Bugbear Names Guide | Examples and Naming Conventions for 5E
Bugbears are the third Goblinoid race introduced in Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Huge, furry creatures, bugbears are likely the most threatening looking creatures in a goblin war band. At a glance, they might even seem like the leaders of the armies; they are larger than hobgoblins, arguably tougher and meaner than them as well. They are the brutal frontlines of the goblinoid horde; Any villages that fall under the feet of a goblin attack will have to deal with the ruthlessness of the bugbear. So, then, since bugbears are plentiful and important… they must get names, right? Our Bugbear Names guide will help you find a name for them.

Table of Contents
Bugbear Names 5E Guide
Bugbears’ appearances are actually quite deceptive. Their attitudes and behaviors in wartime hide a slightly less impressive life out of war. They are communal creatures, and quite good at hunting in packs… but they are also lazy, to the point where they will fall asleep if not actively hurting something. Names are rather important for bugbears, then, because they are pack hunters that need to be woken up… All. The. Time.
How Are Bugbears Named?
Bugbears live and breathe violence. When they are not fighting or intimidating a creature, they are eating or sleeping. Bugbears will use intimidation to do nearly anything; agriculture, building, crafting, etc. If another creature can do their job for them, then a bugbear will do as much as they can to make that creature do it.
Despite this lackadaisical nature, bugbears are vicious. They are ambush predators with massive bursts of overwhelming energy to destroy their opponents. They are sprinters, essentially; able to chase and destroy a creature quickly, but incapable of exceedingly long combats. A person who sneaks up on a bugbear will see an entirely different beast than one who meets them on the battlefield.
Bugbears actually have a pretty small population. They group in small packs called “gangs,” which are family-based. These are nomadic groups with a few favored dens or caves. These gangs have fantastic synergy, and even healthy trade amongst other groups. But, they have no political influence at all, and do as much for the world as a pack of wolves. And, if the gang is endangered or targetted, bugbears will do whatever it takes to keep themselves alive. Exile and leaving-behind is absolutely common among gangs.
Bugbears actually have gods. Hruggek is the might of the bugbear, and Grankhul is the trickster. These two entities are worshipped without much vigor; bugbears simply look up to them, and worship by dedicating battle victories to them. Bugbears also fear the gods that destroyed the goblin pantheon; Maglubiyet and Skiggaret. Maglubiyet is the ruler of all Goblin Gods, and Skiggaret is essentially the boogeyman of the bugbears.
See Also: Beholder Names Guide
Examples of Bugbear Names
Bugbears are the most simple of the Goblin races. They are little more than beasts, not willing to establish a culture of their own. Therefore, when making a bugbear, a consideration must be made about the simple naming structure that they would employ; 1-3 syllables, guttural noises, able to be spoken quickly in an emergency. Male and female bugbears would be named rather similarly, perhaps with a softer tone for females.
Bugbear Names
- Blogus
- Bulkar
- Grol
- Diggonn
- Rirgonn
- Ghar
- Vath Vun
- Ghurk
- Stun
- Thergimkk
- Chragork
And that’s it for our bugbear guide. Interested in making a bugbear? Try them out as a Fighter or Paladin!