Super Mario RPG Yoshi Race Timing | How Do I Win?
Super Mario RPG is here, and the mini games you’ve come to known and love (or hate) are here too! One of the mini games that players have had the most trouble with is the Yoshi race on Yo’ster Island. There is more than pride on the line, as Boshi will challenge you for some coveted cookies as well. the key to winning is figuring out the timing this mini game, but that can be easier said than done. Let’s dive in with our Super Mario RPG Yoshi race timing guide.

Understanding the Yoshi Race
This race is not complex, especially on the surface. Once the race starts, you manage Yoshi’s speed by tapping the A and B buttons. this isn’t just a measure of who can mash buttons the fastest, though. You will need to match the correct rhythm to travel at optimal speed. tapping too fast or too slowly will only cause you to grind to a halt.
The tutorial lays out these rules, and it also suggests that you listen to the rhythm of the music to best time out when to press the buttons. We suggest you ignore this advice. From our experience, the music and the flashing A and B buttons on the screen do not line up perfectly. Your focus should be on the visual change between buttons, and we recommend muting the game and ignoring the music if you struggle with it on.
Is the Trial Run Busted?
One area that reddit users in particular have complained about is the helpfulness of going through practice runs with Toad. While we can’t confirm a bug exists, it appears from our own experience and from reports from other users that Toad is much harder on you during training than Boshi is during the race itself.
When you practice with Toad, he will shake his head disapprovingly if you mess up the timing. However, in our view it is possible to have a run that will both disappoint Toad and be fast enough to win. Our takeaway is that you don’t need to wait to try the real thing until you’ve mastered your training sessions with Toad!
Forget the Pattern, Eat Cookies
Don’t forget that you really don’t need to be the fastest to win here if you don’t want to. You can feed Yoshi cookies to boost his speed and win this race running away.
Which approach did you take? Let us know in the comment section below.