Angel Station Hotel – A Blacklist Guide
If you are diving into season 1 of The Blacklist, you may be curious about the significance of the term “Angel Station.” The questions surrounding the Angel Station Hotel are one of the interesting early mysteries that surround Liz and Tom’s relationship. Get the whole story here at Nerds and Scoundrels.

Angel Station Hotel
The first mention of “Angel Station” comes from a ballistic report. The report was discovered by Elizabeth Keen during her trip to the FBI Evidence Storage Facility. The ballistics report was labeled “Angel Station” and dated June 23, 2012.
Back at home, Tom walks in on Liz attempting to search online for “Angel Station.” She crosses out the phrase but leaves the date, which Tom sees. However, he assumes she has the date written down because of a romantic trip to Boston they both took on that date. Soon after, Tom tells Liz that he has booked a long weekend at the same place they went for that weekend in 2012. Only then does Liz realize the restaurant connected to the hotel is named the Angel Station Hotel.
That’s right, that places Liz AND Tom in proximity of the Angel Station Hotel Boston the weekend of the classified murder.
What Really Happened?
To date, it remains a mystery. What we know is that the classified murder investigation was into the death of an intelligence source, Victor Fokin. Fokin was was killed at the Angel Station Hotel the weekend Liz and Tom traveled to Boston for Tom’s interview, and they stayed at the hotel connected to the restaurant where murder took place. What’s more, Tom was seen entering the restaurant at the time of the murder. The murder weapon was ultimately found in Tom’s secret box, as well.
That said, the only prints on the gun found were Gina’s, and she was seen coming and going from the restaurant together. Did the two act together? Were they working for Red?
Who Killed Victor Fokin?
We don’t know for sure, but Gina took credit at one point. However, according to Reddington she did it only to “protect Tom,” implying he was responsible or at least involved. With Tom dead, there’s no guarantee we ever know for sure who committed the murder at the Angel Station Hotel.
Nerds and Scoundrels
And that’s our rundown of the Angel Station Hotel storyline from the first season of The Blacklist. Are all of your questions answered? We hope so. Either way, let us know what you think in the comment section below. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our Blacklist content (Like our deep dive into Katarina Rostova!) here at Nerds and Scoundrels.