How to Uppercut a Non Red Reaper in Vampire Survivors
There are plenty of homages to other famous video games in Vampire Survivors. One of those is the ability to unlock “Toastie,” a shoutout to the uppercut graphic from Mortal Kombat. Unlocking toastie isn’t so simple, as you are asked to “uppercut a non red reaper.” What does that even mean? Let’s dive into our guide to find out.

Uppercut a Non Red Reaper Walkthrough
There are several steps you’ll need to take before you can unlock Toastie. In fact, you’ll need to unlock another character before you ever get to complete this achievement. The first step in the process involves first unlocking Exdash.
Unlocking Exdash
Despite what some forums tell you, it is not necessary to play as Exdash to secure Toastie. You have the option to play any character of your choice when you uppercut a non red reaper. The critical thing is that Exdash is unlocked. Once that happens, you are good to continue!
Unlocking Exdash is easy if you know how. In fact, it is as simple as using a cheat code. Just type x-x1viiq
on the main menu or while using the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane.
What Am I Supposed to Uppercut?
The hints here are confusing, given that you do not actually need to punch anything to unlock Toastie. While the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane describe it as an uppercut, this is just a reference to the uppercut graphic from the classic Mortal Kombat. All you need to do is defeat the correct enemy in any way you see fit. There are multiple Reapers in the game. As you might have guessed, you need to defeat one other than the red type. These options include:
- Green: The Stalker
- Blue: The Drowner
- Purple: The Trickster
There are plenty of places where you can find these non-red reapers; we generally recommend Boss Rash. Each of these monsters are tough, although having the Pentagram weapon equipped will simplify things. Beat one of these reapers and there’s only one step left!
Hit Down and Enter When You See the Pink Ghost
Once you have defeated a non-red reaper, a pink ghost will pop up on your screen in the lower-right corner. Hey, another homage to Mortal Kombat! If you are familiar with that game, you know what comes next. Quickly press the Down button and Enter at the same time. You only have a moment to do this so act quickly, as you’ll need to press the buttons while the pink ghost is visible. Doing so unlocks Toastie!
Be sure that you are hitting the down arrow in the keyboard as opposed the “S” button, even if you normally navigate using WASD keys. Doing all of this correctly should trigger a sound to confirm you’ve unlocked this achievement.
Can You Uppercut a Non-Red Reaper on iOS
As you might have discovered, this feat is not as simple when you are playing on an iOS device due to the lack of keyboard. The same issue is present anyone playing on a console without a keyboard handy. If you lack a keyboard, there is not currently an option for unlocking Toastie by uppercutting a non-red reaper. However, you can unlock this achievement in another way.
The key for iOS users is the “spell” mechanic. This system of cheat codes can be used to unlock all manner of things, including Toastie. You can reach the Secrets menu and begin casting spells once you have obtained the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane. To cast this spell and unlock Toastie, you’ll need to type in the spell “tramezzini” in the Secrets menu. Don’t forget this is only an option after Ex-Dash has been unlocked.
That’s it for our guide to uppercutting a non-red reaper in Vampire Surivors. Were you able to figure this one out? Let us know in the comment section below.
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