
- Sage
- Sailor
Suggested Domains:
- Knowledge
- Tempest
Gods of Theros FAQ
Is Theros Greek or Roman?
Theros is neither Greek nor Roman. Instead, it is a creation of Wizards of the Coast that has a basis in both Greek and Roman mythology.
How Many Theros Gods are There?
In total, there are 15 active gods in the pantheon of Theros.
Wrapping Up our Theros Gods 5E Guide
That’s been our Guide to the Gods of Theros. Hopefully, this Theros Gods 5E Guide has given you a little bit of insight into this world. Remember that all of the gods are really unique and each offers cool ways to play the game. Choose wisely!