Control Outfits Unlock Guide | Unlock All Control Outfits
Remedy is out with their new release Control, and the supernatural thriller has received great reviews to date. One of the fun aspects of the game is the ability to customize. Specifically, main character Jesse Faden has 10 different and unique clothing outfits that can be unlocked in the game. Want to know how to get them? Keep reading our Control Outfits Unlock Guide for more info.

Control Outfits Unlock Guide
First thing’s first: you can only change your outfit at the Central Executive’s Control Point. While there are other control points, they do not allow for an outfit change. Here’s how to unlock all outfits on control:
1. Civilian
This is the basic, default outfit that you will begin the game with.
2. Janitor’s Assistant
You can get your hands on this outfit by completing the side missions for the janitor, Ahti. Just keep visiting Ahti’s office until you receive and complete “What a Mess.”
3. Asynchronous Suit
You need to complete the “Self-Reflection” side mission to unlock this outfit. However, do note that the Asynchronous Suit won’t be automatically added to your Outfits and you’ll need to pick it up. To do so, you need to head over to the Synchronicity Lab and the area with a lot of mannequins standing together.
4. Director’s Suit
Just complete the game to unlock the Director’s Suit.
5. Office Assistant
You must complete the game to unlock the Office Assistant suit.
6. Candidate P7
To discover this outfit, head to the Containment Sector. Navigate to the P7 room in the Prime Candidate Program area. You will find the outfit inside the cupboard.
7. Golden Suit
The final outfit that you can unlock in Remedy’s Control requires requires finding the Research Sector and the Luck & Probability area. Level 05 Security Clearance is required to get there. Once get level 5 clearance, head inside the Level 05 room and beat the Luck & Probability puzzle to unlock the golden suit.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that wraps up our Control Outfit Unlocks Guide. Any questions? Hit us up in the comment section below.