Divine Soul Origin 5E Guide | Divine Soul Sorcerer 5E
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything seems to really like subclasses that give Cleric features to other classes. The Sorcerer was one of them. Your spark of magic is different from that of a cleric; rather than worshipping a god, your ancestor might have been one… Or perhaps, your ancestor was an angel, or a demigod! Either way, you are naturally aligned with the gods, which puts you on a pedestal for religious organizations… And jealous monarchies alike. Why, then, should you become a demigod? That seems like a loaded question, but we should probably find out the answer in our Divine Soul Sorcerer 5E Guide.

Table of Contents
Worthy of Worship: Divine Soul Sorcerer 5E
Mechanically, the Divine Soul sorcerer is one of the better cleric-like subtypes for any class. This is one of the most versatile classes in the game, with access to two whole spell lists. If that wasn’t enough, you gain an additional spell known for free – rare for a sorcerer! – and loads of powerful support and defensive features to keep yourself out of the Gods’ realm. This sorcerer is legit.
Divine Magic
Divine Magic is one of the most fantastic 1st level features in the game. You may choose any spell from the Cleric or Sorcerer spell list whenever you learn a spell or cantrip. That’s a lot of utility! But, you still have so few spells known.
Realistically, this spell list is most useful for ironing out weaknesses in yourself or your party. The Cleric spell list focuses on support, buffs, information, and combat control. The Sorcerer spell list is concerned more about damage, with solid buffs as well. If you’re the only caster in your party, you’ll probably be taking more Cleric spells, but should consider getting some Area of Effect damage.
If you’re having trouble choosing from both spell lists (and it’s hard, I know!), check out our Cleric spells and Sorcerer spells of note. These are by no means definitive lists, and you should try to choose based on your party… But they aren’t a bad start.
The other aspect of Divine Magic is your free spell known! This is based on your affinity, and can be replaced by any spell on the Cleric Spell list, just like a standard Sorcerer spell.
- Good: Cure Wounds
- Evil: Inflict Wounds
- Law: Bless
- Chaos: Bane
- Neutrality: Protection from Evil and Good
This list has some solid options! Good’s Cure Wounds is a decent spell, but is outclassed in most cases by healing spells that take Bonus Actions. The problem with Cure Wounds is that, in combat, you don’t want to spend too many actions on healing; the best use of healing is making an ally conscious so they can keep fighting. You should lean towards spells that heal someone while letting you continue to harm people with cantrips. If you are Good, then consider replacing this spell with Healing Word.
Evil is by far the worst option. Inflict Wounds is just outscaled by other spells. And you’re a sorcerer; your damage options are so much more versatile, multi-targeted, and have better damage types. This should be replaced as soon as possible.
Bless is a solid buff spell! One of the best options here. It’s a great use of your low-level spell slots, giving an average of 2 to 3 allies’ attacks and saving throws. It scales decently, but probably a little better-off spent on level 1 spells.
Bane is… fine. It’s like Bless but there to try and prevent damage. Lowering enemy attacks by 2 is a 10% debuff to their chance to hit. Importantly, they also take an average of 10% debuff to their saving throws. Unlike Bless, you need to break past a Charisma saving throw… But who’s proficient in Charisma throws, right? This isn’t bad, but Bless might be a bit better in the long run.
Protection from Evil and Good is one of the best spells in the game… Sometimes. You get a massive bonus to your survivability against less than half of the enemy types. If you’re in a standard campaign, you’ll be just fine with this buff! Otherwise, you might find this lacking. It’s a great option to have in the pocket, but consider swapping it out if your campaign is looking like you won’t be fighting them in a while.
Favored by the Gods
The first standard class feature you get is… Fine. It’s pretty great, even!
Starting at 1st level, divine power guards your destiny. If you fail a saving throw or miss with an attack roll, you can roll 2d4 and add it to the total, possibly changing the outcome.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
This is a fairly non-standard boost ability. Most effects like this (including Bardic Inspiration) is just a single dice. That means that you can get a 1, or get a massive bonus, at random. This has a much, much more consistent range; 2 to 8 (rather than 1 to 8), and an average of 5 that you’ll get fairly often.
This is great for two reasons. One, you never want one of these abilities to roll a 1. Getting a 2 all the time gives you so much more leeway. It makes your minimum possible roll into a 10% chance to succeed. That’s fantastic!
Two, you’ll usually get a 5. An average of 25% success is quite substantial. And, since you’ll get it 1/4th of the time, you have a pretty competent Hail Mary under your belt. In a lot of these cases, it’s probably safer to save it for when a 2 will be a guaranteed success. But, if a 5 or 8 can save your life, then you’ve got 2d4 to burn!
This refreshes on short rests, so feel free to use them when you need to! Usually, this means that you spent a spell slot on a fairly strong ranged attack that you think could kill a threatening enemy. Or, you identify a spell cast on you is something intimidating, like Hold Person. In those cases, feel free to recover a failed roll by adding 2d4.
Incredibly, this is one of the few additive abilities that lets you roll after the GM says it failed. Try to make sure it’s still your turn when you throw 2d4s at your GM’s face, but you can think about it for a second after the results!
Empowered Healing
You just got two incredibly strong abilities, so you’re about due for a mediocre one.
Starting at 6th level, the divine energy coursing through you can empower healing spells. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you rolls dice to determine the number of hit points a spell restores, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll any number of those dice once, provided you aren’t incapacitated. You can use this feature only once per turn.
I don’t want to say this is bad. It really isn’t. But… There’s a few problems.
As I was saying earlier, most healing magic is useful for picking an ally off the ground. You really want to make sure someone isn’t dying, but you don’t need them to be at maximum health. They’ll be walking and fighting the same at 1 HP or 205. And you probably don’t want to be spending sorcery points for out-of-combat healing, since you have the time to just chill out and restore health with effects that last a long time.
But this isn’t bad. If you have limited healing resources, then rerolling dice might be a way to save a healing spell or two in between fights. Usually, you want to save your points for metamagic, but rolling a 1 on several dice might be a huge waste of resources. That 1 sorcery point could add a lot of healing to a bad roll. You do have to be adjacent to whoever’s casting… So, make sure you’re hugging your healer, or being that healer.
Angelic Form
You know the song, I know the song… We all know the song. Put on your favorite reference to flying, and let’s spread our wings.
Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to manifest a pair of spectral wings from your back. While the wings are present, you have a flying speed of 30 feet. The wings last until you’re incapacitated, you die, or you dismiss them as a bonus action.
The affinity you chose for your Divine Magic feature determines the appearance of the spectral wings: eagle wings for good or law, bat wings for evil or chaos, and dragonfly wings for neutrality.
This gives you some permanent flight speed! Sorcerers have access to Fly, and this gives you half of that movement. But, for all intents and purposes, you currently have a permanent level 3 spell.
For those of you who don’t know the power of Flight, this is an insanely potent ability. Flight is the best mobility in the game, and offers several defensive and offensive benefits. For example, using flight, you can escape most Areas of Effect by simply being too high above them – the enemy would have to choose between you and your party! You can also put yourself out of range of any melee enemies who want to tell you how much they love spellcaster AC… At least, melee enemies who can’t fly.
Offensively, Flight puts you in a much better position to throw projectiles overhead at enemies hiding behind walls. It also lets you move as the crow flies and chase down any enemies who are running away.
Flight is huge, and having a permanent source of it, without needing to attune to any magic items? It’s essential for late-game combats, and gives you so many more options. Just make sure you don’t fly above a lot of enemies with bows and stuff… That might leave you the next hunting target!
Oh, and since you might have glorious wings, consider asking your GM if your conversation target is impressed enough to give you advantage on Intimidation or Persuasion. It might work, if your target’s a religious zealot or something.
Unearthly Recovery
The final ability for your sorcerous self is a rather potent heal!
At 18th level, you gain the ability to overcome grievous injuries. As a bonus action when you have fewer than half of your hit points remaining, you can regain a number of hit points equal to half your hit point maximum.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
This ability has a few fantastic features! Notice how it says “bonus action”? That’s right! You can cast a massive heal spell once per day, and it doesn’t even take up your turn! Nor does it take up your casting slot, meaning you can heal most of your HP and then sling a massive Fireball, or heal someone else.
Healing for half your hit points is… Probably not huge. You’re a d6 class. Unless you invested in tons of Constitution, this is probably going to be a 50-60 health heal. The Heal spell is a lot stronger than that, starting at 70 health. But hey, this heal doesn’t cost a spell slot! And even if it is only 50 health, not too many effects hit quite that hard. This will probably let you shrug off one or two hits, though you might be less protected against spells. Be careful flying around spellcasters!
Unfortunately, while you’re unconscious, you can’t take bonus actions; anything that deprives you of normal actions also deprives you of bonus ones. That’s a shame, since you can’t take reactions to recover from anything. You’ll need to heal yourself on your turn.
Even so, this is a fantastic recovery effect that essentially increases your survivability by 50% of your health. As a pseudo-healing blaster, staying conscious is essential. Your allies will thank you for this… And your spell slots will, too!
Best Race for Divine Soul Sorcerers
As usual for the Sorcerer class, Charisma is an essential element of your daily diet. You need to have a forceful personality to tie the heavens and the blood of your ancestors together, after all! Then, you probably want more Constitution than Dexterity. While AC is important, Constitution boosts your chance at saving against death effects like Finger of Death. It also boosts your health pool, which is helpful for both your standard healing spells and Unearthly Recovery. Consider getting Dexterity to a decent spot, at least!
The Player’s Handbook offers a really great choice for any Charisma caster. You are now a utility caster, and you should make sure your utility brings you to a good spot outside the battlefield! Half-Elves gain a +2 to Charisma and a +1 to two other stats. You’ll find Constitution and Dexterity to be solid choices. You gain some utility abilities like Darkvision and Fey Ancestry… Meaning your ancestors were connected to the fey and the gods. Wow. Skill Versatility will be great for you! Sorcerers have so few skills to begin with, so getting a handful of others (like… Religion, maybe) might help you in out-of-combat skill check scenarios. A staple choice!
Scourge Aasimar
This… Might be low-hanging fruit, but trust me. This Volo’s Guide race is great, and a good competitor for Half-Elf.
The Scourge Aasimar gets +2 Charisma, +1 Constitution, which is literally perfect. You gain Darkvision and the Light Cantrip, which is great utility. Celestial Resistance offers you resistance to a damage source you don’t normally have access to, and Healing Hands gives you… any healing. The Scourge only offers you a way to damage closeby enemies, and a small extra damage boost once per turn. Sadly, this damages you… Which isn’t too bad. You have access to healing magic, if you’re worried!
Best Feats for Divine Soul Sorcerers
The Divine Soul mixes the potency of the Sorcerer with some major supportive qualities. Much like a Cleric, then, our feats should patch holes in our biggest weaknesses. Where Clerics had a troubling spell list, we have some leaks in supportive elements.
Note. If you wish to begin with armor, multiclassing is almost always better than taking a feat. It’s just too much investment! See our Multiclassing section below for more information on what you should do in that instance.
The Chef feat is not the first feat you want to pick up on your adventure. A +1 to Charisma or Constitution might sound good at the forefront. However, its most relevant bonus comes after a few levels!
To touch on them all:
- Chef’s Tools are really flavorful, but not mechanically impactful. If your DM makes them relevant to a campaign, then they’re a damn good DM!
- d8 healing on a Short Rest is far from bad, but 4.5 extra health per short rest… Eh, not exactly game breaking. This is a version of the Bard’s feature, and it can come up! Certainly makes Chef enticing for parties that need Short Rests often.
- The Treats are very fun, and a big reason to grab Chef. These treats give you between 4-36 temp HP, depending on your Proficiency Modifier. This is the big reason we suggest making Chef your level 12 or 16 feat.
Fey Touched
The Divine Soul Sorcerer has one of the strongest spell lists in the entire game, combining a slightly diminished Sorcerer with the full power of the Cleric. However, it does not quite cover the weakness that Sorc has when it comes to the number of spells they can know. Fey Touched, and Shadow Touched, each work to cover this weakness.
Fey Touched does so with a +1 to Charisma, learning Misty Step and another strong 1st level spell, and providing a free spell slot for both spells. Misty Step is a very good escape, mobility, and problem-solving tool. Having it for free is far from bad! And the free 1st level spell can include Silvery Barbs. Really strong stuff! And Shadow Touched is similar, just with Invisibility and much weaker options.
Inspiring Presence
When it comes to support, very few feats can rival the raw potency of Inspiring Presence. Inspiring Presence allows you to, after a Short Rest, give everyone a Temp HP shield. This shield grows quickly, matching your Level plus your Charisma Mod. At level 20, this is a minimum of 25. Per person in your party. Including yourself! That amount of pure health, on every Short Rest, is just a bit too impactful for the endgame for a support character.
Not often a feat we touch on, Telekinetic takes on a new role when applied to a supportive character. +1 Charisma is a good start, and Mage Hand is a similarly strong start. Sorcerer is fine on Cantrips, but having a free one is always nice. And this one’s stronger!
It also gives a viable bonus action in its Shove. That very slight combat mobility can actually matter, since it might allow allies to dodge Opportunity Attacks (or force enemies to deal with more than one ally at once!). Very good on many sorcs, but great on this one!
Tough is a feat that we often don’t ask Sorcerers to pick up. However, as the Divine Soul, it is more prevalent than ever that you are able to tank a stray hit or two. Your party might be counting on you to pick them up during hard fights. The extra 40 HP tough affords you can help quite a lot. And, if you get to level 18, being able to heal an extra 20 HP with a bonus action feels great!
Best Multiclass Options for Divine Soul Sorcerers
Divine Soul sorcerers are in the unique position that they actually don’t want to multiclass to hastily. As their spell list is an intense mixture of a Charisma and Wisdom caster already, adding more to it can be difficult if not handled well. However, you have about 2-3 levels of flex spots, assuming you don’t mind losing some high-end spell slots.
The two level Fighter dip is famous for a reason. If you don’t decide to start as a Fighter, you can still get use out of Light and Medium armor proficiency. Your Fighting Style is probably Defense, and Second Wind can help you out a bit.
Then, at level 2, Action Surge comes in. And boy is it strong! The ability to cast two spells in a turn is without peer. Even on a supportcerer build, being able to heal two targets, use Twinned Spell twice to control the battlefield… The burst potential is too much to ignore.
The Hexblade Warlock offers quite a few things for a Divine Soul. Medium armor proficiency, the Hexblade Curse ability, and access to Eldritch Blast is a huge barrage of bonuses at level 1. Then, you might as well get to level 2 for Agonizing Blast and maybe something like Blindsight or Expertise in social skills.
Best Backgrounds for Divine Soul Sorcerers
This guide will be concerning itself with the mechanical best backgrounds that a Sorcerer could want. Because of that, we’re focusing more on proficiencies and features, rather than if a Divine Soul could or should fit in that background situation.
The Player Handbook Spy (or Criminal, if you feel dastardly!) background is traditionally quite strong. Deception and Stealth aren’t very necessary for a sorcerer, but having Thieves’ Tools access is quite good! You’re not the greatest lockpicker in the world, but access to Guidance makes you quite okay at it.
The gaming set and equipment is nothing to write home about, but the background brings it back with the Feature! The ability to guarantee access to a contact is more than most backgrounds can offer. Work with your DM to make this character someone that all parties will enjoy seeing and talking to/as!
If you’re able to flex your stuff, then the Investigator from Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft is a tricky one to beat. First, you get a flexible choice of skill between Insight, Investigation, or Perception. Realistically, you’re getting Perception, but the difference between Insight and Investigation is important and worth considering. We suggest Insight to make you more useful in social scenarios. Then, you get Thieves’ Tools. Again, if a rogue or another character is in your party, you still want this proficiency. Having multiple people able to blow locks open is nice! Finally, disguise fit proficiency is nice, even if the gear isn’t.
Your feature isn’t exactly stellar, either. It offers some utility in that you’re already known. But, depending on your personality, you’ll only get help from some people. Still, not a bad tool to have in the back pocket.
FAQ for the Divine Soul Sorcerer
Why is Divine Soul Sorcerer Good?
The Divine Soul Sorcerer mixes the somewhat restrictive Sorcerer spell list with the full power of the Cleric spell list. The ability for the sorcerer to use metamagic on heavy support magic is staggering, and allows for extremely potent Twinned Spell possibilities that are usually not available with the traditional spell list. Even having another character that is able to cast Healing Word makes the Divine Soul Sorcerer very unique – and potent – when compared to other Sorcerous Origins.
Can a Divine Soul Sorcerer use Cleric Scrolls?
Because of how the Divine Magic ability is worded, a Divine Soul Sorcerer may only cast Cleric spells in their spell repertoire. So, in order to cast Revivify from a scroll, the Divine Soul must first learn the spell on their spell list. That makes it a Sorcerer spell!
What Book is the Divine Soul Origin In?
The Divine Soul origin is in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, on page 50. It will be near the Shadow and Storm Sorcerer origins.

Best Divine Soul Sorcerer Build
It is perfectly reasonable to play a Divine Soul Sorcerer as a blaster caster. However, for the sake of this build, we are going to play a Supportcerer. Our party does not have a Cleric, so we need to fill in the gaps! Our DM is allowing any official book, but wants us to avoid Lineage rules, use Standard Array, and Standard starting equipment. If you are allowed to use Lineage Rules, you will want to chase down consistent Initiative bonuses and good bonus actions, like the Haregon.
Just like any support-based class, we’re very reliant on our team to know our build. Our team includes a Artificer, Barbarian, and Fighter. The Fighter and Barbarian plan on being our frontline, while the Artificer will focus on crowd control and dealing group damage.
We are going to choose to be a Satyr, using their natural Magic Resistance and Persuasion proficiency to let us spread our wings a bit. Our Satyr was a Criminal (the background) in their youth and turned to the light to repent… but kept the contact. We might not have Perception like I’d want, but we do have good stats and a large Skill spread to start.
Speaking of stats, we want to focus on Charisma, just like any Sorcerer. However, rather than investing all 15 points into it to benefit from feats, we’ll split right down the middle: 16 Dexterity and 16 Charisma. This is to allow for higher initiative in the early game so we can flex those Buff spells! If you’d prefer to focus on the lategame, then 17 Charisma and a feat with a +1 to Charisma is likely better.
Equipment really doesn’t matter. Just make sure you have some components and you’re all set. You’ll probably want to invest in Thieves’ Tools early, and nice DMs might let you trade elements of your Dungeoneer’s Pack and your extra 15 gold for it.
5E Divine Soul Sorcerer Build |
Race: SatyrAbility Scores: STR 10, DEX 16 (15 + 1), CON 13, INT 8, WIS 12, CHA 16 (14 + 2)Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, Deception, Stealth, Dice Set, Thieves’ ToolsStarting Equipment: Light Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Component Pouch, Dungeoneer’s Pack, Two Daggers, Crow Bar, Specialty Common Clothes, 15 gpLanguages: Common, Sylvian |
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Guidance, Message, Prestidigitation, Toll the Dead
Spells Known: Healing Word, Silvery Barbs, Spiritual Weapon, Haste, Mass Healing Word, Counterspell, Revivify, Banishment, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance, Hold Monster, Greater Restoration, Heal, Regenerate, Power Word Stun, Wish
Level | Class Benefits | Choices |
1 | -1st Level Spells -Divine Magic -Favored by the Gods | Hope you weren’t done with making choices! You’ve still got a lot to go.Godly Alignment. All four options have merit, but our decision will be Law. Bless is a very useful spell early on. The Sorcerer and our party all need attack rolls to hit if we want to stay alive!Cantrips. Since we invested so heavily into Dexterity, our Light Crossbow does a ton of damage and has the same accuracy as a Fire Bolt. For now, let’s just lean on this crossbow. We can therefore dedicate all four slots to supportive cantrips! Let’s get Dancing Lights for our vision issues, Guidance for out-of-combat aid, Message for communication, and Prestidigitation for all-around usefulness. Spells. We have to take Healing Word as the party’s healer. Keeping people off the ground is so important, but so is dishing out deeps! We’ll also take Sleep to potentially end fights early. If you don’t like the high-rolling nature of Sleep, you can take Ice Knife, since it combos well with Favored by the Gods. As a side-note, since we’re probably never investing in Mage Armor, it is very important to stay far away from enemies. 13 AC isn’t abysmal, but it’s far from where you want to be. |
2 | -Font of Magic | We are likely in a fairly good spot for now, so we’ll just add a new spell to our list! Let’s consider taking Silvery Barbs as a nice support Reaction for when a creature hits our ally. It even has out-of-combat uses. |
3 | -2nd Level Spells -Metamagic | Alright, back to a handful of choices.Spells. Sleep is starting to become a bit lackluster. Let’s tag it out. Since our campaign has a lot of Humanoids in it, we’ll grab Hold Person to deal with them. For our second spell, we’ll yoink Spiritual Weapon to have a strong spell as a Bonus Action. Metamagic. Metamagic is quite important for our Sorcerer. We’ll gladly take Distant Spell so our buffs and healing can reach far targets and Extended Spell to keep those buffs active longer. |
4 | -Ability Score Improvements | Sadly, because I decided to take a 16/16 spread, we’ll be taking a +2 to Charisma here. Yeah, a bit boring. But, to be an effective Supportcerer, our Debuffs have to land consistently.For spells, let’s grab Web. A huge area denial tool that applies the Restrained condition is a good idea. Just try to let the Fighter and Barbarian of our party have something to do!For our Cantrip, we’ll finally take an attack. Toll the Dead is our choice, since it deals a lot of damage on a weird saving throw. |
5 | -3rd Level Spells | This is a rough level. There are a million spells that we are interested in and we can get 1 or 2 at most. Because we have a Barbarian, Haste is extremely important for getting them into a fight fast and hard.At this point, we are going to drop Bless from our spell list. It isn’t a bad spell; we just have enough stuff to Concentrate on that we’ll look elsewhere. Mass Healing Word is a hyper-efficient spell that can pick your entire party up from unconsciousness and still give you an Action to fight back with.I’m usually a huge fan of Fireball, but it’s important to trust our Artificer to do their job and clear rooms for us. We don’t have the Spells Known to take on both a supportive and aggressive role without falling behind on one of them! |
6 | -Empowered Healing | While our class feature may be mediocre, it is fine for Short Rest situations that we may run into. If we think our Artificer is having trouble, here is the point that we can take Fireball. If we think our Fighter or Barbarian is having trouble getting into fights, we can take Fly. However, we aren’t having too much trouble there. So, we’ll take Counterspell. Some spells can completely cripple our party, so being able to say “No” is going to be very, very important. |
7 | -4th Level Spells | This is a strange level on both spell lists where there frankly isn’t too much to do. For the sake of our build, we’ll take Banishment. Banishment and Polymorph both do similar things, but targeting Charisma saving throws will usually do us more good than Wisdom.At this point, it is important to think about whether or not you’re going to want to drop Hold Person. The spell is extremely strong, but only against Humanoids. If the campaign seems like you’ll consistently fight that enemy group, then keep it. Our enemy groups aren’t always Humanoid and the spell hasn’t been cast in a while. So. we’ll drop it for Revivify. This is important since it lets us cast the spell from scrolls. |
8 | -Ability Score Improvement | Once again, we’ll reluctantly take a +2 to Charisma. 20 Charisma is a gigantic milestone that we’d be remiss to miss. For our spell, we do want to have some options for level 4 magic. Banishment is a superb spell for temporarily removing a threat, but it’s not something you want to use in every fight. Divination could be good to have, though we’d need the Ritualist feat to cast it efficiently. Instead, we’ll take Raulothim’s Psychic Lance, a hyper-aggressive spell that could let us win a fight against a tough, non-Intelligent target.Let’s take a look at our spells briefly: Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Guidance, Message, Prestidigitation, Toll the Dead Spells Known: Healing Word, Silvery Barbs, Spiritual Weapon, Revivify, Haste, Mass Healing Word, Counterspell, Banishment, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance Keen readers may notice that we only have 1 option for a 2nd level spell. This is fine for two reasons: We have a great gameplan in heightening Healing Word to level 2 to revive people, and Spiritual Weapon is a nuts spell that doesn’t use Concentration and is consistent damage. Otherwise, our options at each level are pretty stellar. |
9 | -5th Level Spells | Like we talked about earlier, we’re in a good spot with all of our magic. So, stepping into 5th level spells, we must consider a few solid options. Hold Monster is our choice, after a bit of debate. The ability to lock down a creature is just too enticing, even if they do get multiple saves at it. And the higher-level use of it is incredibly potent. Remember, since we’re supporting melee fighters and an Artificer, Paralysis can be the end of a monster’s life immediately! |
10 | -New Metamagic | We get a new spell and some metamagic? Sold! Spells. Since we’re still happy with our spell list in general, we can safely get a supportive spell. Raise Dead or Greater Restoration is a legitimately difficult choice. Since we already know Revivify, we’ll go with the option that protects our party slightly more effectively. Dispel Magic scrolls can help staunch the bleeding, but it’s not exactly perfect. Cantrip. We’ll go easy and just take Mage Hand. As we approach the midgame, cantrips for out-of-combat situations go from useful to crucial. Let’s levitate important stuff right to us! Metamagic. Twinned Spell. Using Spell Points to double-up on spells like Greater Restoration or Heal (or even Revivify, gods help you) is very nice. |
11 | -6th Level Spells | At level 6, we get Heal, one of the best support spells in the game. I’ve been very iffy about taking healing magic in the past, since it only heals up to 5d8+5 HP before now. 70 HP is just way too much, and it’s always consistent. |
12 | -Ability Score Improvement | Ooh! Finally, a level where we can take a Feat. We’ll go with Inspiring Leader. Providing a current overshield of 17 HP per party member on a Short Rest is wonderful. Our Fighter should be short resting quite often, so keeping them all topped off will be beneficial.We no longer get spells known, so it’s important to look deep at our list and make sure we’re getting the best use out of spells on it. I’m quite happy with how it looks visibly, but if you find that your party does better with Hold Monster than Raulothim’s, and you’d prefer another 4th level spell, then that’s not a bad thing! Go with what your party needs at the time. Even doing something like learning a 2nd level or 3rd level spell that upcasts to 4th level well can be a handy use of those spell slots. |
13 | -7th Level Spells | Our 7th level pool of spells is odd. Because we have Twinned Spell, we can experiment with magic like Power Word Pain, Finger of Death, or Resurrection. However, our experiment will actually be on Regenerate. By using Twinned Spell with Regenerate, we not only heal two people for 4d8+15, but give both of them 1 hitpoint at the start of each round. That might not sound significant. However, as long as you don’t get kicked while unconscious, 1 HP per round is enough to pick you back up. Your Fighter and Barbarian now require focused attention to be killed while on the ground. And attacks aimed at them are not attacks aimed at you! We are putting a ton of stock into our Fighter and Barbarian with this build… So hopefully, they can deal the damage to carry fights! |
14 | -Otherworldly Wings | No spells this level! I don’t feel like trading anything out, as our current list uses our spell slots quite cleanly. Feel free to trade out something like Banishment if your party doesn’t synergize well with it for something like Wall of Fire. However, our party is doing quite well! |
15 | -8th Level Spells | Twinned Power Word Stun is a little too funny to ignore, really. Targeting Constitution is a bit difficult for lategame, and you can grab Dominate Monster if that’s a problem. However, if you read a 150 HP monster (or two of them), then stunning them with no save to get around Legendary Resistance is… Good. It’s pretty good. |
16 | -Ability Score Improvement | Another feat! We’ll go with the nice and simple Chef feat. We get to bump our Constitution up by 1 and provide some nourishing treats for our allies! While not as impressive as our Inspiring Leader, who can complain about an extra six 6-HP bonus goodies? |
17 | -9th Level Spells-New Metamagic | The choice is even harder than usual for this level. However, Wish is just too powerful. However, while it is a very, very strong spell, don’t let that keep you from trying other options. Power Word Heal and Power Word Kill are both interesting when used with Metamagic in mind. A Twinned PWH can save two friends instantly. Twinned PWK on a good read can instantly end two threats. But, Wish just gets too much value! |
18 | -Unearthly Recovery | Excellent, some healing! Well-earned.Take one last look at our spell list. Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Guidance, Message, Prestidigitation, Toll the DeadSpells Known: Healing Word, Silvery Barbs, Spiritual Weapon, Haste, Mass Healing Word, Counterspell, Revivify, Banishment, Raulothim’s Psychic Lance, Hold Monster, Greater Restoration, Heal, Regenerate, Power Word Stun, Wish As much as we want this guide to be about being the best build, we also want to ensure that, to make a good build, you need to know what your party needs. For instance, this build might need to replace Counterspell with Fly at some point, if the Barbarian and Fighter are struggling in melee fights. Raulothim’s Psychic Lance or Revivify might be a Fireball if the Artificer struggles with clearing rooms. Pay attention to what your party needs. The Divine Soul Sorcerer has a huge boon in its very adept spell list and a gigantic curse in filling out the party’s weaknesses. Wear both hats with caution and learn what your party can and can’t do. |
19 | -Ability Score Improvement | A weird level for us. +2 Dexterity is even in contention! However, we’ll just scoop up Tough. +2 HP per level on the healer is good, especially since we’re starting with a d6! In the endgame, this will hopefully let us dodge some rather bloody encounters. |
20 | -Sorcerous Restoration | No more choices. Thank goodness! Enjoy the power of the Divine Soul. |
Conclusion – Our Take on the Divine Soul Sorcerer
That wraps up our Divine Soul Sorcerer 5E Guide. The Divine Soul Sorcerer might be one of the most versatile casters in the game. Access to two spell lists is one thing, but they get another known spell, some great defensive abilities, and can even boost healing significantly! It’s not going to replace a full-blown cleric anytime soon, but as an off-healer – maybe with a Paladin or Druid in the party – the Divine Soul sorcerer subclass can more than make up for lost ground. If you’re looking for a support that can dish out damage when needed, this might be your best option.